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  1. Looks like this issue has been around for a while... has anyone heard an update?
  2. Chances are, no mater what the eventual storage permission solution will be, we will keep the stash SG. Mostly because of space. We just have waaaay to many IOs to house under one roof.

    We actually are about to break our stash bins into several other stash SGs. The ultimate goal would be to have one SG for "Brute\Stalker Set IOs" one for "Corrupter" (we have a lot of corrupters) and one for "Dominator\MM Set IOs".

    There will be many Sets that appear in multiple SG bases.

    As it is right now, our main base is full (mostly common IOs with three full bins of 15\20 set IOs), our Stash base is almost full, and our secondary\Tertiary stash bases are almost full (though they only have enough prestige for one bin right now).
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    A "search all storage items" would be nice.

    An export items lists to text file for storage would be a major QoL addition. (saves a text file with list of items in all storage units)

    Export base log to file (for off line use).

    A longer log file than 100 entries.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All of these would be a great improvement. I have a chat channel set up for our SG members that lists available recipes\IOs from our stash SG (which is in our coalition) using the MoTD for the channel.

    Maintaining this list becomes very tiresome and takes a lot of time. If I could export a list of IOs from the storage bins, I would be able to update the channel MoTD in minutes rather then hours.

    As for exporting the base logs, that would be awesome because it would allow us to better decide who should get access to the stash base. Access to our stash base is based on contributions to the stash.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Yet you rarely see requests for stores or the auction house to be sortable.
    I think a default sort like the stores have combined with a filter "show only enhancers I can use" (which stores would also benefit from) would be a good first step.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I would agree 100 percent, this too would be a great QoL improvement.
  5. <QR>
    I am not sure if this is classified as a "Base Issue" or not. I would love it if we could see the info of a stored item without having to remove it from the bin.

    The main reason for this is that, once you have orginized your bins, people will often remove an item to check the info and then put it back. This will now make it such that all your hard work re-orginizing the bin is destroyed.

    I guess the underlying request here is for a way to better keep a "sort order", but that would be much more difficult as one person may prefer a different method of sorting (Accuracy first, then damage, then recharge, then deffense, etc. Vrs. "alphabetical" or something like that). Instead, I would like to remove the need for people to take things out of the bin just to see the info.
  6. what the + does at the begining of the bind is two fold. First it tells the system to execute the whole line twice, once for key down and once for key up.

    The second thing it des is on key down it will attempt to execute the command after the + with a 1 as the parameter. On the up it will attempt to execute the command with a 0 as a paramter.
  7. I have looked through the first couple of pages and did not see any guide describing the features of the Chat Tabs. I figured, since it took me several months to figure out, it would probably be a good “quick” guide to write for newbies.

    First, let me describe the lay of the land so to speak.

    When you first start a new toon your chat window will be in two sections, a top and a bottom each containing Chat Tabs. In addition, you have 4 other windows you can put Chat Tabs on. These are represented by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 that are at the top of your two section main chat window. If any of these additional windows is open, then the number representing that window will be green. If any of these additional windows is closed, the number will be grey.

    Like most windows in the game, each one of these additional Chat Windows will have a "Dock" button in the top left hand corner you can click on and off. When docked the window will sit on top of your main, two level, chat window. When undocked, you can resize and reposition the window wherever you want. Also, there is a button on the top right of the window that will close the window. To re-open a window all you need to do is click the number that represents the window.

    Let’s go ahead and create our first Chat Tab. Is your number 4 green? If so, click it off and on again so you can see which window it is associated with. If the number 4 is grey, just click it to open the #4 window. Now that you have identified which window is the #4 window, make sure it is not docked to your main chat window. What you should now see is a “free floating” window with a button in the middle of it having the caption “Add Tab”. Go ahead and click that button.

    After clicking this button you will see a new window appear. This is the “Tab Edit” window. Later in the guide we will discuss how you get to this window for an existing tab, for now lets discuss how to use this window. You should see two lists separated by a column of buttons down the center. The list on the right will be a list of channels available to you. The list on the left will be a list of channels associated with the tab you are currently editing…since this is a new tab the left hand list will be empty. In addition, there will be a “text box” at the top of the window you can use to change the name of the tab you are currently editing…again, since this is a new tab that text box will be empty.

    Go ahead and locate the Rewards channel in the right hand list, click on it, and add it to your left hand list using the buttons in the middle of the window. Notice how the title of your tab has now changed to Rewards? By default the window will name your tab after the first channel you add to the tab. You can change this name to whatever you want provided you don’t have an existing tab already created using the same name. For now, let’s leave the name of this tab “Rewards”.

    Ok, now that you know how to add a channel to your tab, lets go ahead and add the following channels to this tab, I will explain what they are for in a bit:

    Notice when you added the Local channel to your left hand list it appeared slightly different then the other ones? It is the only one that has a (default) next to its entry. This will become important later when we discuss the Active Tab feature, for now it’s enough to know that any Chat Tab can only have one default channel, and the channel must be a channel you can chat to (Like Team, Local, Super Group, Global, Etc.)

    Now let’s describe each of the channels you have added to this tab:

    Rewards: this is the channel where the system will display all the XP, Inf, Prestige, Salvage drops, and recipe drops. Basically, when you add this channel to your tab, anything you get as a reward will show up as a line of text in this tab when you receive it.

    System: This channel will display all system messages. It is good to have this channel with your rewards channel because the game will alert you about “killed mobs” through this channel. So, if you want to know what gave you the reward, you will need to have this channel in your tab.

    Error: I find that my rewards tab is a good place to put this channel, as it doesn’t get a lot of traffic, but if something does come across this channel I usually want to know about it. Since my Rewards window is always up (I keep mine near the top center of my screen) I will always see it. Most people will never see an error, but if you ever get into binds or slash commands this is where you will see any error messages resulting from them.

    Local: This channel should be familiar to anyone, as this is the channel the game will start you off in. This is how you communicate to people in your immediate vicinity. The reason I have it on my rewards tab is mostly because I needed a place for my Default Local channel, which we will go into when we discuss Active Tabs.

    Once you have finished adding the channels to this tab click OK (or is it save…I am doing this from memory right now, but will check and update the guide later). Congratulations, you have set up your first Tab. Now let’s set up another one so we can discuss the Active Tab feature.

    Let’s go ahead and identify the #1 window the same way we identified the #4 window earlier. Once you know which window the #1 window is, make sure it is docked and visible. That is to say the 1 should be green and the #1 window should be attached to the main, two level, chat window.

    If you have any Tabs on the #1 window (that is to say, you don’t see a “Add Tab” button in the window), let’s go ahead and delete them so we are on the same page. To do that, right click on the Tab, find, and select the delete tab option in the Pop Up menu.

    Now, click the Add Tab button in window #1. This time, the first channel you should add is the Team channel. Again, notice that this has become the default channel and the name for a Tab has changed to “Team”. The first “chat-able” channel you add to a Tab will always become the default channel of the tab (you can always change the default channel by selecting the channel in your left hand list and clicking the “Set Default” button in the center of the window). Now, add the following channels…I won’t describe what they are for as that should be obvious by there name:

    Super Group
    Private Message
    NPC Dialog

    When you have finished, click the OK or Save button.

    Now you have two tabs set up, so we can discuss the Active Tab feature. Go ahead and right click on any of the chat windows. The first few items on the Pop Up menu should be channel names…if they aren’t you most likely right clicked directly on one of the tabs, try again heh heh. As I was saying, you should now see a list of channels. If you click on any of these channels you will change the channel that you are chatting to when you chat. Somewhere near the bottom of this list you should see an Entry for “Active Tab”…click it.

    What this means is that the default channel in the Active tab will now be the channel you chat to when you chat. You can change your active tab by clicking on it. Remember, we set our Rewards Tab up so that the Local channel is the default channel for that tab. Go ahead and click on it. Local should now be the channel you use when chatting. If you click on the Team tab in window #1 you will now be using the Team Channel to chat with.

    I typically have at least three Tabs set up in my window #1 each with the same channels in it, differing only by default channel so I can easily switch between those channels.

    Let’s take a moment to discuss the Main, two level, chat window before we continue. The game will automatically set up a bunch of tabs for you in section of your main chat window. What I usually do is either move each of these “default tabs” to the top section of the main chat window by dragging and dropping them from the bottom section to the top section. (either that, or just delete them entirely). What this does is remove the bottom section of your main chat window. You can always get it back by dragging and dropping another tab back onto the main chat window and select the bottom section option.

    Now, what I usually do is edit each of the tabs in the Main Chat window so that they contain only one channel. For instance, I set up one tab for SG only, Team Only, PM only, coalition Only, and Global (although I have a couple of channels in my Global tab…The Market chanel, the Global channel, and the Areana channel). This is because, sometimes there is so much activity from various different channels I end up missing things. All I need to do is look at the “only” tab to see what I missed.

    The reason I consolidate the main window into one section is mostly to save space. You see, you can hide your main chat window by clicking the little triangle that should be directly to the right of the 1 2 3 4 numbers in your main chat window (just be aware that when you do this it will close your #1 window, so you may have to click on the number 1 to get it back).

    Since we are using our #1 window as our main method of chatting, we don’t need the Main Chat Window, unless you want to check out the Global channel, or you missed something from your main chat windows because there was lots of activity from various different channels.
  8. Its been a while, so you may have to do some searching yourself. Your solution lies in creating two bind files (file1.txt, file2.txt).

    The first bind file will load the second.

    The concept of the bind is that each file will represent a "key down"(File1.txt) or "Key Up"(file2.txt) event respectively.

    File1.txt will contain one line (I think this is it, a good place to check on syntax is Curveballs bind guide):

    F "+down$$-down$$ToggleOn Weave$$Bind_Load_File C:\File2.txt"

    File2.txt will contain one line that looks like this:

    F "+down$$-down$$ToggleOn tough$$Bind_Load_File C:\File1.txt"

    When you have created these files, type /bind_load_file C:\file1.txt
  9. Thnx, I hope you find this usefull. Again, if you want a copy of all my bind files I can e-mail them to you along with some set up instructions. I already have the need to write some .BAT files or a seperate aplication to "re-map" keys in the bind files for a friend of mine. When I have the time I will do that and include them (it) in the e-mail.

    When I find the time I will also finish this guide with the rest of my binds...but time is a valuable commodity high in demand right now.
  10. I can't agree with you more. Combine this concept with the Immob powers and you have a recipe for victory. Devide and Concur. If you can immob half of the opposing force and get out of their LoS (Line Of Sight), and "pull" the remaining force you have just mitagated half of the incoming damage.

    This concept holds true for all of your above expamples (High Ground, Choke Point, Etc.)

    Mobility and proper use of terain can mean the difference between a complete team wipe and a successfull mission.
  11. Not a bad idea. I have re-mapped just about all of them I think. There is really no ryme or reason behind which keys are mapped to which buttons, which has been a nightmare for maintanance. I suspect it may actualy be detrimental to use my Nostromo Profile. The important thing is that no keys are repeated (except maybe the Cord Keys and movement keys like Jump and the directional D-Pad) between Color shifts.

    Of course, If anyone wanted to use my bind files "out of the box" as it were, they would need to use my Nostromo Profile as well. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to e-mail my profile and bind files for anyone that wants to use them "out of the box". I don't subscribe to any service that would allow me to post them to link too, and am not sure I want to. (So far, I have been very careful with what I subscribe to and have managed to keep a relatively spam free e-mail address for almost two years now heh heh)
  12. [u] [WARNING, VERY LONG POST] [u]

    For the past three years I have been perfecting my binds. I am writing this guide because I think I have almost got them where I want them, and wanted to post them so others that are bind savvy can take a look at them (and maybe even adapt them for their own purposes). But mostly I wanted to make an easy to read guide about what is possible in CoX using binds.

    I will only list the effects of the binds, not the actual binds themselves. If you are interested in how to do these yourself, let me know and I will either post instructions or PM them to you. Many of them are very complex binds requiring many different files.

    Must have a Nostromo (or similar gamepad) and a seven button mouse.

    Mouse Button Definitions (Verbose):
    My mouse has seven buttons. I will identify the first three buttons as Left Click, Right Click, Middle Mouse button (wheel button). There are two mouse buttons on the left side of the mouse and two mouse buttons on the right side of the mouse. I will designate the left two mouse buttons as mouse1 (the left side button furthest away from you) and mouse2 (the left side button closest to you). The right two buttons will be designated as mouse3 (the right side button furthest away from you) and mouse 4 (the right side button closest to you).

    Mouse Button Definitions (Reference list):
    <ul type="square"> [*] Left Click:...................standard Left mouse button[*] Right Click:.................standard Right mouse button[*] Middle Mouse Button:...standard mouse wheel button[*] Mouse1:......................the left side button furthest away from you[*] Mouse2:......................the left side button closest to you[*] Mouse3.......................right side button furthest away from you[*] Mouse4.......................the right side button closest to you[/list]
    A Note on the Nostromo:
    The Nostromo is A KICK [censored] GAME PAD FOR CoX!!!!! At first, however, I absolutely hated it. It took me a very long time to train myself to not use WASD For movement.

    For those of you who are not in the know, the Nostromo layout looks kind of like this…

    [u] NOSTROMO LAYOUT: [u]

    [01] [02][03][04][05]
    [06] [07][08][09][10]
    [11] [12][13][14]_______-[21]-

    -------------------------[ 20 ]

    The [number] represent buttons, and the ^, &lt;, &gt;, V represents the D-Pad for movement. There is also a scroll wheel in there, but I don’t use it because (at least for my nostromo) it’s crap.

    Now, the nostromo allows you to assign “color shifts” to buttons (Green Shift, Blue Shift, Red Shift). You can either program the shifts to be a toggle, or momentary. As a Toggle, you press the color shift button once and stay in that color shift. Press it again and you go back to normal. As a momentary shift, you press and hold the color shift button to shift into that color. When you release the color shift button you will return to normal mode. All my color shifts are momentary.

    These color shifts allow you to have a different key bound to the button depending on which color mode you are in. Effectively allowing four different Keys per button (one for each color and one for normal mode)….combine that with the two “cord keys” in CoX (Alt and Ctrl) and you have a total of 8 things one button can do. Multiply that by the number of buttons you have (subtracting the number of keys to shift your color and the “cord keys”) and you get something crazy like 88 possible powers or binds you can have mapped to your Nostromo. Of course, some of the button combinations will not be physically possible (or comfortable\easy to press) so the actual number of usuable button combinations is less then that.

    For the purposes of this Guide I will be referring to the above Nostromo diagram. I have color coded my shift buttons in the diagram. When I refer to a button in this guide I will refer to it like this: [05] (this would be the upper most right button). When I refer to the button in a “color shift” I will preface the [05] with a letter indicating what color state I mean. For instance G[05] means the top right button in the green state. My cord buttons are indicated by color as well. Purple is my Ctrl button, and Yellow is my Alt button. My cord buttons do not change from one color shift to another (except in the blue state my Ctrl button is Right Ctrl instead of Left Ctrl).

    Common Binds

    Map:.............................................. ............................................B[6] (equates to Right Control. This is the only time a “cord key” changes in color shifts)
    Jump:............................................. ........................................... [02]
    Sprint:........................................... .............................................Ctrl+ [08]
    Camera Rotate:........................................... .................................G[07]
    Auto Run:.............................................. ......................................G[02]
    Info $target........................................... ......................................G[ 20 ]
    Combat Jumping (for toons that have it):..........................................[21]
    Fly (for toons that have it):.............................................. ..............Ctrl+[02]

    Say “WATCH OUT!!!! $target.”:........................................ ................B[05]
    Say “hmmm…$target”:................................... .................................Alt+B[05]
    Say “Tactical Retreat”:......................................... ..........................B[04]
    Say “Charge NO FEAR!!!!”:........................................ .......................Alt+B[05]
    Say “RUN…SAVE YOURSELVES!!!!”:.................................. ..................[ 20 ]
    Say “I am Stunned\Held and need help.”:........................................... Alt+ [ 20 ]
    Say “I could use Increase Density or Clear Mind if you get a chance”......Ctrl+ [ 20 ]
    Say “I can use Speed Boost if you get a chance.”...............................B[ 20 ]
    Say “Careful $target, Don’t Kill that!!! Its an anchor”...........................Alt+B[ 20 ]
    Say “$target, needs a heal.............................................. ...............B[10]
    Say “Gather up for [insert pbAoE power1]”.......................................B[08]
    Say “Gather up for [insert pbAoE power2]”.......................................Alt+B[08]
    Say “Incoming Ambush!!!”........................................ .....................B[21]
    Say “$target is STUNNED”.......................................... ...................B[09]

    [for kinetics and Dark]
    Say “my heal missed…you do what you have to do”............................Alt+B[10]
    [for Non kinetics and dark]
    Say “I could use a heal when you get a chance”...............................Alt+B[10]

    [For SG PvP]
    Say “Platoon A”......................R[05]
    Say “Platoon B”......................R[04]
    Say “Platoon C”......................R[03]
    Say "All Platoons"...................R[21]
    Say “Meet at Rally Point Alpha”......................R[10]
    Say “Meet at Rally Point Beta”......................R[09]
    Say “Meet at Rally Point Charlie”......................R[08]
    Say “Meet at Rally Point Delta”......................R[07]
    Say “Meet at Rally Point Echo”......................R[14]
    Say “Meet at Rally Point Foxtrot”......................R[13]
    Say “Attack $target and the people near $target”......................Ctrl+R[05]
    Say “Everyone RETREAT TO FALLBACK POINT!!...............................Ctrl+R[04]
    Say “Everyone Rally on me!!.............................................. .........................Ctrl+R[03]
    Say “hook up with Platoon A”......................Ctrl+R[10]
    Say “hook up with Platoon B”......................Ctrl+R[09]
    Say “hook up with Platoon C”......................Ctrl+R[08]

    A “platoon” is either a team of 4, 4 people in a team of 8, a full 8 person team, or two 8 Person teams depending on the how many SG members are PvPing.

    Power Trays
    1st tray:
    Power_Slot 1: [05]
    Power_Slot 2: [04]
    Power_Slot 3: [03]
    Power_Slot 4: [10]
    Power_Slot 5: [09]
    Power_Slot 6: [08]
    Power_Slot 7: [14]
    Power_Slot 8: [13]
    Power_Slot 9: Ctrl+Alt
    Power_Slot 10: Ctrl+[21]

    2nd tray:
    Power_Slot_Alt 1: Ctrl + [05]
    Power_Slot_Alt 2: Ctrl + [04]
    Power_Slot_Alt 3: Ctrl + [03]
    Power_Slot_Alt 4: Ctrl + [10]
    Power_Slot_Alt 5: Ctrl + [09]
    Power_Slot_Alt 6: Ctrl + [08]
    Power_Slot_Alt 7: Ctrl + [14]
    Power_Slot_Alt 8: Ctrl + [13]
    Power_Slot_Alt 10: Alt + [21]

    3rd tray:
    Power_Slot_Alt2 1: Alt + [05]
    Power_Slot_Alt2 2: Alt + [04]
    Power_Slot_Alt2 3: Alt + [03]
    Power_Slot_Alt2 4: Alt + [10]
    Power_Slot_Alt2 5: Alt + [09]
    Power_Slot_Alt2 6: Alt + [08]
    Power_Slot_Alt2 7: Alt + [14]
    Power_Slot_Alt2 8: Alt + [13]
    Power_Slot_Alt 10: R[21]

    (If I need more power buttons, I use the remaining blue shift buttons)

    Camera Control:
    My camera control is set up so that it is the reverse of what the default is, and the middle mouse button switches the “Camera Mode”….let me explain.

    With the default way the camera control is set up, moving your mouse moves the mouse pointer. You must right click (and hold) to move the camera with the mouse. I will call this the MoveOff state.

    The way I have my camera control set up is the reverse of this. You do not have a mouse pointer (moving the mouse moves the camera) and you must right click (and hold) to get the mouse pointer. I will call this MoveOn State.

    The middle mouse button will toggle your Move state between MoveOn and MoveOff.

    Having my movement set up like this allows for extreme maneuverability, while maintaining the flexibility of click to target. Also, when I switch to MoveOn mode my mouse pointer is “locked” into position until I right click or switch back to MoveOff mode. This lets me leave my mouse pointer near my insps for easy access to insps.

    Because I spend most of my time in the MoveOn state, I needed an easy way to target. So I got a 7 button mouse to allow for targeting. With the advent of Master Minds I also needed a way to separate pets from friends. To do this I have a toggle button (mouse 2) to toggle the definition of [friend]. In PetOn mode, the [friend] target means Pet. In the PetOff mode the [friend] means non pet friend.

    When they introduced targeting slash commands that allowed you to differentiate an agro’d mob from a non agro’d mob, I was able to implement a toggle button for my enemy targeting (mouse 4) to toggle the meaning of [enemy]. In AgrOn mode, the [enemy] means Agro’d Enemy. In AgrOff mode, the [enemy] means non agro’d enemy.

    Here are my targeting binds (left clicking on something will always target it):
    Mouse1:…………………. Target closest [friend]
    Mouse2:…………………. Toggle PetOn\PetOff mode (see above definition)
    Alt+Mouse1: ……………. Target furthest [Friend]
    Ctrl+Mouse1: …………… Target next [friend]
    Ctrl+mouse2:……………...Target Previous [friend]
    ALT+mouse2:……………. Target Special [in development. See next post for things in development still]

    Mouse3:……………………Target closest [Enemy]
    Mouse4:……………………Toggle AgrOn\AgrOff mode (see above definition)
    Alt+Mouse3:……………….Target Furthest [Enemy]
    Ctrl+Mouse3:…………….. Target Next [Enemy]
    Ctrl+Mouse4:…………….. Target Previous [Enemy]
    ALT+mouse4:…………….. Target Special [in development. See next post for things in development still]

    To select team members directly I use the “Green Shift” as follows:

    Target Team 1: G[05]
    Target Team 2: G[04]
    Target Team 3: G[03]
    Target Team 4: G[10]
    Target Team 5: G[09]
    Target Team 6: G[08]
    Target Team 7: G[19]
    Target Team 8: G[18]

    Once I got the target team mates binds done, I realized I could use the same set of binds to apply buffs with, by making a “double click” bind. Basically you press the button once to target the team member, then a second time for a buff effect. Using the Ctrl cord key I allow for a combined “select and buff”.

    For Kinetics
    ID Team 1: “dblclick” G[05]
    ID Team 2: “dblclick” G[04]
    ID Team 3: “dblclick” G[03]
    ID Team 4: “dblclick” G[10]
    ID Team 5: “dblclick” G[09]
    ID Team 6: “dblclick” G[08]
    ID Team 7: “dblclick” G[14]
    ID Team 8: “dblclick” G[13]

    Select and SB Team 1: Ctrl+ G[05]
    Select and SB Team 2: Ctrl+ G[04]
    Select and SB Team 3: Ctrl+ G[03]
    Select and SB Team 4: Ctrl+ G[10]
    Select and SB Team 5: Ctrl+ G[09]
    Select and SB Team 6: Ctrl+ G[08]
    Select and SB Team 7: Ctrl+ G[14]
    Select and SB Team 8: Ctrl+ G[13]

    For Them\Empath
    HEAL Team 1: “dblclick” G[05]
    HEAL Team 2: “dblclick” G[04]
    HEAL Team 3: “dblclick” G[03]
    HEAL Team 4: “dblclick” G[10]
    HEAL Team 5: “dblclick” G[09]
    HEAL Team 6: “dblclick” G[08]
    HEAL Team 7: “dblclick” G[14]
    HEAL Team 8: “dblclick” G[13]

    Select and CM\Thaw Team 1: Ctrl+G[05]
    Select and CM\Thaw Team 2: Ctrl+G[04]
    Select and CM\Thaw Team 3: Ctrl+G[03]
    Select and CM\Thaw Team 4: Ctrl+G[10]
    Select and CM\Thaw Team 5: Ctrl+G[09]
    CM\Thaw Team 6: Ctrl+G[08]
    CM\Thaw Team 7: Ctrl+G[14]
    CM\Thaw Team 8: Ctrl+G[13]

    You get the idea. I have applied the same concept to my bubbler, sonic, and any other toon that has at least one targeting buff.

    Master Mind Binds:
    Making my master mind binds was an interesting experience. I went through several versions of the damn things before I was happy with them. As of right now, they may get changed again when the new /target_last command comes out.

    My Master Mind binds are similar to some other MM binds I have seen in other guides. The basic concept is that you select the pet or group of pets you want to use, than you tell them what to do. The one main difference is that selecting a single pet will also target them so you can see where he is (I also have a button that will toggle this “Select and Target” effect off so that you won’t loose your current target if you don’t want to. In other words you can tell a pet what to do without loosing your current target.). When the /Target_Last command comes out, I will have a button that will return your target to the last target you had selected.

    My selection binds are:
    Select 1st tier 1 pet:…….……..R[05]
    Select 2nd tier 1 pet…….…….R[04]
    Select 3rd tier 1 pet……….…..R[03]
    Select 1st tier 2 pet………….…R[10]
    Select 2nd tier 2 pet…………...R[09]
    Select 1st 3 pet………………...R[08]
    Select all tier 1 pets…………....R[14]
    Select all tier 2 pets…………....R[13]
    Select all tier 1 and tier 2 pets.…Ctrl+R[05]
    Select all tier 2 and tier 3 pets.…Ctr+R[04]
    Select all tier 1 and tier 3 pets….Ctr+R[03]
    Select All Pets…………………..R[21]

    My Action Binds are:
    disable\enable Left Click Pet Action………Ctrl+Middle Mouse Button
    Attack My target …………………………..Left Click
    Goto Aggressive.…………………………..Ctrl+Left Click
    Goto Passive……………………………….Alt+ Left Click:
    Follow Deffensive (Body Guard)………….Ctrl+Right Click:
    Follow Passive……………………………..Alt+Right Click:
    Follow Aggressive………………………….Alt+Middle Mouse Button

    [I ran out of time to finish this. Sorry about the formating. More to come soon(TM)]
  13. Truly this is an end to an Era. You will be very missed Cuppa. I only hope that there will be some memento in Game to remember you by.
  14. Sam_Fetisher

    Badge Questions

    [ QUOTE ]
    Still looking for some direction on this. I sent Petition in game, and the best they could tell me was I did not qualify for the badge (1st one), I know that. I proceded to ask what is the criteria, and was told, "We can not tell you that" (or something close to those words)

    Please, can a Redname or someone give us the lowdown on the requirments on how the Mentoring badges can be obtained.

    Thank you for your response in this matter.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I do believe that all you have to do to get a mentor badge is have SK (or LK) for a period time. I am uncertain if there is a seperate badge for exemplaring\malfactoring.
  15. Once you are at a point where you can take on +3s, the best way to clear debt is to set your Rep to the lowest level, invite someone that is 3 lvls lower then you to your team, and exmplar to them. Even at the debt cap one or two missions should clear you up just fine.

    However, I do agree with the OP. Getting debt is a learning experience. Death is nothing to be afraid of...I wouldn't encourage it, but you won't learn or expand your skillset if you play it safe.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    --"Queen to Queen's level three" (exceptionally nerdy ST reference).

    [/ QUOTE ]
    was that a Barkley (SP?) refference?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    ... Yes, the bugs are a separate problem than the system for unlockable contacts, but the bugs wouldn't be nearly so persistent if the system were designed better.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very well said. I indeed see the problem much clearer now. I hope that your post is read by the Powers That Be, as it explains very clearly the need for the system to change. I personaly would like the In Game mechanics to be more available and more clear.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    It's not. Veluta is in fact broken. She's only offering one arc to many people and forces you through that arc 1.5 times, then awards the souvineer, then refuses to talk to you again.

    Confirmed as 'broken' by my email reply from support when I petitioned it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ahhh...I see. Now the problem is going to be sorting out this thread into two categories. 1.) people who don't like the system, and 2.)people who are reporting bugs with the current system.

    Good Luck. I see a repeate of what the Defiant bug thread turned into. Eventualy all the actual bugs and people trying to reproduce the bugs or get the bugs fixed get drowned out by people who say the whole system is "bugged" and demand a change to the system, when in reality the system is working as intended (apart from a couple of bugged contacts). These people will refuse to acknowledge the difference between a bugged contact and the non-bugged system.

    I have by no means unlocked all the locked contacts, however the ones I have unlocked (I can't remember their names but the Ghost of Scrapyarder contact, and the Scrapyarder badge contact) did not have bugs in them for me.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Unlockable contacts are an existing system that's not working as intended and in many cases bugged.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The real question here is "Is the system working as intended?"

    If a Dev answeres No then I would agree with you. I have seen no indication that the system is not working as intended other then user feed back.

    I also agree with you. As much as we would prefer for bugs to get fixed before new content is added, that usualy does not happen in the MMO development world.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Well since flashback has been put off indefinately we need to come up with a more realistic solution

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Last I heard on the subject was they put it off because they couldn't find a "good" way to implement it.

    I would put fixing this "problem" people have with unlockable contacts about the same priority level as flashback IMO, unless a Dev says otherwise.
  21. I haven't read through the entire thread yet (I don't have the time at the moment), but it seems that most poeple are having a problem with this mostly becuase of leveling restraints. This could be solved with the ever elusive "Flash Back" feature...

    The other day I was respecing a very old toon (one of my first ones) when I realized the biggest problem with Respecing. Durring normal game play I put a lot of thought into choosing powers, sometimes not training for 3 or 4 levels before I decide. The same goes for Slotting. Spending all this time lets me use different enhancements in various different powers, taking note of the effects to determine what power I eventualy want to slot. (I rarely use the test server anymore). When I am respecing I don't have the luxery of seeing how the power(s) function before adding a slot to it.

    Then I thought "Hmmm....wouldn't it be cool to kind of merge the mythical Flash Back feature with the Respec feature." Basicaly you would be allowed to choose what level you "Flash Back" to. Once you are in "Flash Back Mode" you can see a Trainer and train as many times as you want, up to the level you were before Flashing back (once you are trained to your previous level you would exit flashback mode). In between training you can do any missions you were unable to do at that level. While doing these missions you would not be getting XP, instead you would receive either Inf or Prestige or a combination of the two.

    Perhaps even add the ability to "cancel" the flashback...kinda like a "Wooh what a strange dream" kind of thing.

    Seeing as how there have been many many many threads regarding flashback, it wouldn't suprise me if something like this has already been suggested, but It seems relevant to the discussion at hand so I figured I would put my 2 Inf in.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I just noticed your post after saying pretty much the same thing. I think you are correct. Unfortunately, unless one of the Devs reads the replies and thinks similarly I doubt if the issue (one of several I suspect are latency related) will be resolved (not that it really matters for Defiance, since its value is questionable in any case).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Unfortunately posters like LivingHellfire and Revolver Law, de-railed this thread to a b!tch session about the effects of Defiance, uninformed or erroneous posts about how the devs suck or don’t listen to us or are intentionally trying to make blasters lives miserable and the actual bug got lossed in a deluge of flame and irrelevant responses.

    If only people would learn…I have already been flamed to the point of not caring, but if you want to fight the good fight create a new thread “Defiance Bug ONLY. NOT DEFIANCE DEBATE!!!” or something to that effect. There is a small chance you will actually weed out the people trying to fight for a change to Defiance and instead actually get the people that care about finding and fixing the real bugs.

    As a pre-emptive response to the afore mentioned people who think defiance is bugged as a power on the whole: There is a difference between an actual bug, and the effect of the power. Put aside your own selfish motivations for one moment and realize that there is an actual bug (alleged bug) that people are trying to get fixed.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    You're the one with limited experience, as so stated. We're all in agreement, you're the dissenter, you go prove it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I did not say I have limited experience. I am just saying that I did not have that problem pre-I6. Between I5 and I6 I played nothing but my 2 main blasters (I have 6 blasters most of which are lvl 14 and below).

    Short of turning back time and showing you I did not have a problem there is nothing I can do. As such it is incumbent upon someone else (or me, if I can ever get a chance to, or the QA team or the Developer who is trying to fix this problem.) to find out when it started.

    Can anyone disagree with this?

    NOTE: I created this post yesterday before the boards went down.

    Also, I want to thank the people who are actually testing and posting numbers. This is what this thread was ment for...not this bickering from these other low life SOBs that just cloud up the issue with useless rants. I, for one, am done posting on the boards. It serves no purpose other then to up my blood pressure and confirm my suspicion that most people are nothing more then part of the problem.

    P.S. For those who are actually interested in tracking down this bug, I tested last night with my 2 high level blasters. At no point in time did I see the problem of 100% health giving me a Defiance boost. I was unable to accurately test the defiance meter at varying levels in PvE and was unable to find someone who was willing to test in PvP. Good Luck to the people who are trying to help, piss off to those that are part of the problem.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    You never dismiss a bug report by dismissing the user or demanding that they 'prove it'. If their complaint is clear enough to be understood, you start tracking it and you work on resolving it. PART of that resolution might include getting a better description of the problem, or getting a way to reproduce the problem from the user.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I did not say dismiss the bug. I said I never take the users word at face value. Often times the user "Lies" about what they were doing at the time. When I say Lie, I mean they mistate or misremember. I followed up that statement with Using historical data to track down what acutaly happend. Never dismiss a bug, if a user says it happend you can usualy trust that it did.

    [ QUOTE ]
    2) You never dismiss a customer complaint which is based in the customer's dissatisfaction with a feature or a feature set. Ever. Especially you never tell the customer to their faces that they have to prove to you that their complaint is valid. This is the fastest way to lose customer confidence and a fast trip to failure for the product.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree, and never implied otherwise.

    [ QUOTE ]
    And, yes, I consider Masochism, er, Defiance, to be utterly broken, as it is only useful in a handful of situations that no competent player will get into by choice. Only the "Negligence" power of Defenders is as worthless, and none of the CoH innates is as well-designed as the CoV innates. Gauntlet and Scrapper Crits are marginally OK, but they worked fine before the Special ED changes

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I team regularly used to team with people who look out for the blasters. The blasters makes alpha strike, gets low on health (Defiance kicks in) and everyone gets the agro off of the blaster. Once that happens, the blaster is free to use single attacks that will either one shot (for orange and lower) or put a red or purple down to a mear sliver of health. Its not my fault the people you team with don't understand this concept. Defiance is not a bad power at all, like I said can increase the speed of missions by 4-5 times the "normal" rate. (I.E. not using Defiance.)

    On the asside, I am glad I don't work with you as well.