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  1. How about expressing your distaste in a time-delayed manner?
  2. Irrationally, my very first thought on reading of the impending cancellation was anger that they'd announced it on the Friday afternoon of what was, for me, a three-day weekend. Way to ruin the weekend, guys!

    But afterward I was glad, because I spent those days riveted to the forums. I read at first with grief and anger, but soon I began to feel a sense of wonder:

    Look at all these people. Look at the heartbreak, the stories, the memories, the friendships, the pictures, the oddball character concepts, even the humor. The determination behind the long-shot effort to save the game.

    And then awe. Have you seen how much is being done? It's almost mind-boggling. One blogger (Paindancer) said he/she has known Occupy movements who would kill for this number of participants -- well, yeah. I've been active in several good causes, I've stood outside in protest -- and none of them have had anything like this much momentum, this much social networking, this many bodies showing up, in virtual space or otherwise.

    And so, after a few days of grieving-and-reading, and then reading-with-my-jaw-hanging-open, I returned to the game. The first day back was pretty slow, but by the next, there were more global friends online than I've seen in a long time.

    And it's been active like that ever since -- less time shopping and plotting builds, more time grabbing people and sallying forth to battle for Paragon.

    Are total populations down? I can't say. I'm too damned busy teaming!

    As I told a friend last night, I'll sleep in December.
  3. The Iron Eagles will be there in force. Justice Server.
  4. Looks like Lot 4 Scrapper's Strike is unclaimed -- I would take that if available. Working on a Scrapper right now.

    Global is @Sailboat.

    Might not have enough room in e-mail -- I'll check tonight.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mister Rik View Post
    *sigh* Some missions just require too much travel ...

    In case you can't read it, the waypoint says my objective is 43,260.81 miles away.
    That's only about 31 full days at the 58 mph flight speed cap (non-Afterburner).
  6. Silas, thanks for all your, well, support.
  7. It's the Internet, people will claim anything that pops into their head to try and influence readers -- doesn't have to be true, and they don't intend to cite evidence.
  8. Sailboat

    RALLY SEPT 17th

    Reposted from Titan Network:

    On Monday (Sept 17th) at 6PM - 9PM (edt) there is a rally planned for the Guardian server in Pocket D. Bring your Heroes, Bring your Villains. will continue their support and be spinning tunes to support everyone and have some fun!
  9. Every powerset plays better when you have access to all the powers and they're well-slotted. Although I've always objectively known it to be true, it's been hard to internalize.

    So there are many sets that I haven't really gotten into until I got them leveled up at least into the 30s and slotted a bit. I am now trying to finish some of those characters, even though in some cases it means time spent shopping and crafting instead of playing.

    My hottest current interest is a long-parked Dual Blades/Super Reflexes Scrapper. DB has always been pretty (and looks especially graceful on a female toon, IMHO), but at lower levels the combos are incomplete, or frequently broken by missing, and poor recharge slotting can make it hard to manage the combo system. Now that the character is coming into her power (39 as of last night) things are working a lot more smoothly.

    Also leveling a beloved Storm/Dark Defender to 50 (currently 46). I have more than one of them -- I just adore Storm in general and especially pairing it with Dark Blast. Who says Defending has to be about mollycoddling your teammates? My teammates won't need to be buffed to defeat helpless, stunned, pathetically weakened foes.

    I've been slow to start new powersets (because I've been having too much fun with older sets). I have a Staff/SR Scrapper and Titan Weapons/Inv Brute in the pipeline. I like Staff; I don't mind that it trades burst damage for mitigation and AoE. But I am finding I like TW even more, and will probably prioritize that set.

    I have various baby Titan Weapon, Water Blast, and Street Justice toons that may or may not ever get developed.

    Also an Earth/Rad Controller sitting at 49, still sporting the pre-inherent Fitness pool. Guess I oughta fix her up a bit.
  10. This is one of the reasons I never took very seriously people who asserted they'd played every powerset combination to 50.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    Did you know I suggested both the Absorb mechanic and Bio Armor way back when?

    Yes, I'm pointlessly bragging about something stupid. I'm sad, humor me.
    I believe I beat you to that suggestion by just a bit.

    I gave more detail a bit later, here.

    But my original suggestion for ablative armor was lost to the forum purges a long time ago.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EepEep View Post
    (Note: "Impression" is defined as a player's character standing within a predefined area (and facing the ad) for a specified amount of time.)
    Maybe you should have placed the billboards behind Wentworth vendors and store contacts.
  13. I don't have significant presence on Virtue, and people had been loitering on Virtue for hours in advance of the Unity Rally when I finally wandered over and made a new toon just for the rally.

    Somewhat surprised to get the name Save Paragon.

    I didn't want to detract from the serious atmosphere, but it was tempting to reply to every single cry of "Save Paragon!" in Broadcast with "What? WHAT!?"
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    The recently-added ability to transmute enhancements was huge.

    I didn't use it a ton myself, but it made enhancing powers a lot easier for everyone in the game--casual players could convert unneeded drops into needed ones, plus it upped supply and drove down the cost of those enhancements in the market.

    And of course, before that were Reward Merits, which allowed you to save up and by 95% of the enhancements (all but the absolutely most rare) without interacting in the player market at all... and later, those were followed by Incarnate (Astral & Empyrean) Merits, which allowed those participating in the endgame to purchase literally any enhancement in the game.
    Concur. Unlike other games I've played, literally anything is within reach in this game with reasonable effort. Certainly you can't have everything, which is as it should be; but if you burn for a Brute ATO set or a Purple proc they can be acquired. It's not like trying to get rarity-based drops in Diablo II, for example, where you could require literally millions of runs to have an even chance of getting some items.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redcap View Post
    Just signed it. Yes, I was lazy.

    Only 14 more to go for the 1500 required. Even if not a lot happens, it will be over 1500 people stepping up and saying "We think this game and Paragon Studios deserve better". Which represents a far, far larger number of people feeling the same way that are quiet.
    Fifteen thousand people, not fifteen hundred.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
    So.... if the tool can read all of the badge/bio data if you have the info window open, is there any way to make a version that would read the auction and/or vault data if those windows were open?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm utterly amazed at how far this has come already. If the data it saves now is all we end up with, I will still be ecstatic over being able to save the core characters themselves. It would just be a nice perk, since a lot of my characters tend to be lugging around a lot of stuff in their auction slots/vault.
    At least the vault is captured:

    What it does record is your vital stats; inventories (enhancements, inspirations, salvage, vault, recipes)
    I too would like to capture AH data, mission arc progress, and the like. But the mission arcs may not even be part of a new universe if COH has to be rebuilt by private interests.

    And the auction house and e-mail are really my account's wealth, not explicitly tied to a character. I imagine the characters like refugees, potentially arriving in a new universe with only what they could carry on their backs, after desperate flight.

    In such a (hypothetical) new world, just being identifiably, incontestably ME, the same character, would be amazing in and of itself. I would be perfectly willing to restart in such a place.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HI IM A UNICORN View Post
    You guys trashing PvP is quite funny.
    The fact that you perceive it as "you guys" instead of saying "we're trashing PvP here" is in itself telling.
  18. ...Or maybe end the game as a brand-new level one character, fresh from the costume creator. Run the tutorial to the point where you stand over Blue Spectrum, facing the choice: Good or Evil? Hero or Villain?

    ...fade to black at the moment, with all the possibilities open before you.
  19. Where are we holding it December 4th?
  20. On a personal note, Zwill, I can hardly express how much I admire that you're still there at such an hour, still holding our hands, after your job basically vanished. Tip o' the cap to you, sir!
  21. Just checked -- I'm paid until Aug 30, 2013.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    I'm still a bit curious as to whether I ever teamed with Castle or even knew his Justice characters.
    Totally speculative, but years ago I teamed briefly with a very sharp, courteous player whose toon was rook-themed and whose account was blandly generic-sounding: @12345.

    Since rook = castle in chess, and the global handle was almost obnoxiously meaningless, and the player seemed to really know his stuff, I always wondered if it might have been Castle himself. But I'll never know. Only played with the character for an evening or two, then never saw that character again.