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I'm having bad luck getting to these before they get sold to someone else! I'm looking to buy a Gladiator's Armor +Def, any level is fine. My bid is 2.5 bil, send me a forum PM or message me in game at @Ruby? (question mark included)
Oooh, I love your stuff! I approve of this thread.
Ooh, I like it! It looks sort've like souls or spirits flying around you! Well, if you envision souls and spirits as little comet-orb things.
At risk of being crucified, I'm actually a PvPer who prefers the current changes to how it was, so I'd prefer it not to be too similar to pre-i13. I've participated in matches with the old rules and observed even more... it's basically people with SS and SJ bouncing around everywhere with someone occasionally dying, but nine times out of ten they just run away and heal.
Yeah, it's fast-paced, but it's also aggravating as hell for me. The lack of travel suppression, for instance, just left me bouncing around aimlessly until someone happened to accidentally get near me for half a second, then they bounced out of range again and that was that. Our current system allows FotMs, but it's pretty clear that the old one also forced people to spec a certain way if they wanted to live. Not to say our current system is perfect (I'd love to see positive changes!), but comparing what we want to pre-i13 is kind've counter-productive I think. This isn't directed at any one post or person, just a thought I've had from all the PvP threads I've been reading.
Remember, there IS a silent majority out there who won't necessarily agree with whatever changes the forum community wants, so it's impossible to really make everyone happy. -
Pocket D is liable to be crowded for this, it coincides with some Animal Pack giveaway the devs are doing that same night at 8:30 for Virtue. Just a heads up!
Adjust the manes with the manes options. You can remove them. Also, use monstrous gloves and select animal fur.
I would personally go with dark melee because its to-hit debuff works well with ninjitsu's defense.
I just checked, it doesn't appear to be changed in the slightest. Not damage-wise, at least.
Price is now 2.5 billion! Come quick before it's gone.
It was originally 3.5 billion, I edited the original post and forgot to make a note on it.
This is Grinning Guillotine if you're still looking for more
Reduced price to 3 billion, though I'll probably accept less because I've been in a cheerful mood lately.
For Sale: Level 50 Shield Wall: +Res (Teleportation), +3Res (All) -- IO is already crafted!
Price: 2.5 billion!
I'm open to negotiations, PM me on the forums or send me a tell at @Ruby? (question mark included). Provided I have not met the buy it now price by then, bidding closes on New Year's Day... that's this Saturday!
If you have any of the following up for trade, I will lower the price:
- Apocalypse: Damage/Endurance Reduction
- Apocalypse: Damage/Recharge/Accuracy
Omg, these are awesome. Me next! Me neeext!
Grinning Guillotine:
Luckily my case was easy to resolve because I knew exactly how much inf. was sent... mostly because it was a gift for someone who never got it.
I wish the rest of you luck as well! -
Aah! Thank you so much again! They're all so adorable
Quote:I love my animated avatar, too, and have a hard time deciding which one I want more! Maybe I'll find a way to combine them. And since you said you like seeing people color your stuff, you can add the full sized version to your collection. <3that looks awesome ruby , but im kinda sad as I liked your animated avatar it was quite amusing
and I love seeing folks color their stuff
Name: Grinning Guillotine
Species: Human
About: Not much is known about this insane jester's past, though she has a flair for the theatrical and enjoys spending her time entertaining those who are in her favor and eviscerating those who are not. She is always seen with a grinning mask, her actual face never being shown to the public.
Thanks for all the free art you provide! -
My main is a claws/super reflexes stalker and I personally looove the claws powerset. Keep in mind, though, that my primary focus is PvP, so the single target damage is ideal and the fast recharge has spoiled me so I have a hard time playing other powersets. Shockwave, even from a PvE standpoint, I find disappointing and would never recommend it unless in very specific situations. For the most part, the knockback on it will just annoy teams.
As far as far as dark armor goes, I've never played it on a stalker and wish you the best of luck with it! As Dechs mentioned, it recently received a buff so offensive toggles won't mess with your hide, so I've been tempted to make one and test it out. Combined with claws' single target focus, the DA secondary sounds like it might be interesting.