2039 -
Now I'm kinda jealous, I didn't cake for my bday
*looks at the date.... less than a month...*
Looking forward to seeing the results. -
Do what you want with the girl but let me go!! :P
I almost missed this til someone pointed it out to me
Thank you by the way!
You should use real people pics instead of artwork as reference!
If you're subscribed you can, foo :P
And I'll watch ya -
<booming voice> Only YOU can prevent Forum Fires! <points!>
No he's escaping -from- the trolls. he was a captive -of- the trolls, therefore a troll -escapee-.
not a -troll- escapee. -
As long as you don't completely exit and only logout, your costume should remain in 'memory'. Whatever the 'last' one is. The colors might have shifted around a bit though.
Also, it's a pretty easy run to Icon in IP even at a low level! -
So is ghost widow controlling the plants ? I'm confused.
Great pics though -
LOLS! I did a search in the search box (general search i know, i'm not crawling through 281 pages of pics!)
And found a couple things!
Apparently someone took a pic of my bio in Atlas :P
(They forgot to scroll down, notice the scroll bar? At the bottom it says it's a joke :P )
Only one case of stolen art though!
And I'm gonna go tell Foux -
I think snail mail is a lot less secure than online or even paypal. After all anyone can walk up and steal your mail and you may not even know til you get the late notice ! Just my stance though
I hate mailing things. sooo slow! Online is instant! and bam! -
Ever try making a perspective lines? Like, have a piece of paper, then put a dot off to one side somewhere, and then draw lines radiating out from that, and that's where your vanishing point is. Then pick some other point on the paper, and draw there, and that might help with more dynamic poses?