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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Signpost View Post
    Tank for more team focused and being harder to kill. Will kill slower than both scrapper and brute, but catches/holds aggro better. Do note that thanks to AAO, scrappers and brutes will still be able to hold aggro.
    And by "still be able to hold aggro" read "rip AV aggro off tanks who aren't continually taunting."

    This has been a problem for me in a few TFs I've run. Sometimes you have to turn it off so the AV quits looking at you funny. The flip side of that, of course, was ghost widow blowing her heal on me... and missing. Gogogadgetsoftcap. That was nice.

    OP: You weren't real specific about the concept, but I'd plug both Kat/SD and BS/SD from the scrapper area if they'd fit. Parry is nice when leveling because you can hit that softcap to melee/lethal earlier. Shield is kinda a late bloomer.

    One flipside: if you want to be a tank, AAO's aggro aura is amazing.
  2. Your underslotting true grit will bite you later. That needs heal and probably res slots -- if nothing else it needs a steadfast prot +3% def slotted. You don't want to wait till 49 to slot that it helps huge in the early levels.

    I'd be throwing a nummies somewhere, and two end mod IOs in stamina before the chance for. Chance for = chance to get unlucky and roll badly and run out. Go with the known quantity.

    Boxing is a junk attack; pull slots from it to put elsewhere where you need them (health -> numina's unique, stamina -> end mod). You should have a full attack chain with punch/haymaker/knockout/gloom.

    Aid other and stimulant is overkill, drop one of 'em. In particular that lets you get maneuvers and quit stretching so far elsewhere for set bonuses to softcap. Or hasten, your choice.
  3. Another self-reply, but the idea came from another thread: What about adding an anti-streakbreaker buff to phalanx fighting? It doesn't need to be as aggressive as the streakbreaker itself, but it would be *really nice* when you're sitting at the def softcap to remove the 1/400 chance of death-with-no-reaction when fighting two big-bads who could flatten you in only two attacks.

    They tried this, sort of, with SR and the scaling resistance at low HP, but I don't hear that having a good reputation for solving the problem.

    Basically, it'd just ensure that if you're at a certain defined threshhold of defense that you don't get tagged with 2 back-to-back attacks and squished without much of a chance to respond.

    It'd be a nice perk to actually have better defense than every tom dick and harry out there with set IOs taking them to 45% smashing/lethal.
  4. I hadn't seen the post with the stupe -- but mainly what I'm looking for in absolute amazement is the copious quantity of recharge enhancement. It should be cheap on the AH too, since it is a stun set not a damage, but I haven't looked that up so don't quote me.
  5. Your fault slotting makes sad panda sad! Fault is a great power, give it the slots it deserves! Try to push it to 5 slots and slap the purple set in it, skipping the first straight-up stun IO.

    Alternately if you don't like that, at least find room for a FF:+rech IO.

    While with DA being a much more survivable set overall than ElA or Fire (my experiences with SM), being able to stun that problematic group who's looking at your blaster funny from range is pretty awesome.
  6. Oh -- one other. Patron/Epics observation: Shadow Meld in the Soul pool (+20% def! Enhanceable!) -- which can be the bomb diggity for res or regen based sets... and is pretty much useless to a def-based scrapper(/stalker). You can try to use it to fix a cascading defense failure due to defense debuffs, though that's unlikely to hit a def-based set that hard as both shield and super reflexes have good DDR in them.

    Having a resistance, regen, or self-or-aoe-team heal version for the def-based sets would be really nice. I realize there are "balance issues" with that especially when considering primaries like Dark Melee with a self-heal in them but, um, aren't there also balance issues giving res/regen based sets a bunch of the good stuff from def-based set? Obviously those can be delt with, so...
  7. Late (return) to the party, but I've been working on my shieldie again. I think this is wishlist, but mostly observation: something needs to be done about phalanx fighting. The mechanics don't match up with how class rules are built. Scrappers with SD, as boss killers, aren't going to always be up next to the tank, so they don't get a benefit themselves. Ditto the opposite if the tank has SD. I guess brutes might benefit since they aren't specifically boss killers nor specifically tanks, but my gut feel is that broken-by-design in 2 of 3 ATs needs some further thought.

    The bonus in phalanx fighting is relatively small, and with a freed power pool due to inherit fitness, its hard to justify picking PF over Maneuvers. While Maneuvers has a lower default bonus, it is enhanceable and benefits the whole team and functions over a large enough range that the team actually benefits even if you're chasing down a ranged boss who's poking at the tank or a squishy. Double-plus-good for Maneuvers that it also stacks with Grant Cover.

    I don't have a specific suggestion for improvement of PF at this time, only the observation that it needs work. Slotting some sort of status-resist in it might fit the theme and make it a worthwhile power pick -- I'm thinking specifically something like end drain resist, or maybe even a -to-hit resist? (assuming that exists -- you're less likely to miss if you have a shield-buddy also poking at a dude)
  8. You have unslotted, overslotted/overenhanced, and uselessly slotted powers. Do you even play this build? Parry needs acc enhancement (you get no defense if it misses). Mind over body doesn't benefit from rech redux (its a toggle).

    I'd start fixing this by reading the guide section. Pay particular attention to guides that involve your powersets and how they recommend slotting things.
  9. I'm sure I'm beating a dead horse, but...

    I've got a BS/SD scrapper. I was doing STF for the obvious reason yesterday. I ended up with continual flier aggro. That was fine, I'm at def cap and can generally handle the thing. What I can't do is continue to beat on it with Head Splitter because it is technically an AoE and I'm too far from the flier's center/hit box to be in range to hit when it faces me (because I have aggro) and pushes me 'away' from it. Hack and Disembowel are fine.

    I'm not really advocating for Head Splitter to lose the AoE component. But I would love it if it could do "out-of-AoE-range-try-melee-fallback" type detection, so I could continue to use it in an attack chain in exceptional circumstances.

    It certainly isn't just a BS problem -- Katana, DM, and Axe should all also have the same issue, just thinking offhand about the shadow-maul type cones they have. There are probably others too I'm missing.

    Possibly easy alternate: move the hit box up to the nose of the stupid flier. That'd probably fix it too.
  10. Patch is a lot quicker to download on test, then copy & rename to CoH. Warning: unsupported and risky.

    By logging to test I can confirm that the upper two alpha tiers are still in the game. Not immediately obvious what did actually change in the patch though.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    uh.....yeah, what Fulmens said.

    the numbers look bigger coming back from a long hiatus, but given how much easier it is to make and move around inf they don't represent that big an obstacle. When you start mucking around earning inf in even a semi-organized manner you'll realize prices aren't as threatening as they first appear.
    There is no game with an auction house I've played that I've ever found prices threatening. Its just more opportunity for me to find a niche.

    From an absolute magnitude, I'd say you folks just talked about inflation, inflation, inflation though. I mean, the numbers on bids are a lot bigger. It may not represent more time invested, but...
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I don't think it's accurate to say "prices overall have risen".
    some things have gotten more expensive, yeah, but lots of other things have plunged in value.
    I'm not seeing what's dropped in cost, but I'm comparing prices now to what I remember from two years ago when I was playing the market to kit out my BS/SD scrapper, and I'll admit that requires trusting my memory, which I generally try to avoid.

    But I remember nummies and miracles going for more like 40 and 60 mil each, not triple that. I remember purples being under 6-fig, not half way through. A bunch of stuff is about the same -- crushings and makos seem about where I remember they were (I was working them back then). Orange salvage strikes me as about the same, 2-4m per piece with wide variation.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Price of a trash [set] recipe at level 50: 10,000 inf or less.

    Amount of pure inf you generate at level 50, per hour, bare minimum: 1,000,000 inf.
    You'll fill plus some in an hour solo. So that's what, ~20 recipes if you have some unlocks. That's still 20%. That's not insubstantial. If you're not just mass-farming, you might get more recipes::inf on mish completions.

    [QUOTE]"once you get rid of the inf floating around" is a heck of a disclaimer, I realize./QUOTE]

    Especially when the last few years prices have overall risen? At least, I don't remember purples costing 6 figures before going rogue.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Even if we don't burn that inf as prestige, we still burn 10% in Wentworth's fees. It's a much slower burn, but it is a burn.
    Truth! Unfortunately any increase in drop rates also increases the trash recipes (there's some in every pool) that get vendored. You've got to now further boost market transaction speed to have that 10% fee > inf intake.

    I would hope we could all at least agree there's more inf floating around in game now than there was, for example, three years ago. The 10% fee isn't big enough to counteract all the inf sources.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    This doesn't make any sense to me. This argument is the very reason that prices drop. With the same amount of money flowing around, the system can't sustain the same items being sold more often at the old prices - doing so would take more money than everyone has.
    This "take more money" makes absolutely no sense. How does an increase in transaction rate take more money than exists in the economy? It isn't like what you paid for an IO left the economy -- it just went to a different player. Yes, there is a 10% fee skimmed off the top, so if we double the speed of sales at the market we're now taking out money from the economy at a faster rate. Yet as long as that "money out" rate due to fees is less than the "money in" inf rate incoming from killing mobs and vendoring trash recipe/salvage, inflation is going to continue, and the market is going to continue to be expensive.

    "prices drop" doesn't mean people selling at the new price aren't still getting inf to spend on something else.

    You seem to be describing the scenario where we all start getting, I don't know, 10x as many LotGs as we do now. What do you think that would do to prices? How much money do you think we would make on that? Do you really think we would all start earning billions and billions of inf? I do not. If we all started swimming in LotGs, the price would go into the toilet.
    Great! I got part of my +rech build cheap. Now I have more money left and need the FF +rech proc, a couple of 5pc crushing impacts, and some purples. I've got more cash to spend on them. What happened to prices? Average across the market: did they fall? (answer: probably not.) LotG might have dropped. The rest just probably rose because suddenly I have more of my budget available to allocate to them.

    It's handy that you ignored the extremely explicit examples I gave, all of which were long term except for the initial I14 AE exploits, which lasted about three weeks.

    The real, "this actually happened" examples disagree with you, in general.
    Of course I ignored your examples. You focused on a tiny little slice of the market in each and said, "oh my god look the prices of pool C dropped" and ignored that the rest of the market probably rose just a little to compensate. Given the size of the rest of the market relative to pool C and in particular that of the big winners in C, four of them are uniques (stealths, miracle, nummies) it's likely that without access to the full transaction log we probably couldn't even measure any increase in the rest of the market. It'd get lost in the noise of individual sale fluctuations.

    In terms of the OP's (seeming) goal of "reduce prices at the market" altering the relative supply of things (which is all that all of your examples are) on the market fails. It reduces some prices and increases others, but it does NOTHING to reduce the inf oversupply in the game. And that's what really drives prices (up) at the market. Not buyers. Not sellers. Not supply. The total amount of inf in game (or, I suppose, MAXINT) is the only thing that puts a price cap on the market.

    Boosting the supply of recipes will reduce the amount of time you probably need to invest to get what you want. Which might actually be the OP's real goal: easy mode. But it won't reduce prices at the market overall. It might alter what's costly, but the whole thing is still going to be $$$,$$$,$$$ expensive.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    If you list more and everyone else is listing more, the price will drop, because you have to compete with one another. Someone will list lower than you, and someone will bid above that and below your listing. Someone will see that, and also bid low, and the next lowball listing will go to them. The more people are selling, the faster this happens. This snowballs - it's how the "sticky" pricing created by the last 5 history tends to collapse.
    Yes, if you assume we all list more and burn the inf we get into prestige for our SGs, prices will drop. If we don't burn the inf to prestige, where are we all going to spend that inf, other than the market? Green pills @50 a pop? I don't think that's going to cut it. Sitting as a number on my characters ID? Doesn't help me kill mobs better. I'm going to spend what I get on buying new stuff that makes me more effective.

    I don't understand why the only thing you focus on is "more will get listed and prices will drop!" Sure, in a very short term, that's possible. Happens on a daily basis when people quit for the night and go list their junk on the AH. I don't see those listing spurts lowering prices on the AH in general over time.

    I'm not claiming that changes to drop rates wouldn't be a market shock and prices wouldn't dance around. I'm claiming that with a given (larger than yesteryear) amount of inf in the game, that people are still going to spend it (or try to), and thus the market will remain inflated compared to the old prices. You might change what exactly is pricey at the moment, particularly if you vary the drop ratios between what is 'uber' and just 'decent', but you won't change the general truth that the market/economy as a whole has cost inflation going on.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    It should work. You don't create significant demand by increasing supply. Sure, there would be a segment of people who don't even bother today who could be encouraged to participate if supply drives down prices enough, but I don't think that's likely to be a major part of the economy. When you increase supply without increasing demand (significantly), prices should decline. The only reasons they wouldn't should be (a) that supply actually increased significantly, probably due to other forces, (b) supply of money increased enough to swamp the price decrease or (c) money moved from some other part of the economy to the segment you just increased supply for, possibly because people stopped buying something else, or because supply of other things increased even more, driving their price down even more.
    In order for supply to increase, those who participate in the market must list more. If I list more, then I get more inf, even were it at a lower price. If I get more inf, I want to spend it on shiny things. Maybe a second build. Or third. Or purples. Or even set IOs on an alt I hadn't bothered with them on yet. If I spend it on shiny things, I've raised demand for said things (set IOs in the general sense).

    Like I said, I'm not convinced that prices should drop. The econ101 supply and demand curves thing makes a lot of assumptions about the size of the market and an individual's effect on it that just aren't true in a MMO. Like, for instance, it ignores that to increase supply enriches at a much higher rate than the factory wage model, the same people who are demanding.

    Also: if things dropped a bit easier, you might get some of the "its too expensive" whiners hooked in because they have 4/5ths of a set they want and actually totter over to the market to buy the last piece.
  18. That was the understanding I'd gotten, but my gut feeling based on market behavior is it wouldn't actually fix anything.

    Vastly oversimplified version: increasing supply to drop prices just tells me to buy more with what inf I have, which raises demand, and thus prices. Suddenly you're back where you were.

    The only way you can get out of that equilibrium is if you raise drops to the point where the new higher demand causes the market to have so many more transactions as to dent the inf supply via the (fairly small) market fees.

    Or, I suppose, to have some other inf sink take up the slack. But good luck with that one...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by eryq2 View Post
    Oh, and last night i ran on a team of 8 for 2 demon farms. Got 2..... 2! Inv recipes. A temp stun grenade and a perplex confuse. Hundreds of baddies killed = 2 recipes. Sounds sucky to me still....
    Welcome to 2008? I've known since at least then (probably before) that if you want to farm for inventions you do it as solo as possible. At worst you do it with a group of close friends, because I'm nearly as happy one of them got a purple as if I got it.

    At one point I had an observation that I'd seen enough to believe was probably true, but hadn't done any statistics on: the lowest level on the team gets VASTLY more recipe drops than the highest level. So if you did those farms with lowbies getting phat XP... they were also getting all your phat drops.

    In other news: the reason prices are going up is there aren't enough money sinks in game. Inf in > inf out = Inf total rising = prices rise.

    Who knew?

    Too bad it is close to impossible to fix. Slap on huge market fees to sink the money and you'll just kill the market. Remember the original hammie-O days where it was a barter-only economy? I do. It sucked. Hardcore. I still could trade my way to riches by smart bartering 2-for-3s, but still.

    I'm not even clear that you could lower recipe costs by increasing the drop rate of recipes. The problem is the amount of inf in the game, not the rarity of the recipes. If you made recipes more available, you'd get more people looking at IOing their builds out which will counteract any temporary price drop you'd see from it being more common. Also you'd just waste more time deleting the vast majority of recipes (ie: useless ones) while trying to play.

    Put another way: in order for higher recipe drop rates to lower prices, they'd need to suck inf from the system in the form of auction fees. Otherwise the market will probably be 'faster' -- you'll see a lot more things trading hands -- but not strictly cheaper. That will help suck inf from the system, so it might work, but it'd have to be pulling inf out at the relatively low AH fees faster than inf enters the system from killing baddies.
  20. I'm not taken by wasting slots in stamina like that. I'm assuing you're heading for the AoE def there? You'd do better off with up-slotting CJ/SJ with Zephyr and being able to drop some range def elsewhere you're reaching for.

    Alternately: have you considered maneuvers. You'd have to drop a pool, but I think SS/inherit hurdle/ninja run/jetpacks makes for a compelling argument of not needing CJ/SJ. ninja takes care of most CJ micro maneuvering and jetpacks are easily available when you have to get somewhere tall.

    Really wish a scrapper/brute/tank epic pool had a, you know, self-heal in it... I suppose that'd be broken with something like dark melee already having one, but... they give other defender/controller type powers, how about a heal? What I need is NOT more damage...
  21. Weak enough to be a waste of time, IMO. While the TAoE sets are also pretty full-of-fail, I'd look at more like how Obliteration helped the full-of-fail PBAoE sets as a model. I don't so much care what the exact set bonus values are so much as would like to see a reasonable amount of recharge included. Otherwise set bonuses may as well not exist because all I'll do is frankenslot for recharge anyway.
  22. SM is a great set for being defensive. I've got a SM/Fire brute and it works fine -- you just need to slot heavy for end redux in the early game. She used to be a bat'zul ghost/parallel-farming-build at only level 22 (so I couldn't even overslot low level powers) and it worked fine for me.

    Later with set IOs/frankenslotting and consume and potentially the alpha slot (look how end redux alpha dovetails into the resists! "... this means something!")... Yeah. I wouldn't worry about the blue bar late game.

    I almost made a DA/SM tank (he ended up DA/SS), but I've got enough SM between the SM/ElA brute and SM/Fire brute that I did SS instead.

    If you're going to take and slot weave (and/or maneuvers), you may as well use steadfast prot. Dovetail in the +3% defense unique from it and you just got more +def bonus than Zephyr provides, in only two slots, not three. You can always do the steadfast res/end IO for the 3-pc set bonus too if you want. You may not hit soft cap for def, but if you're having any, another 3% for one slot is good.
  23. Deselecting it is easy. Picking the 3 new powers is easy. Finding slots for them is hard. Just looking at the build it looks like you're slotted to hit soft-cap. Stealing slots means losing soft-cap UNLESS you do leadership/maneuvers as what you pick up. Then it might compensate for it.

    6-slot Nummies in true git feels like a waste.

    You've only got 4 luck of the gamblers -- even not slotting leadership powers at all lets you move the one luck from CJ to maneuvers and add one to vengeance for the cap of 5 of them. You gain some recharge and defense (slot CJ for def-IO) and give up nothing. If you're in a team with someone who gives +end, you can even then afford to run some of leadership for extra bonus goodness.
  24. May I suggest ElA/SM? I don't have it on a tank -- I have a SM/ElA brute and he's a beast. The two sets complement each other well (SM is kinda end-piggy, ElA fixes that. ElA can be squishy on a brute at least, SM's copious knockdown mitigation helps).

    Playing an ElA you will never look at carnies or sappers the same way again -- used to hate them on my fire/fire tank or kat/inv scrapper. The ElA/SM brute though? Nom!

    For extra fun, if you go dark side long enough to unlock the patron pools, Mu Mastery will help you zero out a spawn's blue bars. Very little is still threatening when all it can do is brawl (though unfortunately I've been noticing a tendency for mobs to cheat on that aspect: I think the enemy squids in ITF -- they can range attack even with 0 end.)
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Endlessly View Post
    I'd settle for the shields just affecting the whole team in one cast, with increased endurance cost to match.
    You know, we could have our cake and eat it too. See the epic ATs or now DP's "pick this power and get N more". Have the "shield" powers grant two sub-powers. One is your standard, run of the mill shields like now. The other is the end-hog, large-range, sight-limited PBAoE buff. Done! Pick which you want to use!

    There's some slotting concerns there (you can now slot more +def or +res sets in the two powers). On the flip side if you wanted both you'd have to spend extra slots. I don't see that being a total showstopper. They'd have to make sure they two buffs (ST/AoE) didn't stack from the same caster, but that shouldn't be *that* hard. If it happens to clear up how buffs do and don't stack (the double-stack zoning, the don't-vengeance-till-the-last-is-down-or-it-is-wasted) to something a bit more consistent... that'd also be a nice QoL improvement.