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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    When I want to play easy mode, I play my tricked-out scrappers. When I want to play AWESOME MODE, I play my defenders

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Best sentence in this entire thread...
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I liked the part where he says: "The End"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't act like you didn't get teary eyed in the end. You know you did!
  3. Relikk

    dark/dark build?

    Fair enough, but is that really going to be necessary? With all of the stacking -tohit and the multiple effects from Tar patch, the extra defense isn't what's going to be saving lives out there. I guess it's all up to personal preference, but I've never taken the Leadership pool nor slotted Shadow Fall more than twice, and people don't die on my D3's teams. Just seems to be a large tradeoff for a mediocre benefit that you can effectively do without.

    When in Rome...
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    After soloing a Druid to level 50 without the use of any offense other than staff and mace whacks in WoW (before all the current leveling ease), I think I can handle that. ^^

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    Ah... the old druid days are coming back to me... Loved that big guy . Got him up to 75 I think.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Kinetics/Psychic. O.o Well, it's the pair that worked best for my character concept. This should be interesting. Try as I might, I couldn't make Dark work, in any way. But oh well, I'll save that for another day.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh man! Ya didn't like Dark?

    Oh well, I guess making your opponents wet themselves at the very sight of you isn't for everyone...
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Gee, [censored], silly me thinking I could offer my opinion based on my experience. Never mind, I'll just be going and sitting in the corner, then.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Totally forgiven.

    The life of the elitist is so challenging, is it not?
  6. Fair enough.

    Enjoy your toon Cool Catt. You've made the right choice.
  7. Relikk

    dark/dark build?

    Yikes! Too many slots in Shadow Fall. I run with the Steadfast: KB Protection and one EndRedux. The defense isn't impressive enough to warrant six slots.

    Everything else... sure, that could work. I do things a little differently than that, but to each his/her own. Dark is awesome, regardless of your build. Just read up on Jock Tamson's guide and understand what the powers do, and you're golden.

    EDIT: Have fun. You're going to love this toon!
  8. So, there I was... chillin in Atlas on my Rad/Sonic, when I see this player broadcasting "Level ** boss team lf healer". At first I ignored it, thinking that maybe, just maybe, there were no defenders or trollers on the team, and he actually wanted an empath to make the group feel warm and fuzzy about taking on bosses. I ignored it at first, but after he spammed a few dozen more times, I sent a tell: "50 rad def".

    The guy tosses me an invite, and immediately asks, "Can you heal?" I look at his level... 40+ (can't remember exactly what it was)... then I decide to ignore the obvious character purchase or constant AE farming that he had to have gone through, and I answer "I can mitigate damage, yes."

    He left the conversation at that, but he went right back to spamming for a healer for the last spot on the team. I looked through the group list... there is a Dark def, as well as a FF def on the team!

    I couldn't help but think...Such gross misunderstanding of an AT's powers at this level CANNOT POSSIBLY exist?!

    In the end, I convinced him that we were good with the three defenders that we had, and we proceeded to mop up an AE mission. I think that I heard one of the bosses hit someone on the team like once or twice... but that could've just been my imagination...

    Crazy world out there in Paragon...
  9. Though once you find the 'fender build that suits you, you won't even notice how quick or how slow it is. Every minute will be great...

    Oh the sweet feeling of sickening my opponents with radiation and then cascading the lethal pulses of damage from my vocal cords upon them all, each pulse strenghthening the next. Never, ever, ever gets old!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Honestly, the only thing I worry about is soloing...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rest assured Cool Catt, there is nothing that a defender cannot do... nothing.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    ...and kinda wimpy solo...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you truly believe this, then your understanding of the AT is not complete. Just sayin'...
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    nova offers... what, exactly?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The most damage.

    [/ QUOTE ]Not distributed in a significant enough way to give a damn.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In the situations where you're fighting a single target for long time periods, Nova trumps human form. Once the Essences drop and you've got only one mob to Mire off of, even though the Human form is still fun, cool looking, and relatively viable at that point... Nova is more efficient.

    This, among some other situations that I might be able to list if I wasn't sneaking on here at work, sure makes ME give a damn... but people are different. Totally fair opinion you've got there.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
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    AE IMO has brought on a whole new level of ignorance about the characters people are playing. It seems that people are leveling SO fast that they don't get enough time to play with their powers and to get good at using them...

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    SO very true!

    I've been seeing 35+ tanks that run into herds, mid-mission mind you, without any toggles going. I've had 'fenders stumble right into the middle of a mob that we're killing with hurricane spinning 'round him... the whole time spamming "I love Hurricane!". I've even seen a 28 tank run into a fat pack of foes, die almost instantly, and when asked what enhancements he was running, he says "None." While I love the AE system, the lack of knowledge is becoming far too common in higher level players.

    Oh... and if one more level 50 team leader asks me if I'm a healer when I'm standing next to him with green glowing eyes and a huge Radiation Trifoil on my chest, I'm going to shoot someone...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    AE noobs remind me of the following scene from Aliens:

    Ripley: How many drops is this for you, Lieutenant?
    Gorman: Thirty eight... simulated.
    Vasquez: How many *combat* drops?
    Gorman: Uh, two. Including this one.
    Drake: (expletive)
    Hudson: Oh, man...

    Lt Gorman is an AE noob.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Yeah, that look on Vasquez's face when she hears his answer is about the same "Are you f-ing kidding me?" look that I had when the tank said he didn't have anything slotted in his powers...
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    AE IMO has brought on a whole new level of ignorance about the characters people are playing. It seems that people are leveling SO fast that they don't get enough time to play with their powers and to get good at using them...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    SO very true!

    I've been seeing 35+ tanks that run into herds, mid-mission mind you, without any toggles going. I've had 'fenders stumble right into the middle of a mob that we're killing with hurricane spinning 'round him... the whole time spamming "I love Hurricane!". I've even seen a 28 tank run into a fat pack of foes, die almost instantly, and when asked what enhancements he was running, he says "None." While I love the AE system, the lack of knowledge is becoming far too common in higher level players.

    Oh... and if one more level 50 team leader asks me if I'm a healer when I'm standing next to him with green glowing eyes and a huge Radiation Trifoil on my chest, I'm going to shoot someone...
  15. My trip to Triform...

    Once upon a time, my WS was Human/Dwarf. Human form was for killing... Dwarf form was for killing when mezzers were around. Perfect synergy. But somewhere in my 30's, I just wanted more slots! I needed to really dive into all of those nifty Human form powers. And so... Human-only I became.

    While the loss of my purple lobster was a great blow to my heart, my Essences were there to wipe away my tears... and all the way to 50, we travelled together. Sometime thereafter, the SG and I were hitting a lot of AV's and GM's. During those longer fights, my Essences would get bored and leave me, and without fresh corpses around, I couldn't pull them back. (Oh, how painful it always was when I would lift a nice dead body off of the ground, but as soon as the Essence began to form, the body would disappear, leaving me with a long cooldown and nothing to show for it...)

    In addition, blasting away without the number of foes necessary for capping my damage or corpses to refill my red and blue bars got to be quite taxing. Even though I was always relatively safe, my damage numbers were too low for my taste, especially when considering that the squid might be able to persist in the long battles where human couldn't quite shine. Soooooo... my answer was... Triform!

    Now I have my whole family of purple death bringers back and it's a win-win situation for us all!

    The End...
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Well, teamed-up on an 8-man team (not an All-Kheldian team), I've always felt extremely powerful, even before I13 actually.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Definitely! Without question! I love my little purple killer and his fluffy little brothers.

    But to go so far as saying that the Khelds are the most powerful AT while teamed is quite a reach... especially with such a questionable term like "powerful" in reference to a MMO character.

    Now... the statement about not being much better than Defenders?? I think we ALL can agree someone was on crack when they said that junk.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    See what you're doing to me Relikk? If they took Neb/Orb out, and they'd put more stuff in, since I already skip Neb/Orb, then what will I take?! and how will I slot? :shocked

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  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Teamed up on an 8-man, kheldians are the most powerful AT in the game PERIOD. Solo, they aren't much more powerful than defenders.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very... very... very... incorrect.
  19. Neb Form... bleh! Get it outta there! And take that Orbiting "Debt" with ya!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks guys I think I'm going with Rad/Dark at first I wanted Rad/Rad but once I thought about it I start to love the idea of Rad/Dark and you guys sold me on it. Thanks again

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    You're gonna love him/her!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *cough*... not as much as Rad/Sonic...*cough*

    Sorry, I'll have that checked out in the morning... Good luck with the new 'fender!
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Nah..your DarkX3 can do that too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well yeah, but he didn't give Dark as an option for a primary. If he did, I'd definitely be saying to fire up a D3.
  22. Well... I may be a little biased on the topic (observe the sig), but honestly, I think you should turn your speaker's volume down way low and go with the /Sonic

    Of course, if ya just really really really don't wanna, then I think it may come down to how you're going to play. Personally, I'd go with Rad/Dark, combining the -tohit from both with the -def from Rad and allowing you both safety and effectiveness either solo or teamed, especially if you take Dark for your Epic pool in addition. Also, the Tentacles will be great for keeping enemies next to your Rad anchor.

    Man... that sounds fun now that I think about. *ponders new character concept*
  23. Relikk

    AV soloist?

    Still waiting for a build post from one of you experts.

    I'm actually just looking for where the ranged/AoE defense is coming from. I got the rad/sonic to 50, respec'd, and I've already started putting sets in (Got a nice long list already... recharge, recovery, manuverability stuff...). I'm also trying to get a good idea of what other defense I should work on, if any.
  24. Dark/Dark FTMFW!

    The Tentacles and Tar patch are going to be nice when he starts swinging those Dual Blades around. And in some Fear, Nightfall, and one of the fattest heals in the game... there will be good times all around.