391 -
Likely forgot that they could set it to level 10 or it is not common knowledge you can set the level when using Hero/Villain Merits.
My first Hero merit-Glad proc I set to 50 just for being so darn hyper (that feeling: FINALLY!). My last two have been level 10s. -
We've run raids on Infinity where there is no set Ambush team from the three. Once we enter (due to the teams getting scrambled upon entry), the league leader picks two players per team to take on the ambushes.
This assures all teams get experience. The problem is only which two players from each team kill better (I've tried to take at least one damage dealer from each team).
The resulting teams usually go: Team 1 Siege, Team 2 Nightstar, Team 3 Fire Support - They get to fire at will/watch health, but will focus on one target on League leader's call.
We went from teams getting 9 to 10 percent xp for AV teams and 25-33 percent for Ambush teams to 16-25 percent for everyone. Our best runs saw people getting 18-20 percent across the board.
Next: Trying to get newkids to the Lambda Trial to give up or use the darn temp powers. Come on! Someone has to have the last 3 hits of acid! -
Should I turn Notice of the Wells into shards and then threads?
Sean "Dr. Aeon" McCann, one of the masterminds behind the player generated content system Mission Architect was only able to give the following statement: "No Comment."
I bet you don't have anything to say for yourself.
Oh, and before I go: You fools! You've doomed us all! -
Hasten is a 120 second buff.
It recharges in 450 seconds.
So.... X recharge divided into 450 seconds to get 120 is....
375 percent (100 base, 70 for the power, then whatever combination of slotting in hasten, alpha slotting, set bonuses and buffs to get the last 205 is up to you).
Domination is 200 seconds to recharge and a 90 second duration. Using the above math means 122.2 in recharge is needed to match the time (you'll likely need to go a few seconds past to make up for lag/animation time of another power/etc).
So on the way to getting Permahasten, you can get Permadom. -
Yes, I hate myself for even saying it: I'd pay for a second row of 5 Costumes. That fee would be universal ($4.99 or 9.99 [winces]) and the slots would unlock once you achieved the slot above it.
This means all of the level 50 toons that have all 5 slots would have the 5 new ones underneath immediately. -
Some words of advice:
1. You may have more than one of the same set (just not more than 5 of one set bonus).
2. Avoid sets with Damage bonuses as you'll be at or near the cap with one group (team) cast of Fulcrum Shift. If you go with Devastations for the neat Hold proc, regen and hit point bonuses then stop at 3 of that set.
3. Many players tend to go with high recharge, high defense or a mix of both for Kinetics corruptors.
4. Consider, if you can afford them, Accuracy/Mez Hamidon Enhancements (Endoplasm) for Suppressive Fire. This enhancement will boost the stun and hold durations equally and save you slots.
5. What do you want your Dp/Kin toon to do better than it would with just Single Origin enhancements? -
Where's my "I'm only here because my server is down." t-shirt?
My first MMO was FFXI on the PlayStation 2. (/e twitch)
My second was City of Heroes. Anyone who says I still play CoH because it was my first is kidding themselves.
Bar Room Brawls. Running into a group of hostile, superpowered, heavily-armed baddies and dropping all of them with barely a scratch. I frick'n love it and always will. Sometimes I love it when I've got a few bruises to show for it (ah, blasters).
When the original creator of CoH made another game where they capped AoEs mostly at 5 targets... I knew I'd be back here. -
"We loved the suggestion to let people reactivate old accounts to reduce the number of shared names between regions. Well definitely make that happen for you shortly before we change over to the Global Server List."
Free respec as well (typo: you have it repsec! hurry before the kids get home!). I'd be more game for a free character rename per server.
Good news all around! -
Had a Nemesis mob appear off the map in the Scout mission then yeah our poor Boomtown hunter couldn't find a final council target (darn you 5th Column boss grenades!) for 5 minutes.
Worst. Wait. For ONE XP. Evar.
i.e., WOO!
Eventually, I'll get enough time to run an STF or LRSF this week. -
Good luck, sir. The best to you. I've enjoyed your past work and wish you the best in the future.
Clearly they're trying to waste as much time as possible before the release of the second respec for all the procastinators so they'll be forced to buy respecs from the NCSoft store!
... nah, not a Nemesis plot. Too obvious. -
On my Electric Armor brute, the heal/rech bonus helped my heal (it's up to 800 points!), regen bonus from it, the regen from health and the regen from physical perfection.
You're the only person I've tried to give positive feedback to back to back times and gotten the "must give positive feedback to other users first" message.
Happy Birthday! -
3 Dmg/Mez HOs, 2 Recharge 50 IOs and the -Resistance proc if you can spare the slots. Works best on a toon that can -KB or versus KB-resistant baddies. Best ST attack my dom had for ages.
I think I owe some maple bacon cookies to forumites if I get some idea what Electrical Blast alternate animations look like.
I fear I was mistakenly invited to these forums, as I can't get into Closed Beta officially (I get the try a different server message). -
Sighs, and my main hero and villain are sitting on thousands of Vanguard Merits.
Quote:I've always been the greedy little electrics lover who has thought:At least... at the moment. If we're really getting a -regen incarnate power things are going to get mighty silly.
"Completely stopping recovery just isn't enough. I want to do that with regeneration now!"
Thanks for getting my hopes up, Bill. -
Quote:Focused that for you.Ok wait, that is a lie, PB/WS they need a reason for teams to add them as well.
I see Blue/redside getting choices such as Praetoria's arcs added to existing content, but it may be a year or two before we see that in action with the focus on endgame and just the in general letting GR breathe a bit.
Elec/elec dom has been my main Praetorian (level 22, just camping out waiting to run a Failed Experiments farm and find BLARGH two Resistance posters/markers I somehow missed following Badge-Hunter's maps).
The rest:
Kinetic/WP scrapper (hadn't leveled a WP before, it always bored me too much... the flashy Kin animations are getting me through it!).
Demons/Dark MM
Traps/Psionic defender (my main Loyalist, went with a political, power-mad, loves-to-torture theme)
Ice/Kin tanker (a forcefield-themed/colored PPD unit called Police Bruiser)
The rest are random tests of sets I haven't tried yet. I hate to say it, but I haven't found a pairing I enjoy with Dual Pistols. I love anything with Kinetics, but I already have a fire/kin controller and elec/kin corruptor on my main server alone. I have tests with DP/Mental, DP/Kin and DP/Devices currently (I had a DP/TRaps but enjoyed that Psi version better...go figure). -
Of course people would be evil - How else could heroes fill out a season of villain-of-the-week-episodes!?
Blargh! Okies, thanks for the answer. I guess no recharge or BU proc for it then.
I agree. I miss the show.
The RotJ movie was amazing (Terry making fun of Fake Joker was priceless: "Ha. Ha. Ha." /bzzzzzzzzzzzt).
I frown on comics based on TV shows (I couldn't roll with the After the Fall series of Angel after the first few issues), but I'll consider buying this.