Glad proc question




Why do these seem to mostly be listed as 50's? Is this because they are Arena drops? Is there any reason for someone buying these with Merits to buy 50 instead of 10?



Likely forgot that they could set it to level 10 or it is not common knowledge you can set the level when using Hero/Villain Merits.

My first Hero merit-Glad proc I set to 50 just for being so darn hyper (that feeling: FINALLY!). My last two have been level 10s.

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



No, there's no practical reason. But I get the sense that most IOs (of any sort) bought with merits are for personal use, and the PvPIOs that go through the market mostly come from AFK farming.