391 -
Scrapper's resist cap means, like stalker, much of that energy resistance is a waste.
And on perma CP... I was talking pre-Issue 5. Now? eep no. at recharge cap CP is down 60 seconds.
But Two CPs? lawlz... and both Scraps and Tankers can get them from epics. -
Speaking of which... at 9:17 p.m. EST, on a Thursday night...
For exactly 1,000,000,000
My ebil wins!
Until the last one goes for more.... (there is only one level 50 proc left, and it's crafted. NO recipes are left or have even been listed since July 8th). -
Oh don't get me wrong: Me likey Dull Pain! It just feels like overshooting the runway to ask for it lol.
CP's recharge/duration feels based on pre-Enhancement Diversity. 600 recharge/90 duration could be up within seconds of being perma (permahasten + 6 52 Recharge SOs). It needs to be rethought somewhat (perhaps lowered to a 60 second buff but is up every 200-300 seconds). I'd like that change for CP globally actually.
Instead of CP for Electric Armor: perhaps a "Stored Power" button: You click it and your regen and rec are greatly improved for 90 seconds, but you crash for 10 seconds at the end where both are completely stopped. Remove all or part of the recovery bonus from Power Surge to compensate.
Stored Power: Recharge 360. Duration 90. Endurance Cost: 15.6. Effects: Hit Points + 10 percent, Regeneration +100 percent, Recovery +20 percent. Recovery can't be enhanced and only 50 percent of the hit points/heal can be improved (capping around 150 regen and 15 hit points boosted). *-1000 regen and recovery after a 90-second delay.
Sidenote: ... has the EMP at the end of PS ever consistently worked? -
You can either stack drains with Elec/Kin or slows with Ice/Kin. A held target is also a nice siphon target and gives you a reliable location to heal off of.
Dark allows you to stand back from the mob. Ice Storm/Blizzard with Tar Patch is sexy. You can also stack elec hold with dark hold, Ice can stack holds within it's own primary set.
It all works. I'm a nutso for anything electric, but you'll find more "buff elec!" threads than Ice here.
Dark Miasma is more easy mode than Kin, but you'll find being a Kin gets you on more Brute led herding/ITF/etc. teams.
ANY vet team worth their salt will take a Dark Miasma toon. -
/looks at Icon...
Happy Birthday, Turbo! -
Conserve Power is straight up useless. Even if you wanted to skip Stamina, you need Health badly anyway. Stamina > Conserve Power.
I made an elec/elec brute day one Issue 7 and I've never had or needed it.
I wouldn't mind it being a minor version of RTTC or like the Freakshow's reconstruction (maybe a shockyourselfbacktolife rez! /sighs).
Ideas I'm a big fan of: +regen in grounded (yes, while on the ground) and +def and def debuff resistance in lightning reflexes.
It feels like too many sets these days are getting +HP (Shields, WP, etc.)... yet still want some love here.
Keep beating the drums guys! -
I want to form a story contest on my home server of Infinity. I haven't thought it out fully, but I want it to be a challenge and require a buy in to insure participation.
Rules I've worked out so far:
1. You will be given a story topic.
2. You have 7 days to complete it.
3. All mobs, stories, etc. must be made from scratch or you can use existing in-game mobs.
4. Everyone participating must play all missions as one team. I'd like to be the 8th to Judge.
5. The creator of the mission must play a support toon. This does not include "offender" defender builds or all blast corruptors lol.
6. I'd like everyone to have a say. With a 7-man contest we can do it like this: My vote counts 4 pts, everyone else's counts 1. That way I can be overruled if people think i'm wrong, or at least 5 can make it tie (and I"d likely side with them at that point).
I've been ebil farming/marketeering... so I'm trying to decide what to give away for this contest. I could make it where the first 7 good ideas from when I give the topic, or the first to pay say a 50 million buy-in (that I would match to give to the winner).
If we get more than 7, I can run a silent vote through private tells on a 1-10 to scale. We can also run these in unpublished formats if people have 3 stories they're locked into.
Also, to make sure we play all of the missions in a given time... perhaps no Very Long arcs (keep it to 2-4 missions?).
Any thoughts? -
Say bye-bye to xxxx farms!
[/ QUOTE ]
Do NOT talk about exploits my friend. We've already been warned. Not everyone is hip to them (yes xxxx is rampant..., but you can't openly talk about it unless you're /bug reporting it).
That said... I hope xxxx is fixed by having bonuses removed or having them worth Rikti Monkey rewards. They're a nifty thing to have available (bonuses be darned). -
This may be the first meh 2xp weekend.
Double xp likely will not work in AE and players are now familiar with xp rates that would make any previous event or farm before i14 blush.
If anything, 2xp may push people to regular content. -
I just put up a bid for 11k... that's at least twice as much as a vendor would give you.
I mean... come on... -
City of Villains I'm guessing wasn't issue 6. It was City of Villains issue 0.
Like City of Heroes April 04 launch was issue 0.
There had to be some kind of difference for those that had City of Heroes but didn't get City of Villains (even though the games were officially combined some time back).
Going Rogue is not Issue 16, and won't be any future issue either. It will be a stand alone paid expansion.
It's just fun to annoy BaBs and the devs that show up here by saying "Is Going Rogue Issue XX?" -
I think it's 60 days from a deactivated account now.
[/ QUOTE ]
um, and that differs from what I said in what way?
I said: "I believe we still have the 60 day WW purge system for accounts that go inactive."
[/ QUOTE ]
I said an ebil marketeer now... not a focused and intelligent one! -
I think it's 60 days from a deactivated account now. If your account is active, you no longer have to log a toon in to save yourself from a WW purge.
Beef Cake recently sold a +3 Def Gladiator Armor for 1 billion crafted. This is straight up insanity lol. -
Panacea Heal/End proc IO. Level 50. Blueside. I listed for 1,000,000,000.
I fully expect the other 3 or 4 to sell before mine... and that I just took a 50 million influence lesson on don't be greedy...
But I had to... do... it.
Ebil marketeering has me. My base was choked with IOs I never used "in case of" with so many alts... I started selling and my jaw dropped on what I could earn with them. Stuff that as recipes wouldn't get 100k are selling for 5 million.
Do we really have this many insta50 AE babies with cash and no idea how to craft?
So I did it.. a 10-figure transaction listed.
I need help. -
I have it in Increase Density for my Corruptor. The benefit from both never goes away. And no, I don't have to hit someone with it for it to turn "on."
This would also work with the PvP IO +3 Def/Teleport resist, Impervious Skin +7.5 mez resist and Aegis Psi/Mez unique.
Before you take that further... the Performance Shifter +10 End proc in Speed Boost only works 1 in 5 times on the guy I buff with it and not me (I at first groaned when I slotted and found this out... then got happy when I realized I could just spam it on someone who crashed from a nuke or teir 9 defensive power). Some procs do work differently. -
Yup trash recipes like Sleep/Ranges, well... almost any mez/range works. I bid in stacks of 10 for 1 or 11 each at various levels. It's a good way to flip 100 infamy or influence into 100k in about 5 minutes (btw, use Kings Row and Port Oakes.. KR is right next to a vendor, PO you have to fairly flat/safe run to one).
You also can just throw the IO in the market and wait until you have more cash. You don't have to sell it right then! -
lol everytime I think I'm getting ahead with a gimmick... someone has either done what I do or is doing it x 10 better.
I'd laugh with you Snappin' but "blamestorming" makes me angry. Much like anyone who has ever snake egg farmed, rikti portal farmed, killed things in AE that give unreal rewards for no effort: the devs know, they're just trying to do a number of things and how rampant it is shoots it up the to-do list.
Your post did next to nothing. If anything, you were Slim Pickens bronco riding the bomb on the way to it's target cause we knew this was gonna get changed. At least you had a smile your face on the way down!
And I posted in your forum with the other well known way to do this outside of arena, so they can come I TOLD YOU SO! to me as well. -
Rikti invasions actually feel like you're saving the world or at least the city. I've been here since Issue 4 and I'm a little jaded from doing the same stuff over and over, but the invasions I'm happy to see when they show up.
Nice move making it just a weekend thing. Focused players with lots of alts means actual Elite Bosses redside lol. -
how about increasing drop rates to compensate ?
[/ QUOTE ]
Patch notes are often cold and lack hands-on detail. We'll need to play this patch for a few hours/days/weeks (take your pick for the powergamer level you rest at) before I cry for this to be increased and to what level ... but /signed from the feel the news. -
I don't know if the devs wanted to stop farming for PvP IOs... just the fact it felt like farming. There were too many IOs available due to farming methods for their tastes, at least for too little effort by afk/arena.
Devs want you to actively play to get your IOs. Stuff like Targeted AoE, PBAoE dmg/rech IOs were going for 66k to 566k on snipe bids and consistently around 1-2 million.
What this is gonna really hurt is the indemand stuff like the 3 big survival procs, the PBAoE -Res unique and quads or acc/end/rech IOs.
Inflation thanks to AE may lead to the devs raising the influence cap though lol. The 2 billion number is an oldschool ceiling. These days... you can get that number from even inexperienced marketeering in a month. -
I won't scream doom or anything... but wow I'm close to it:
Patch notes for build on test - PvP IOs tied to reputation points. They cut the timer for rep from 10 minutes to 5 minutes, but same rules apply.
You kill a guy: 1 pt of rep. You may not kill that guy... and he can't kill you ... for rep for 5 minutes. If either of you kill each other in the next 5 minutes... the timer RESTARTS.
This means you can't even afk farm for 6 to 7 possible drops in arena 30-minute matches.
While this sounds like a great way to stop farming... it just absolutely crushed anyones hopes of getting complete IOs builds from here on out for pvp.
Just... wow. I'm so mad I sold as much as I did to this point...
If you have something listed... take it down NOW.
Unless someone wants to try on test to see if it's 1 in 100 still or they made it more common than that.
Just... wow. -
I agree, macskull.
If the devs kept the same 1 to 100 ratio for kills to drops... and it only works every 5 minutes... and with rep timers not resetting ifyou afk farm in arena...
Rates are going be double to triple what they were at their worst. Wish I hadn't sold so much over the holiday weekend. I may even nix my blaster's pvp build and sell in a few weeks. -
Well two things could improve Short Circuit without changing it with extra work for Castle/Back Alley Brawler:
1. The drain triggers when the animation starts.
2. Mobs can't aggro until the drain hits.
Right now, you can be attacked the moment you start to fire it.
I'd love to see Short Circuit get Irradiate's animation time. I think the reason it didn't before is due to the {IWinButton] factor. Pre-Enhancement Diversity you could one-shot drain mobs with SC off just 5 ++'d out End Mod SOs.
Even after ED you could do it with pre-Power Boost nerfed 120 percent boost. After both changes.... you have to earn it a bit more, following up with Ball Lightning and even then you're just sapping even levels (this is quite useful on the ITF and LGTF).
I can dream for a faster firing SC at least...
That... and perma Voltaic Sentinels... and Tesla Cage getting a flares-level damage boost... and... and...
sighs. I'm greedy.