241 -
Well if the Elec TS can be viably confirmed. As I don't personally take anything that comes from SC SrS, and not sure why anyone ells would. But if it is true Then Elec seems like a viable choice...
I've also looked in to DM as I herd it got a boost in i14. With a AS and Siphon life. It also has a Placate, which brings me to a question.
As I have stated I've never rolled a stalker. How would it work to have Hide, and placate? is that have any benefits ? -
For team Arena, I'd probably go with WP. Easy to Cap HP, which means you can focus on the important IO bonuses. You also get perception and resistance to exotic effects, like repel.
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It gets some resist to KB right?
Also I took a look at SR, which I know elude got a nerf, but its far from broken. How close can get get the Elude to perma, and does anyone still use this set? -
I find it strange that Elec/ would be a good PvP primary - it seems to me like it lacks a "heavy hitter" to follow up your AS with (it has Thunder Strike but since that's an AoE it's not a guaranteed crit from Hide/placate).
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So Regen is the way to go?
Also is Stalker perception higher then others, I know there stealth cap is higher. So unless there perception is even higher there would be no point in going WP. As any Test Arena Stalker will be at cap stealth, is this correct? -
I'm looking to build a stalker for Team Arena PVP.
I openly admit I've never played a stalker. I have played Scrappers and own a lvl 50 spines/regen. So this will be my first stalker. I'm hoping to hear from some avid stalker players out there like Divine and others. Anyways...
I have 2 right now at like lvl 14 or something... a EM/Regen and a EM/SR. I'm willing to start from scratch if need be.
could some one recommend one for me and give me a good reason why I should pick it over others. Thanks all for your help. -
Yes Therm is the right answer
i used to like my psy blaster a lot. did he get nerfed?
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No Psi/em blasters are still Winners... But it seems they have nothing on Ice/ Blasters lol -
Its a mag 3 Hold from the Ice/ set But it wouldn't matter anyway. Its [censored]. It used to be in the Ice epic I belive but they took it out.
These sets are a great way to reward players for using the arena and PvP zones the way they were intended. Please, PLEASE, do not give in to people asking for these sets to be made available from other means. To do so would completely defeat their purpose.
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well, the alternative to what I said above would be to remove the PVE demand. I think having more items available to PVE is better than narrowing these to PVP-ONLY recipes. YMMV.
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Or you could just not Cry and PVP, They are emplimenting these as a idea that Many MMOs use. Until now U have no reason to PVP, You don't really need these IOs as you more then powerful enough with out them. How ever if you want them, come and PVP with the big boys. -
the 2 new ATs? You mean the Veats? If so Forts and Widows received a nerf in i14, how ever. Despite what you might here on other threads, they are still viable PVP ATs. On a team with another Veat they really shine. With that said, they are no long as easy to play as they were in i13. This can be considered a good thing or a bad, depending on the player.
If your looking for speed with kills Rol a blaster or a Dom, or even a Curr. -
2 problems with this idea.
1.) Earth does not have enough damage to get kills in PVP namly zone!
2.)Force field has taken a nerf how ever on a team it still can work, but again not for getting kills, for helping others get kills.
Earth how ever is a great set, matched with a debuff it can in fact get kills. Or can be a pain in the A if some one on the other team has one.
I would go Earth/rad Earth/sonic or earth/therm or earth/kin. -
Vs a blaster works like this.
There damage dealers, with high spike ability.
They can have moderate HP levels if built right. I think they cap of 1600? something like that. Anyways There goal is simple, use there ability to spike/burst damage and kill you as fast as they can. A good blaster can go through around 1200 HP in a single attack chain some can do more but will use that for an example.
The point is they use this ability to aggressively attack and kill a foe as fast as they can. So with that said the way you beat this is obvious.
1.) You take away there ability to attack at such a fast rate. (I.E) end draing, Slow there recharge, KB to name a few.
2.) You can take away there ability to hit via -to-hit or very high defense like what Forts used to have.
3.) Debuff there damage so they can't output as much and as fast.
4.) simply out damage them, Which is very hard to do unless your a blaster your self or the following: Stalkers or Doms. If If your not one of these don't even try it. Take one of the other routs like debuffing or somthing. Don't try to just toe to toe it, you'll most likely lose.
A good blaster can take another blaster out in under 10 seconds. So imagen how fast they can do it with some one that has less HP then them. How ever blasters are beatable and not all of them are = as well as skill level. -
Ice/Cold curruptors are not odd balls there Winers and some of the tough'est ATs to duel against.
spines/dark is more of odd ball, or spines/wp you can spend alot of influ on a build for one. -
1.) the toggles being droped on rad can be hard to manage. You have to understand that its going to happen and know what to do when it does. But rad is not a dead set bye any means. It works very well on a team.
2.) Regen was hurt bad bye Heal decay and DR. How ever its still a good set, It also helps if you play arena, You can at least turn DR off. WP and fire are good choices for scrapper armor. O and it is true about Flurry, and air superiorty
3.) TR can work but other sets are much better. Storm Sonic, and kin are still much better choices then TR. -
Yeah I heard the rumors about SR, but when the ice blaster is slotted with accys the SR will be hit. As soon as the Elude wears off of course, but that just means a delay in your buttwhippin.
Ok Rad healers when your immobilized your healing is moot! You are an ice cube waiting to be crushed, and nothing more. All Scrappers, and even blaster gotta get thru a 3 layered attack of damage, slowness, and immobilization. Not even counting if youve an elusive Ice Blaster. Its not fun just getting shot down from arfar. Fire blasters LOL @ them all. The most overrated blaster is the fire blaster.
Im simple, but right. I wasted 50 lvls playing a Broadsword Invulnerablity, and was blaster candy. What can really give a correctly built ice blaster trouble in PvP/ One answer - another Ice Blaster!
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... lol -
mind/psi or elec/thermal....
forget fire in this issue..it is lolsy
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Fire/Psi > Mind/Psi.
The pets are also sickly good.
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As much as I hate Bad Barrier, he is right. How ever Pets are not so good if your fighting anyone with mass control. Like say snow storm, or AOE hold. As Pets do not share your same defence. So one hold and you take them out of the match. But if your fighting some one who does not have control powers then the pets do good damage. In maps that are small and enclosed.
But Mind/psi > then fire/psi
If you don't know this then your proby *h|t like Bad Barrier. -
You guys should update this.
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5 Mind/Emps, gogogo
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but no 3 man KB spikes + taunt + 2 Brute webnade + Trow Rock spike = Win. and lots of loled -
I'd consider useing one on a team setting but not in PVPsrsBuzns setting.
Global Name: @NextAgent @FarminNooBz
Home Server: Freedom
1. um 10
2.M Not, applicable
3. Depends on what time it is. Zone pvp as of i13 is a Joke nothing more.
5. This depends on what you consider rough, I dont have pity for those who complain about the pvp system, but know very little about it. But you have to start some time. So in that aspect I think Freedom is a good place to start.
6. For the sake of trying to pound the reality in to the devs head. Ill say the same as all the others who understand i13. 10, how ever who ever created the i13 pvp system clearly knows very little of what made the system pri i13 FUN!
7.Infuence/Infamy,Recipes,salvage, IOs
8. I feel that they are trying, How ever most of them I feel are to inexperienced in PVP to be trying to set up events. Meaning they set up events that are pointless, un-entertaining and/or interesting. I vote NOTputzing!!!!! For Win the rest Fail!
9. B. PvP League - Teams of X are set to compete with other similar teams throughout a "season" in various PvP events, ending with a playoff bracket.
10. [ QUOTE ]
Experience and all other rewards (drop chances) should be available, and in most cases be increased above and beyond the levels available in pvE (i.e., the percent chance of an IO/Salvage drop should be significantly higher for a player kill than it is for a pve boss. The XP/Inf reward for killing players should be significantly higher than killing a +1 boss)
[/ QUOTE ] ---^ Nuff said