i14 Stalker




I'm looking to build a stalker for Team Arena PVP.
I openly admit I've never played a stalker. I have played Scrappers and own a lvl 50 spines/regen. So this will be my first stalker. I'm hoping to hear from some avid stalker players out there like Divine and others. Anyways...

I have 2 right now at like lvl 14 or something... a EM/Regen and a EM/SR. I'm willing to start from scratch if need be.

could some one recommend one for me and give me a good reason why I should pick it over others. Thanks all for your help.



Regen is the hardest to defeat, after that comes ninjitsu (which is still near unkillable with the godmode, some purples or shadow meld, and offers +perc). If you want to sacrifice some survivability for utility then WP seems to be an all time favorite. I've found them to be the squishiest though.

As far as primaries Elec seems to be the FoTM in i14.



I find it strange that Elec/ would be a good PvP primary - it seems to me like it lacks a "heavy hitter" to follow up your AS with (it has Thunder Strike but since that's an AoE it's not a guaranteed crit from Hide/placate).

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I find it strange that Elec/ would be a good PvP primary - it seems to me like it lacks a "heavy hitter" to follow up your AS with (it has Thunder Strike but since that's an AoE it's not a guaranteed crit from Hide/placate).

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So Regen is the way to go?

Also is Stalker perception higher then others, I know there stealth cap is higher. So unless there perception is even higher there would be no point in going WP. As any Test Arena Stalker will be at cap stealth, is this correct?



For team Arena, I'd probably go with WP. Easy to Cap HP, which means you can focus on the important IO bonuses. You also get perception and resistance to exotic effects, like repel.

Edit: And even though you won't see capped stalkers, you'll still want that perception to see Superior Invis'd trollers and such. It's hard to lock on to a target when they disappear 100 ft away from you.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



For team Arena, I'd probably go with WP. Easy to Cap HP, which means you can focus on the important IO bonuses. You also get perception and resistance to exotic effects, like repel.

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It gets some resist to KB right?

Also I took a look at SR, which I know elude got a nerf, but its far from broken. How close can get get the Elude to perma, and does anyone still use this set?



WP gets KB protection. You can't perma Elude (or any tier 9 except Eclipse). Stalkers don't get a higher perception cap but SR, Nin (I think), and WP have +perception in-set so it's easier to hit that perception cap solo. Only ATs with higher than normal perception caps are the VEATs (and they have higher than normal but not quite Stalker-level stealth caps as well).

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I find it strange that Elec/ would be a good PvP primary - it seems to me like it lacks a "heavy hitter" to follow up your AS with (it has Thunder Strike but since that's an AoE it's not a guaranteed crit from Hide/placate).

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It does crazy damage even without the crit. The crit is 50% chance, but it seems to be for the full amount. When it lands, the damage is absolutely insane. Basically imagine an ET with 50% chance of a full crit. It might actually be a bug, because it's just insanely more damage than any other stalker is capable of. It makes EM damage look like a bad joke.

At least in sirens call, I've seen some really cocky elec stalkers lately. Critting TS is basically like an AS, so they don't even bother with AS. And they seem to think that putting someone on follow and queing an attack that takes off 95% of their HP takes skill. The trash talk from them is really funny, and at least in my eyes, elec has overtaken spines as the easiest stalker to play. Spines is ranged, but elec does literally like 3 times more damage.



Well if the Elec TS can be viably confirmed. As I don't personally take anything that comes from SC SrS, and not sure why anyone ells would. But if it is true Then Elec seems like a viable choice...

I've also looked in to DM as I herd it got a boost in i14. With a AS and Siphon life. It also has a Placate, which brings me to a question.

As I have stated I've never rolled a stalker. How would it work to have Hide, and placate? is that have any benefits ?



I'm pretty much settled on spines for the 2 range attacks, trow Fish makes 3, Or can they get the Web nades?
I'm thinking /Nin or /WP

What do you guys think?



As I don't personally take anything that comes from SC SrS, and not sure why anyone ells would.

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Well, to be honest, ALL PvP in this game shouldn't be taken seriously, considering how much of a joke it really is, when you think about it.



Spines/WP is the way to go if you're going for team arena. All you need is AS but doesnt hurt to have some ranged attacks so Spines is the best primary for team arena imo. Willpower for the self heal and the Repel Resist.



Elec thunderstrike hits for just shy of 200 base damage (same as total focus) it crits for +50% damage from hide and has another 50% chance of critting for another +50% base damage.

So about 300 base damage from hide with a 50% chance of doing 400 damage.

Total focus is about 250 damage from hide.

TS only has a 50% chance of a 2 sec stun and TF has 100% chance of it. I'm not sure but TS might apply the kd chance after the stun so it could work like KO blow, but the mag is very low and a single kb IO would protect against it.

TS seems a bit fishy as from hide it hits as hard as ET with a 50% chance of doing 33% more damage. TF is just left out in the cold.

Then again I haven't tested this stuff and am just relying on second and even third hand information.



Well I'm saying how it actually is in practice. Elec completely outperforms every other set when it comes to pure damage. It's not even close.

At this point, I see no logical reason whatsoever to play anything besides spines (for range) or elec (to maximize damage), unless you want to gimp yourself.



I'm pretty much settled on spines for the 2 range attacks, trow Fish makes 3, Or can they get the Web nades?
I'm thinking /Nin or /WP

What do you guys think?

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make an Elec/WP or Spines/WP, I think once my Elec/EA is IO'd it will be pretty good with shadow meld and what not, but I just made the Elec/EA because I have a Spines/WP already, and <3 AE

WP is great because you get repel resistance, a heal, and perception. Elec is snazzy because it gets thunderstrike. Spines has the ranged advantage but honestly the damage is so terrid compared to thunderstrike. from what I've seen since i've came back is that your primary doesnt matter as much anymore in arena, only the ability to get an AS off.
hope my bad rant helped a lil bit?



I play nin/nin

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Truer words were never spoken



OK so it seems like its Spines/ or elec/WP.. I like the idea of Elec. How ever I've played a spines/regen scrapp so it wont' be so new to me.

I'd love to see some Vids of elec/ in action.



I play nin/nin

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Truer words were never spoken

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pfft my nin/nin still outkilled ur em/ea because you're bad :x



I play nin/nin

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Truer words were never spoken

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pfft my nin/nin still outkilled ur em/ea because you're bad :x

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hover + tp + no stam = killing through drones
you got the boring nub kills with the fitekloubbers just standing there, i killed hurricaners when they were godly



I play nin/nin

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Truer words were never spoken

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pfft my nin/nin still outkilled ur em/ea because you're bad :x

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hover + tp + no stam = killing through drones
you got the boring nub kills with the fitekloubbers just standing there, i killed hurricaners when they were godly

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Get told Sorrows.



primary means nothing in team arena. You are there to AS and AS only, anything else means more time to get back into hide. There is a new technique that RPVP is using that currently makes the secondary irrelevent as well, with almost a 100% chance to escape and only requires 2-3 greens per escape if you're being spiked after an AS. I can personally confirm that it works very well. Once everyone figures it out the only thing that will matter is the ability to run through cane and bubbles.

So to sum up, pick any primary, for secondary pick ether EA or WP.



Slot your AS with 3 lvl 52 Acc Dam IO's, and 3 damage procs. Every other attack power you select will be only to get set bonuses from, as you'll never be using them.

I'm pretty much settled on spines for the 2 range attacks, trow Fish makes 3, Or can they get the Web nades?
I'm thinking /Nin or /WP

What do you guys think?

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Slot your AS with 3 lvl 52 Acc Dam IO's, and 3 damage procs. Every other attack power you select will be only to get set bonuses from, as you'll never be using them.

I'm pretty much settled on spines for the 2 range attacks, trow Fish makes 3, Or can they get the Web nades?
I'm thinking /Nin or /WP

What do you guys think?

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Sounds good Thanks for the help.