I really need some Advice
1.) the toggles being droped on rad can be hard to manage. You have to understand that its going to happen and know what to do when it does. But rad is not a dead set bye any means. It works very well on a team.
2.) Regen was hurt bad bye Heal decay and DR. How ever its still a good set, It also helps if you play arena, You can at least turn DR off. WP and fire are good choices for scrapper armor. O and it is true about Flurry, and air superiorty
3.) TR can work but other sets are much better. Storm Sonic, and kin are still much better choices then TR.
If you really dont care to hear my rant/confusion about all the changes made you can go ahead and just skip ahead to the yellow colored text at the bottom.
I initially joined CoH about 2 months after it was released. Back before pvp was even thought of. Although when it was finally implemented I loved it. Since then I have taken several breaks from the game here and there with the most recent and unfortunately the longest being for about the last 3 issues.
The moment I came back I immediately started on trying to figure out what a good pvp toon would be.
Shields/Super Strength Tanker. Turned out to be ok at best. Mind you this is from the perspective of what pvp USED to be...not what it has become. I had no real insight or idea of all the changes they have made for the last two issues. I kept running into other players refering to new terms that i could only assume were added in sometime after I had left. For example Elusivity. And Diminishing Returns being further implemented into pvp structure.
So I finally came to the boards to do a bit of research to see how much has actually changed. I had no idea I was opening the equivalent of Pandora's Box for myself. All those jokes that my friends and I had made about certain pvp abilities had came true. For example, when I was pvping the thought of fire melee doing remotely well in a competitive pvp environment was something to laugh at. Flurry was used as nothing but a joke to laugh at, sometimes stating it as the IWIN button as PURE sarcasm. Even Air Superiority wasnt widely used. Now its like the devs decided to turn all those jokes into reality.
Flurry and AS being apart of the strongest combo for melee sets?! Fire Melee being a viable Set? Even if it for a scrapper. Now whats with all this stuff like Heal Decay? And Mezs not being able to drop all toggles? Acro being useless by itself? Specialized ATs being no more? It seems like now instead of a game of Paper, Scissors, Rock. The devs Tried to balance it so now its College Rule Paper/Construction Paper/Printing Paper. PvP shouldnt EVER EVER EVER be made to be balanced on the 1 v 1 scale if teaming is an option.
Anyways. Sorry about the rant, on to needing advice about what does well in pvp as far as Controller, Scrapper, and Defender builds go. I definitely do not want to go FF, its not as pro active as i would like it to be honestly. Any suggestions for these classes would be greatly appreciated!
And on a side note I do have some questions regarding powersets in these AT classes
1.) Is it to the point of frustration for you rad users? having your toggles dropped so easily now?
2.) How does regen do with Heal Decay? and Is Broad Sword viable enough to compete in pvp? Or is a Spine world? I hear you shouldnt even get ripper anymore as a spine, because of Air Superiority and Flurry.
3.) How well is Trick arrow for defenders? does it go well with say psy? Even though everyone and their momma has defense/resistance against it?