PvP Controller
after the PFF nerf, FF is once again near the bottom of the barrel as far as PvP choices go. The only good thing FF has going for it is Force Bubble and this power is only situational at best. You'll be able to reveal stalkers before they phase and run away.
I would go with /rad /thermal and /emp for PvP before anything else. They all provide an extra dmg option for you or your team and provides a self heal, both of which a critical in PvP (these days). All controller primaries are relatively equal now, so pick the perk you want and go with that.
As far as set bonuses, focus on getting +HP, +dmg, +acc, and most importantly +recharge.
2 problems with this idea.
1.) Earth does not have enough damage to get kills in PVP namly zone!
2.)Force field has taken a nerf how ever on a team it still can work, but again not for getting kills, for helping others get kills.
Earth how ever is a great set, matched with a debuff it can in fact get kills. Or can be a pain in the A if some one on the other team has one.
I would go Earth/rad Earth/sonic or earth/therm or earth/kin.
/Rad? What about the constant de-toggles of RI and EF?
then take sonic
sonic it is thnx for the advice
@Dremster Wrecking Crew / Guardian

so i was thinking about making an earth/FF/earth controller for killing time in RV
should i even bother with force field or try something else?
also what kind of set bonuses should i be building for in pvp? if i had to guess id say:
in that order is that wrong? any advice appreciated
@Dremster Wrecking Crew / Guardian