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  1. You Leave and come back with a Avitar of some kid grabbing some dudes Ballz and you think I have the problem?

    Grab more Guy Ballz dood.
  2. I got a Mind/Thermal Troller I use for Arena Team. For the TK and Therm stuff. But for dueling and Zone I would saying going with a Curr not a troller.
  3. Ready_For_War

    Hi freedom

    Hatter Ware are you on the ladder this season, you almost had your had your own team last season didn’t you? Or were you just on a roster? before i13
  4. I striped my fire/em on live server to fill up my psi/em, But its still set up on Test server. We can do it there. O and I don't duel with lol TS on. DR I'll leave up to you although I don't recomend turning it off.
  5. I don't know about above sonic, but fire maybe. I have a fire/em I duel with to this day, and I still can win. But sonic and psi/em are still in a league of there own. I still have a build on Test on my fire/em you should meet me there some time. I'd love to see if your arch is as good as you say it is. My guess is its not.
  6. Should be some matches for you this thurs on Test. I'd be willing to see what you got on my ice/SS. But I'm sure someones Mind/psi dom is going to put your mm to shame.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    The problem as I see it is that getting recipe drops for defeats actual benefits a small percentage of players, namely those who have the ability to kill opponents consistently. With some datamining, I believe the Devs will find that only a small percentage of accounts have more than 1 PvP drop. If the norm is 0 to 1, and someone is found to have lets say 5 or more, then a bit of code needs to be installed which decreases their drop rate to 1:500kills. If you can't get the drop, then you can't cheat.. lol.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    If your not good at pvp then thats not the devs fault. The more you play the better you will get, and the more kills you will get. I mean what do you expect it to be like? Walk in the zone and kill NPCs for PVP IOS?
  8. I've yet to see a good arch blaster. I understand they have good recharge, But any AT can get good recharge now adays. I've herd people say they get good damage out of Blazing arrow but I've never seen the numbers
  9. well maybe SC isn't what I remember it to be. How ever the understanding of getting one or 2 kills per death prob isn't what this guy thinks of sucess. I'm guessing he thinks hes going run around placeing LOL trip mines all over the zone and blow everyone up lol .
  10. LOL, well for starters
    1.)Put the best blaster (build) on a non skilled player and its still fail.

    2.) I, haven’t PVPed in lol SC in like a year and a half. But the last I saw its full of nothing but Stalkers and brutes. For good reason as there viability is way ahead of anything ells in that zone, especially now that Veats got the nerf.

    3.) most people who PVP in SC regularly are loyal and build there chars just for SC. Which does not mean build a char up to 32 and IO it.

    4.) /Dev is not the best choice it never has been as I've known it. People like it because they think they can see stalkers. Which is also not true because a IOed stalker can only been seen with in 10 ft of some one ells. Which means you still die even if you can see it. Also I see lol Devs setting trip mines up thinking "ooo I'm gona gettum with this" lol When you will really only kill one stalker if your lucky and you'll die in the process. Web nades is the best thing going for a /Dev and it does not keep a stalker from going in to hide.

    5.) Are you playing on a team, if not that’s a hole different game. If your solo just plan on dyeing and that’s it. Just die and be happy with dyeing over and over again. Unless your very, very good which is not likely.

    6) Burst damage is still and has always been King. Not "spreading out to-hit over what ever he said" you take a stalker out bye catching him ASing some one ells or trying to AS you, and spike him. You kill a brute bye Spiking at a distance Boost range is best for this, not lol/Dev

    I could go on but I don’t’ want to take away from Macs reply.
  11. I stand corrected, roll that amazing fire/ax and wreck all that opposses you!
  12. dood if you have that much money re-roll a viable pvp char.

    I'm not going to list them as I'm lazy right now some one ells will for you.
  13. yea bro not gona lie I didin't read any of it. But its prob around the right idea so

  14. Ice attack is pretty much fail how ever ice debuff is not. Spines/regen is pretty much always going to be good.
  15. if you think you'll need more damage go with leviathan, If you want a bit more mitigation go with mace for Web nades and FA
  16. What could possibly be better then Frost Markins?
  17. Working as intended............
  18. 1.) The spines/regen should win

    2.) The sonic/cold Curr

    3) The ill/stormy should win

    4) this would just be lame, but the WP/Dark if played well would be slmost impossible to kill for the fire/ss but WP/DM wouldn't be killing anything.

    5) The dom but with DR off I'm not sure.
  19. I took a look at them... they have alot of survivability, but I don't see anything impressive from there attack aspect
  20. I think I remember him... Xhig do you ever talk to Moe?
  21. But dood you talked mad ish about her and then lost and quit out..

    If your bad at least be humble like me.. Don't talk ish in AC chat just to get farmed.