Need Advice on PvP With a Peacebringer
I can answer a couple questions the more general ones.
1. The set bonuses you listed plus accuracy are all the main ones to aim for.
2.Not sure never tried a PB in pvp.
3.Even with max perception you can only see a stalker from 10 feet away. For a blaster that takes targeting drone,rectified recticle and tactics.
4.Super speed offers no stealth in pvp zones what so ever. Best you can do is stealth IO plus stealth but even then everyone is going to see you. stalkers are the only ats that can move around undetected without worrys.
someone wrote a really good guide for Kheld PVP. I wish i could remember who it was.
it basically boiled down to
Take a look in the Kheldian section for posts from SolientGreen. He has a lot of great input on PvPing with a PB.
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
it basically boiled down to
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Robo, that is actually totally wrong now. I13 made PB's pretty damn good. With I14, they are actually better than VEATS. As you know, they were always basically unkillable in the hands of a good player. Now they also have blaster level damage. You can 3-4 shot squishies from nova form.
Robo, that is actually totally wrong now. I13 made PB's pretty damn good. With I14, they are actually better than VEATS.
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It's kinda funny that you bring this up. I had it in mind to design a VEAT hunter/killer. Theoretically speaking, being able to do that with a PB would hinge on whether or not I could debuff their Defense enough to do steady damage. My first thought would be to use Nova form to rapidly stack -Defense.
To that effect, how have the recent Elusivity changes affected VEATs? Are they still the Defensive juggernauts that they were in i12?
No. That's mostly why PB's are better now, because VEATS were made into complete jokes. So it's a waste of time to builds a VEAT killer. They don't really exist anymore. There's no reason to play a totally gimped toon, so people are back to just playing stalkers.
Robo, that is actually totally wrong now. I13 made PB's pretty damn good. With I14, they are actually better than VEATS.
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It's kinda funny that you bring this up. I had it in mind to design a VEAT hunter/killer. Theoretically speaking, being able to do that with a PB would hinge on whether or not I could debuff their Defense enough to do steady damage. My first thought would be to use Nova form to rapidly stack -Defense.
To that effect, how have the recent Elusivity changes affected VEATs? Are they still the Defensive juggernauts that they were in i12?
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I made my PB to solely fight other does well. Like Supermax indicated, there will be times when there's only Stalkers playing and then you get the "stupid flying PB, come down here and fite u coward" tells from Stalkers without jetpacks. It is what it is...just be prepared to play sometimes when there are only Stalker ATs online and keep in mind they are in hide 90% of the time. Makes for boring times for a flying PB if you go the Nova route.
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
Hey jersean, I actually have a question. From what I've seen, your PB does seem to have +perception in nova form. What do you have? The +perc IO? Is it actually slotted in the nova form or what?
I'll reply to a few things in this thread, but there are a ton of other posts about PB PvP.
-Slotting the +perception IO in Nova is the way to go in my's not that much of a buff, but every little bit helps.
-Dwarf from does act like a BF in a way...but really, by the time you finish the animation, the hold is off you anyway. If it's a hold from a Dom in Domination, it will still be on you, but it reduces the time it affects you. Dwarf is great for the extra heal and the extra HP's if you ever get in a tough bind.
-The stealth IO must be combined with Stealth (the pool power) to be effective. Super speed doesn't grant any stealth in PvP. Stealth is a good power choice to fly around undetected (for the most part) in conjunction with the IO...however, a good portion of the villain ATs have high perception, so they'll still mostly see you.
-Here is the order of bonuses I would go for: +Rech, +Accuracy...and then anything else you can squeeze in. You'll want your heals up as often as possible, and with 3 available heals (EB included) you'll be a tough out. Also, with all the +recharge and good slotting, you'll have Essence Boost perma'd, making your Nova form less risky.
PvP for PBs is a pretty simple forula right now - slot dmg/rng Hami-Os into your Nova attacks, and blast away. Sure you can pepper in a few IS's here and there, or do other fun things, but you'll pump out a good amount of damage in a short amount of times with the fast recharge/activation times in those Nova form blasts.
someone wrote a really good guide for Kheld PVP. I wish i could remember who it was.
it basically boiled down to
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That was me, back in PvP General. Heh.
Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.

someone wrote a really good guide for Kheld PVP. I wish i could remember who it was.
it basically boiled down to
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That was me, back in PvP General. Heh.
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Your guide is severely outdated.
Hey jersean, I actually have a question. From what I've seen, your PB does seem to have +perception in nova form. What do you have? The +perc IO? Is it actually slotted in the nova form or what?
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I have Nova 6 slotted: 5x Adjusted Targeting & 1x Fly. I wanted to get that 5% recharge; I went with Solient's advice on maxing recharge. Since I was having problems seeing stealthed vills (Banes etc) overall, I picked up Tactics and slotted: 1x Perception IO & 5x Adjusted Targeting. I basically just switch between Human and Nova forms while fighting if I can (a cpl of Doms hold me like theres no tomorrow) and it works ok.
"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-
Peacebringers in pvp are not a joke as they once were.
Peacebringers in pvp are not a joke as they once were.
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yeah now it is VEATs ..who could think...
I took a look at them... they have alot of survivability, but I don't see anything impressive from there attack aspect
I have yet to be bored enough with the game to make one and slot a build, but in 3.5 years of lurking in pvp, i have seen a total of 1 kheld that was worth a damn. More power to you if you get a successful build with one, please post it when you're done.
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I took a look at them... they have alot of survivability, but I don't see anything impressive from there attack aspect
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Comes from Nova Bolt and Blast - 100' range with no enhancement, both do nice damage, recharge fast enough to go back and forth constantly, and you are in a form that is highly mobile. -Def debuff is there as well.
I basically just switch between Human and Nova forms while fighting if I can (a cpl of Doms hold me like theres no tomorrow) and it works ok.
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Sounds like slotting the +perc IO in tactics still gives you the effect in nova form, huh. Good to know.
I have yet to be bored enough with the game to make one and slot a build, but in 3.5 years of lurking in pvp, i have seen a total of 1 kheld that was worth a damn. More power to you if you get a successful build with one, please post it when you're done.
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What server are you on? I've seen a couple of good PB's in my time...and I'd like to think that mine would be included in that group.
Admittedly, I PvP'd with it a lot even before I13 and had a lot of practice in timing my form shifts and maximizing my attacks and heals. The change to mez beneffited PB's quite a bit...and so did the buff to the Nova form blasts.
Hey all. I've found that the PvE game becomes rather boring for me at 50. Guess it's the feeling of not having anything left to accomplish. So I've decided to take my main, a Peacebringer, into the rough and tumble world of zone PvP (Primarily Siren's Call and Recluse's Victory).
Problem is, I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I've really lost track of how PvP functions since the I13 uproar. So I've come here with several questions for the PvP community.
<ul type="square">[*]What set bonuses should I go for as a PB? My first picks would be +MaxHP, +Damage and +Recharge but I'm not too sure.
[*]Will activating Dwarf form still function as a Break Free? With the removal of mezz protection from the PvP game I'm assuming that it won't.
[*]Will the +Perception unique from the Rectified Reticle set give me enough Perception to see Stalkers or should I pick up Tactics? Also, are its effects global? I'd like to slot it into Bright Nova.
[*]Finally, is Super Speed plus a +Stealth IO enough to sneak around in PvP? I'm not looking to be a Stalker but I'd like to remain somewhat undetected if possible.[/list]
Thanks in advance for your help.