Someone told me that...
I was told that it is hard to make a good ice/rad troller. I have been playing one in Siren's and he owns [censored]. My only problem is endo. Need help with endo and any other suggestions..
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Well if you need help with "your" build. Post it and let others find away to help you by analyzing it. Since your Build is fit for your style of play, But I find this topic ironic with your other post?
Here you say you OWN with Ice/Rad trollers
But on your other post you state " I NEED a PVP Hero" ***note to self**Ice/rad IS a hero.
My squishies keep getting pwned by everything.
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All I need is the primary and secondary, the rest I can do myself.
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You have a primary and secondary now.. Ice/rad but you need help? I find irony in your back to back threads LOL
All kidding aside post your build is the best way to have poeple help you, that way they can see whats giving you issues.

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Fight my brute
I was told that it is hard to make a good ice/rad troller. I have been playing one in Siren's and he owns [censored]. My only problem is endo. Need help with endo and any other suggestions..
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Yeah, it is just recently that I realized how good my ice/rad troller is. So I am sticking with him. Still have to put my build in mids then will ask for some advice on him. Only problem is he is only lvl 35 so far so he doesnt have a ton of ios or anything.
Well if you need help with "your" build. Post it and let others find away to help you by analyzing it. Since your Build is fit for your style of play, But I find this topic ironic with your other post?
Here you say you OWN with Ice/Rad trollers
But on your other post you state " I NEED a PVP Hero" ***note to self**Ice/rad IS a hero.
My squishies keep getting pwned by everything.
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All I need is the primary and secondary, the rest I can do myself.
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You have a primary and secondary now.. Ice/rad but you need help? I find irony in your back to back threads LOL
All kidding aside post your build is the best way to have poeple help you, that way they can see whats giving you issues.
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Get stamina and slot end reductions
make an ice/rad you'll own in zones
make an ice/rad you'll own in zones
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Sweet I'll Get Right On It!!! O wait I did thanks!
i lol'd
I didn't
I was told that it is hard to make a good ice/rad troller. I have been playing one in Siren's and he owns [censored]. My only problem is endo. Need help with endo and any other suggestions..