fire/ax tank build
dood if you have that much money re-roll a viable pvp char.
I'm not going to list them as I'm lazy right now some one ells will for you.
Ready_For_War the Devs say you are wrong. The I13 revamp made it so all ATs and builds would be viable and fun to PvP with.
A very sad story about War Witch and the neglected kitty.
Originally Posted by Black_Barrier
Guess it's hard to click while actively trying to keep the drool away from the keyboard...
I stand corrected, roll that amazing fire/ax and wreck all that opposses you!
It's actually not a horrible build. Axe isn't that great (just because SS is at least 10 times better than anything else), but fire is pretty much the undisputed #1 primary right now, so at least you have that. You want the 2 shields, temp protection, HF, FE, and maybe burn.
I have never made a dedicated pvp toon before. I was going to dust off my fire/ax tank that has been on the shelf for two years. Can anyone help me with a build for it? I have just over a billion to spend and can make more if needed.