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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    It isn't unless you have a group of friends you can just log in and shoot the crap with; it then becomes somewhat tolerable to enjoyable.
    You can have fun in zones, I guess, but you definitely want you Fire/Regen or something survivable.

    -----^this post wins^------

    It simply takes to much time to become respectable in PVP in this game. Based not only on the time it takes to build a single PVP spec char, then the time it takes to accolade it, then the time it takes to get farmed bye Vet? pvpers and then learn how to not get farmed. As Neuronia said with help from friends you can cut down on the over all time. But not my enough to validate the terrible pvp system this game has. If you can cut all these middle men with an account with a properly built char, and just focus on learning how to not get farmed, then its not bad. The game can be fun at times, but its not worth all the time, there's simply better games out there to invest in.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slax View Post
    Practice Tomorrow, meet in Freedom Pocket D 8:30 EST.

    dUmb nice
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    This Global Agenda looks pretty sweet is there any other way to get into beta other then pre order? Either way it is released Feb 1 so only a week away.

    a fun game to pass the time, is exteel its a TPS MMO kinda like GA, except for much much faster. Its speed is much like COX pri i 12. Is also much more balanced then COX ever was. O and is 100% Free!! lol
  4. it was only a matter of time before Forum PVP made its come back.

    (back to smeg bashing Soul) and Go!
  5. I've been playing GA for a little while.

    Yes: it crashes alot, still.... but its getting better.
    They release patches every day and night.

    There's a big following for it, but its just beta so who knows who will still be around.

    I already found a active PVP guild. The PVP is fun, its a TF2 style game.

    I've seen alot of players on that game with names that mirror people from the PVP community here. But who's to say if that;s really them.

    Over all its a good game just needs allot of work to be better then TF2.
  6. Can't wait to see how many teams get formed. I've only been back for about a week now, and I can see the difference in PVP activity on freedom with KB and stuff.
  7. Ready_For_War

    Good Psy/Em?

    Originally Posted by Psyrene View Post
    like I said, use any parts of it you would like, I know that my blaster does fairly well in RV and in arena matches.

    What is your moment speed like on this build. With the travels slotted how you have them. Do you find your self grounded alot, and hows your stamina?
  8. Ready_For_War

    ranged melee

    Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
    I'm with Rent on this. I got phase and hiber on both my stalkers. And spines really doesn't have any tricks. Ripper is pointless because you can just spam impale, which does more damage. Trow spines is completely pointless, because it basically doesn't even do any damage. I guess you can proc them, but you can just proc impale and lunge and spam them nonstop. Not like a stalker is likely to be using many attacks anyway.

    The main reason I have phase and hiber is that it's a 100% guaranteed getaway. Without phase, if people are on you after you leave hibernoob, there's a decent chance you'll be in trouble. With phase, there's no possible chance to die at all. And when you play a toon with zero accolades or IO's, that is nice to have.

    Lastly, some people actually like PvP'ing at less than level 50, for example sirens. With only hibernoob, you're basically limiting yourself to only RV and arena. Which is fine for some, but not all.

    I agree with this--^

    Nothing is more frustrating in RV when your stalking a stalker, on blaster or somthing, and you get him to go in to hiber. Thinking when this dumb sap comes out hes gonna get it, just to see him hit phase while in hiber and disappear. I also agree that as a stalker, and a none fightklub scrap you don't need that many attacks 3 at most. I don't see why you wouldn't have room to take both.
  9. Ready_For_War

    ranged melee

    Originally Posted by SoulTouch View Post
    Brb going to care.
    Just stop dude.... Apparently you have know idea who any of these guys are. Which means a few things, one your nobody, 2 your biting of way more then you can chew.

    The best idea is just to ignore barrier, and take the advice from the people on these forums who know what there talking about. Unless you learn how to be much better at Forum PVP then I would call it a night for you.
  10. Ready_For_War

    Read this thread

    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    glad to see there are pvpers like mac around to counter this.

    if you believe that nothing mac or anyone does will make a difference, why are you still here?

    Not to side with Barrier here, cuz I don't support obesity or anything. But you can't fault him for snapping. There's been to many years that show that even if the devs throw us a bone. They have no idea how to implement positive changes to the system. If we tell them to make a change they go and nerf the hole system and everything changes. Even if people with a solid head on there shoulders like mac get a chance to sit down and talk to the devs. They will just twist it all up and create a new i13 for us to deal with.

    I say, you might as well get your F bombs in when you get a chance because nothing ells is really going to have any impact anyway.
  11. Ready_For_War

    /invul or /wp

    Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
    oh yeah, also, can i get a no. 2 with super-size fries and a diet coke?
    Y does Fatty want a burger? I'll see what I can do for you and your super-sized mother.
  12. Ready_For_War

    /invul or /wp

    I tested some things my self. You guys were dead on about the HD time. So HD seems a non issue. I'm not sure what the max heal people are getting with that Healing flames or the best recharge time. I seen one person say it was impossible to get it faster then 10 seconds. I tested 20 seconds or more on a non IOed SS/fire so lets say you can use that heal every what 15 seconds if its slotted? If your in a zone and your a brute and the hero team can't land more then your cap damage + that one heal in 15 seconds. I would say there's either only 2-3 heroes in the zone and you haven't taunted any of them, Or there on a team being lead bye Bad Barrier and have no idea how to spike.

    the argument was if fire was better then inval. I said only in fightklub situations, I still say I was right. I also advised not to take aid-self which I'm also write about. As stated phase, or tough and weave would be better choices. Inval is not going to make you a killing machine hell just watch chuido. But It can take a spike or two...... just watch chuido lol
  13. Ready_For_War

    /invul or /wp

    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    Few problems here: heal decay is on an 8-second timer, so there's no way you'll have to worry about bumping into that just using Healing Flames. You should be able to build a /Fire Brute to about 2200-2400 HP between IOs and accolades so the max HP buff from Dull Pain isn't as important, not to mention you can't keep it perma with DR unless you have a lot of (wasted) recharge. Invuln isn't bad, but it works better on a Tanker because of the higher resists and higher base HP. For a Brute, there's really no reason other than the KB hole to not go /Fire - between Healing Flames, Taunt, Phase, and teammates, you should be a very tough target and should rarely die unless you try to solo a full team of heroes.

    +HP isn't going to help you once every 2 or 2 and a half minutes if you're taking damage constantly. It will help erase one damage spike, and after that you're SoL.

    the +HP might not help you if your at cap already. But if your - some accolades and you would like that cap HP then it does. Taking a tanker over a brute in PVP is better regardless of what AT it is. I didn't know about the timer on HD so I'm sorry for that. w . Inval also has a perma AOE taunt which is the hole point of bringing a Tanker/brute in to PVP. Fire does not, If your talking about having team support a invall is still going to last longer then a fire. I remember a guy from Shake down used to bring a inval brute in to the zone and taunt like a mad man (he did have support). I watch him pull aggro from 5 or more blasters at a time and was still able to stand. As far as i understand it the heal from inval can heal for over 1000 HP. Thats enough to withstand at least one spike. If a fire tanker were to pull that kinda aggro spike (which it can't in the first place) The 700 HP heal he can use ever like what 10-15 seconds is not going to keep him alive not even for one spike. He would face plant.

    With out DR and HD Fire is the beast with out a doubt. But in a zone inval is better for more the one reason. I've never seen a Fire Tanker/brute used in an official not pre-or post i13. Post i13 I seen Renegades use an Inval, and I think I think one other time. I've herd of Hyper AI doing 3v3s or 2v2s. but with only that many in arena its a hole another story.
  14. Ready_For_War

    /invul or /wp

    Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
    aid self + dull pain = op.

    ready for bad is just bad.

    Your bad and apparently you can't read. If your in a zone and doing what a tank/brute should be doing your not going to get Aid self off ever, unless you run in the base. If your dueling some one in a zone then your almost as bad as barrier, and your also not going to ever get aid self off. If your dueling in arena and you have HD on then your just as bad as barrier and you should just / your wrists. If you have some what of a brain you will have HD off and then Fire/ is much better then Inval. The defense you get out of inval is going to get DRed and its not going to be enough to ensure that you get Aid Self off when you need it. Aid self at best makes heals for something like 600 HP in a zone the first time. The second time its cut down to 400 HP. Healing Flames is going to get cut down in the same manor as aid self. Once your only healing for around 200 HP a pop its going to mean nothing when your getting spiked for over 600 HP per spike.

    So yes I'm right, and you play your Fire/SS like a downie off his medds your horrid bad. So you can take your advice from the Fat kid with down syndrome or you can go look at the HD numbers Healing Flames is going to have to deal with, and see for your self if Inval is better.
  15. Ready_For_War

    /invul or /wp

    Originally Posted by xikekaz View Post
    To make up for DPs long rechrge I was gonna pick up aid self.
    I like my em/fire jus wanted to try a differant brute for pvp.

    No don't take aid self, its one of the worst powers in the game. Unless you have PFF, or phase.

    Pick up Tough and Wave. Make sure to slot for lots of recovery on your Sets and your powers because the stamina problem on inval Almost makes it not worth how good it is at everything ells. An end sapper will **** you if you don't carry a tray of blues.
  16. Ready_For_War

    /invul or /wp

    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    One big heal every few minutes isn't going to be as effective as a big heal every 15-20 seconds. Fire's strengths are Healing Flames and Fiery Embrace. You can make Invuln work but it doesn't have quite the bag of tricks that Fire does.

    you know this is quite wrong.

    With DR one big heal every now and then is much better then moderate heal every few seconds. HD is going to cut that heal down to nothing very fast if hes spamming it. Where one big heal is still DRed but not as often, and inval gives the +HP which makes it so you don't need to spam the heal. Inval>Fire dude if can patch up the Stamina problem with it.

    unless you arena FightKlub
  17. Ready_For_War

    Hiatus over

    Originally Posted by Ready_For_War View Post
    Whats up Hush

    This game is still Crap, I remember U used to play a kin alot. Now the only thing that is good for is being farmed.

    Theres no point in coming back to this game. Unless you just wana play a few lame kick Ball matches were Barrier gets farmed, and there's like 2 or 3 people you might now and the rest are random zone pvpers. O and divine hosting Fight Klub matches.

    I guess silit is looking for kins to join so maybe I'm wrong. I've only been to like 3 of the KBs anyway.
  18. Ready_For_War

    Hiatus over

    Whats up Hush

    This game is still Crap, I remember U used to play a kin alot. Now the only thing that is good for us being farmed.

    Theres no point in comeing back to this game. Unless you just wana play a few lame kick Ball matches were Barrier gets farmed, and theres like 2 or 3 people you might now and the rest are random zone pvpers. O and divine hosting Fight Klub matches.
  19. Ready_For_War

    Read this thread

    Originally Posted by __Divine__ View Post
    Today im going to "try" to respec my cold into a build for is a list of toons i can bring to KB's.

    Red Side
    Ice/Kin Corrupter
    Ice/Sonic Corrutper
    Ice/Cold Corrupter
    Fire/Rad Corrupter
    Sonic/Rad Corrupter
    Sonic/Dark Corrupter
    Fire/Therm Corrupter
    Elec/Therm Corrupter
    Ice/Therm Corrupter (lolz)
    SS/Fire Brute
    EM/EA Brute
    Fire/Fire Brute
    Stone/Elec Brute
    Elec/Stone Brute
    Mind/Ice Dom
    Ice/Fire Dom
    Fire/Psi Dom
    Necro/Posion MM
    Ninja/Posion MM
    Bots/Dark MM
    Thugs/FF MM
    EM/WP Stalker
    Claws/Nin Stalker
    Em/Regen Stalker
    Dark/Dark Stalker (lolz)

    Blue Side
    Ice/Em Blaster
    Ice/Storm Troller
    Storm/psi Troller
    Fire/Rad Troller
    Fire/Kin Troller (no im retired from PLing eppy....)
    Ill/Emp Troller
    Sonic/Sonic Defender

    Might have forgot some stuff...
    U sir have to many, you should just stop.
  20. Ready_For_War

    Read this thread

    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    It needs acc and taunt duration, or at the very least acc.
    I taunt bot on my brute. Get Web nades from Ur patron Makes it more enjoyable to play then just spamming taunt.

    Or be sMart and Cancel Subscrip and get the new COD Modern Warfare Its Fn..g amazing.
  21. Ready_For_War

    Read this thread

    If you guys get this going I'll reactivate my accs with mah pvp toonz on it. I really would like to see the ladder come back.

    good luck silit
  22. any new developments on this?
  23. Ready_For_War

    Week of WAR!!

    Name of the game is Pillboxes
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
    Holy ****, that was a lot of words since my last post. I'm not gonna bother reading any of it, sorry guys.

    I will just say this.

    It's called ******* zone PvP. Not a "warzone". Seriously wtf.

    LOL and here I thought he found some way to Hax the game and wreck players in Rikiti Warzone FightKlub bich smack style.


    but srs guys thats a lot of typeing you 2 (sent and mac).
  25. Ready_For_War

    Trio PvP team!

    Originally Posted by __Divine__ View Post
    Stalker, Pain Dom, Dominator.

    almost any coordinated 3 man team can wreck in a zone.

    diff zones have diff top tier choices tho.

    the one divine stated can work for just about any zone.

    stalker,thermal, earth dom would be nasty to. I hear a good TA curr is nice to have on a team now.