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  1. Ignore lists are fine tools. It's too bad the old ignore lists didn't carry over from the previous forums.
  2. Superside kick reads like some sort of martial arts move.
  3. Every year I've gone to D*C, CoH-related panels have ended up standing room only and spilling out the doors, but they still never come. I think there's been a Cryptic/Paragon Studios person or two, but never in any official capacity.
  4. Actually, I'm bringing down the servers and pushing the build to the patcher right now. It'll be back up in a couple hours and you can all start pickin' and a choosin' and a whinin'!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post

    Even if I'm totally wrong about all that, worst case scenario we get a giant CoV-sized pile of new story arcs and missions to run that should be at least as engaging as the other newer stuff like the RWZ and revamped Faultline.
    Amen, bruddah.

    I think your first paragraph is probably going to turn out to be a fairly accurate prediction, though.
  6. OP, take a good look at this Going Rogue Trailer and still try to say you have problems buying it.
  7. Well, the people who have bad english usually don't have english as the first language. It's still fun to drop the mine for fish line.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hero_EX View Post
    not start from Zero in NA, I also bought all the packs
    better try another game.
    CO e.g.
    How I mine for fish?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
    Issue 16 is nowhere near ready for release, tons of bugs and issues still exist and some could be gamebreaking for a lot of people.
  10. My Inv/SS tank steamrolls all kinds of things, including Malta and Rogue Vanguard.

    Y'see, steamrollers slowly roll over and crush everything in their way.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
    im just wondering what posi plans on doing with the market..who ya thinks supplys 90% of the recipes ....devs should play their own game and realize the 2ndary effects of their nerfing...this is why you now have smoothed the xp curve TWICE in this game.

    cant wait till the 3rd time you do it..
    Illogical cause and effect in da hizzouse!

    The XP curve has been made easier because of reward nerfs! Brilliant.
  12. My invuln/SS tank made it through okay. I do missions on heroic when I'm solo, though, in order to keep the pace up. 3 minions or a minion and Lt. combo aren't that bad for Invuln.
  13. If it is working as designed does that mean that this problem has existed for as long as the STF has been around and has just gradually become a big deal? Or is Castle confused about what the post was about in general?
  14. No "forum police" actively goes around shouting down people that suggest XP is the driving factor for most players. Some members of the community don't do things solely for XP, some members of the community don't understand why XP can trump story, but otherwise you're just making things up.

    The changes to XP on custom mobs will most definitely have an effect on how likely players will play any arcs with custom mobs. Especially if they don't implement a method to indicate when a custom mob is going to generate reduced rewards.
  15. Member of the 40 and up crowd.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
    This is the internet, where women you'd crawl over broken glass for in real life are dismissed with a "she's only a 9.5 out of 10, so not up to my usual standards".

    So Swan is too fat, Sister Psyche's hair is too red and Dominatrix isn't harsh enough.
    Then I guess forum ain't the internet because no one said she was fat.
  17. Razoras

    First 50!

    Good work!

    Did you remember to hit screenshot during the "DING!" moment?
    If you didn't it doesn't count and you need to get another 50.
  18. "That nerf's a little small!"

    "You kidding? I shot nerfs that size with my TI-85 back home!"
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    *laughs out loud* I think this is the only business I have ever heard of where less money/decreased interest in the target customer is tied to a perceived positive outcome. This is a most interesting point of view.
    Well, I'm sorry that you insist on being so out of touch with the industry or even, it seems, business in general that it seems wild and crazy to you. You really are completely out of your league on this one!

    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    .... You know what I find truly idiotic, is all this dramatic namecalling and ad-homineming over the mere idea of someone having a different opinion than your own - and who was not even addressing you, to boot.

    Its not changing any minds, but go on with your bad self.
    If it bothers you so much, don't be a hypocrite and do the same exact thing. Great job on ignoring the general trend of the discussion and re-derailing the whole thing while you're at it. After this post I will not be contributing to the problem, so enjoy the last word!
  20. Up with carnie skirts/XP mod increases, down with Freakshow trousers/XP mod decreases.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
    Just to focus the debate back into something interesting; Freakshow don't give enough xp now. Either that or Council and 5th give too much.
    The problem is, I don't think there's anything BUT a consensus on that point. No one has really supported the degree to which Freak XP is slated to decrease. On its own it seems like too much of a decrease, and then when you put it into the context of other groups it seems even more out of whack.

    Farcical charts? The only farcical aspect of any of the charts is the one based on Aceman's "nerf campaign." All the data there is verifiable and as accurate as it gets, and I've recently updated my local copies to include the data from Q1-Q3 08 as I had originally thought the data ended before then.
  22. I certainly hope so. At the very least, it's gonna make having themed teams among groups of friends that play at different rates a lot easier.