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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    None of this is aimed to be a 'My Character is Bigger/Better than your character!' ; it's purely meant to represent a less rigid deisign that the game simply can't allow for balance sakes.
    C'est la vie
    Let's be clear about this. One of the reasons I view mechanics as a realistic limiting factor and get a little wound up that people totally ignore it is that I come from an actual roleplay background where the games have rules, not to stifle creativity, but to allow the players to have a challenge and enjoy themselves.

    Take Champions (the PnP game, not the MMO). You can have utterly awesome power, but you are limited by the points you have to spend. Effectively unlimited power is available, sure, to Referee controlled villains, effectively the AVs and GMs of the world. It takes a rare kind of player to handle unlimited power without going off on a power trip and ruining it for everyone. It's an ego-trip.
  2. Coming in late so...

    Annette is independently wealthy due to the magic of compound interest. Why? Because I felt like it.

    Jason Caine is the same, 8000 years of amassing money is bound to leave you with resources.

    Louise, on the other hand, and most of my other characters, are 'comfortable' and that's all they need, so it's all they have. Louise even has to do some rather distasteful work to earn the cash she needs.

    As far as level goes... throw away characters I ignore it for. The odd times I've had gods or the like turn up, they were about level 2 with awesome cosmic power, and got deleted soon after. Levelling them was stupid and pointless.

    Annette's early life story was entirely based around her need to be assessed at level 35 so she could join Vanguard and cut up Rikti. So, yes, I view level as an assessment of 'threat level' made by... well, the FBSA is as good an agency as any for it.

    ETA - within reason, yes the level of villains applies. See recent fiction regarding Skulls shooting Louise.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JD_Gumby View Post
    Not mine. The compiler I used whined like mad for lack of arguments in main().
    First program I ever wrote was a BASIC program to add matrices. It was written on paper, and then actually put into a Commodore PET about a year later. It ran and worked first time.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpaceNut View Post
    Would you rather they not fix it until tomorrow and keep letting zones crash?

    Hint: Going back in time to test it more is not an option.
    To answer that question: Yes, of course I would. The problem was not affecting me, nor would it have affected me. The Strike Pack patch gave me nothing and was rushed onto Live with inadequate testing, with a bug which would have been spotted if they had bothered to do adequate testing and the result of that is that I (undoubtedly not you) have lost an evening's play.

    This entie year, so far, seems to have consisted of Paragon Studios making rather paniced moves, presumably due to the release of Cataclysm and DCUO. Calm down Paragon guys and gals! You're messing up my game quite enough as it is with this push to mimic every other End Game/Raid oriented MMO there is. There's no need to give me more reasons to quit.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LtZerge View Post
    Also, judging by some subtle name changes of some costume parts, I believe they snuck in the Animal Booster bits as well.
    Those were in the original patch, which was only 25MB AFAIK.
  6. My congratulations. There hasn't been a patch this disasterous since the Arena Issue IIRC. Thank you for deciding to fix it right in the middle of prime EU time. Next time, test it.
  7. Forget the Toads, Guns are the Future of Witches
    Paragon Tattler, January 29th, 2011
    Magic has taken a distinct turn for the scientific on the streets of King’s Row with the arrival of the Gunwitch, a heroine who uses a pair of custom pistols to strike fear into the criminal fraternity. The Skulls gave her her name, it seems, because her guns fire bullets which seem to aim themselves, and have even been known to follow victims around corners. They claimed she used witchcraft to hunt them down, that she could see in the dark. The Tattler has heard rumours that she wears dark glasses so much to hide the fact that she is blind, but can clearly see somehow. However, in an effort to understand the stunning mistress of pistols better, we spoke to experts in the fields of ballistics and firearms to see what we could learn.

    Doctor Gabriel Farnsworth, Chair of Advanced Weapons Study at the Founders’ Falls campus of Paragon University, agreed to watch a few clips of Gunwitch in action. ‘It appears that the young lady uses spin-stabilised, rocket-propelled ammunition. What we call “gyroc” rounds. If you imagine each bullet having perhaps three of four small jets which fire from the sides, spinning the bullet to give gyroscopic stabilisation, and driving it forward. Such a bullet could, conceivably, steer to home in on a target, or even fly around corners.’

    Regarding the special ammunition Gunwitch has been seen to use, Doctor Farnsworth had this to say, ‘These cryogenic rounds operate in a particularly interesting manner. Detail is lacking, but they appear to employ some form of super-fluid which freezes on contact. One could theorise that the rapid expansion has an ultra-cooling effect, the fluid sticking to its target like a sort of reversed Napalm. The technology involved in this ammunition is quite extraordinary, highly advanced. If this “Gunwitch” created it herself she has considerable skill and knowledge.’

    Brad Sieforth, head researcher at the Austin Institute for Cybernetics, has been doing research of his own into the Gunwitch. ‘I’m quite convinced that she’s a cyborg of some kind,’ he told the Tattler. ‘I’ve talked to a couple of witnesses who say her eyes are blank, no pupils or irises. I think her guns are part of a total, cybernetic weapons system. There’s no telling how much of her is actually organic, she could even be fully synthetic. The Unity Vigil has a number of synthetic humanoids, artificially intelligent and very hard to distinguish from normal humans. It’s possible that the Gunwitch is a synthetic copy of Nitoichi, who is one of their members. She’s certainly one attractive package. I‘d like to get my hands on her schematics, that’s for sure.’

    One other theory has presented itself for the origin of the enigmatic vixen. ‘Portal Corp. has been keeping fairly quiet about the rise in Praetorian refugees over the past months,’ says Lidia Boyd, an expert in extra-dimensional threats with the Rosenberg Foundation. ‘Praetoria, or Upsilon Beta 9-6 as it is officially designated, is a parallel Earth generally considered to be a “dark mirror dimension” where good is evil and vice versa. There has been a recent increase in incursions by heavily armed Praetorian forces, rumours of spies and Fifth Column-style sleeper agents. It is known that Praetorian technology, particularly regarding weapons and robotics. Considering that Gunwitch is a near-duplicate of the known hero Nitoichi, it is quite possible that she is a Praetorian.’

    So, who is the Gunwitch? Robotic copy? Evil Preatorian duplicate lulling us into a false sense of security? The Tattler is here to find out the truth.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Doc Delilah's arc hero-side and Marshal Brass' mission villain-side grant access to an Ouro portal. Failing that, collecting all the exploration badges in Reclse's Victory can unlock one, and that should be doable for any player, especially given the state of PvP.
    Actually, any mission involving time travel will unlock the Portal. There are a fair few arcs which do it hero-side. I have no clue about villains, I rarely play them.

    The Ubelman Council arc unlocks it. I think that one involving the Magic Man from the Midnighters does. If your mission involves being exposed to time travel, the Medlers welcome you with open arms.
  9. The other thing to keep in mind is that PG13 likely means different things to different people, and is here being applied by American mods and being looked at by European players (since most of us discussing this are).

    As far as posting to the forums goes I follow the following practice:

    * I don't go over excessive in either violence or sex, though that's my interpretation of both.
    * If I feel a story pushes the limits too much, I use the PDF method FFM describes.
    * I am supremely confident that, if the Mods thought that I had exceeded the bounds, they would tell me and I would take the story down. When I met Ocho at HeroCon he told me that my old sig picture had been borderline, but had passed, so I'm quite confident that they will pick me up on things if I go over the limit.

    (I'm also conceited enough to believe they actually read my fiction, if only for amusement. )
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    And I can't hope to improce if I'm lacking that, now can I?
    Always remember to use a spell checker.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
    Moving us from the line gragh of where you character stands , to a scatter graph, possible even in 3 D.
    4D, there's usually a temporal shift as societal and personal attitudes change.

    Nitoichi - she was a hero who did not consider herself one. Her reason for becoming a hero was to train her skills to the level where Vanguard would let her carve Rikti into escalopes. She grew up in the shadow of her big brother, a "real hero" who would never have considered revenge a valid motive for a hero.

    As she grew, she continued the same basic attitude to herself, but really mellowed, becoming more of the "real hero" her brother would have wanted. Largely thanks to the unity Vigil. On the other hand, at the same time, she was doing distinctly dodgy anti-criminal activities for the likes of Crimson, and became part of the UVs, um, direct action squad, shall we say. A bit of personal trauma later and she's assassinating a crime boss with a long rifle.

    Now she's back to being a hero, on a far more grand scale than before. However, that grand scale in itself could be seen as an issue by some. She's willing and able to go to extreme ends for the greater good.

    On the flip side, her Praetorian counterpart started out as a Loyalist. She worked for the good of society and thought nothing of killing Resistance or other opponents because they were a destabilising influence, and they were trying to kill her. (On the other hand, she was rarely faced with the bodies she actually created and was a little shocked when she ended up with real blood on her hands.) She shot her own father in the head after finding out that he had shopped her brother to the authorities for joining the Resistance.

    Fleeing Praetoria, she ended up in King's Row where she met poverty and grass-level injustice for the first time. She began protecting her friends and her neighbourhood because she could. She would kill Skulls if she thought she could get away with it. As she progressed though, she became better known as one of the heroes who did not just treat King's as a stepping stone, liked it and is now more of a hero than ever.

    All the above because their attitudes to what they were doing have changed.
  12. Haven't put it on yet. It's mostly for the new 500 series cards.

    However, it might be an idea to indicate which card you are using.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
    TBH Fans i dont see Paragon as a narrow point of view , given that we have Praet, Cim , Ourb, Rogue Isle , Protal corps worlds , WS and PB , Rikti , and more trans dimmensional characters that any where else , plus a large number of characters from different era's and cultures ..Paragon is a massive mix of views, opinions and tastes ..

    Prior to GR there was a binary good/evil view to the CoX-viewpoint. GR pushed things more toward an Iron/Dark Age viewpoint.

    I'm not saying that the characters can't have black and white morality (though sticking to a pure good/evil view is potentially a fast track to becoming what you hate), but the players have to be aware that it's not that simple. Vigilantes are flawed heroes, not villains. They may kill, which has been defined as an evil act. Rogues, however, may think killing is unnecessary and avoid it, but they are villains. So the bad guys may be morally better than the good guys now.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
    Doh, I probably should have prefaced that with "In Western Society at the current time" And then added more context to my examples (Like Serial Killers in small communities, or sexual predators).
    Which is, you have to admit, a very narrow, subjective viewpoint.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dante View Post
    I'm beginning to think that this sort of thing couldn't be done in an open thread. It'd have to be by arrangement with willing roleplayers who were able to set aside any ego and enjoy the ride.
    After that we'll solve the Middle East, world hunger, and the global economy.

    Should be easier.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
    I find the "Evil is subjective" argument ultimately a little ridiculous as it doesn't really further the conversation at all. There's things generally excepted as bad Murder, Theft, Slavery, **** and so on. While Good Acts generally involving helping people down on their luck or risking yourself for the good of others. After those it gets complicated and you have to take people's actions case by case, but to say there's no such thing as good or evil doesn't really help and rings a little hollow.
    Um... yeah...

    Victorian workhouses were considered good because they gave the people working in them a means to survive when they would otherwise be peniless vagrants. It was essentially slavery.

    Slavery itself is now considered evil, but it was not a few years back and is not in some places even now.

    Murder is an emotive term. Not only is it acceptable to kill people during war, but there are plenty of places were it is an acceptible punishment for some crimes.

    Theft is fine when one state is attacking and taking possession of another.

    Once upon a time, you'd go to Hell for eating meat on a Friday. Most people don't think that way now, but some think it's evil to eat any meat at all!

    The entire point of Going Rogue is to give you an environment where the lines between good and evil are blurred.

    Evil is not just subjective, it's enormously variable and ultimately the universe doesn't give a monkey's what we think is good or evil. So "being evil" is willingly doing things which the rest of society currently considers to be evil.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
    But while wandering around Pratoria I’ve noticed a few things...
    Not how to spell Praetoria, however...
  18. Who is the Gunwitch?
    Paragon Tattler, January 20th, 2011.
    Tall, attractive, seen wandering the streets of King’s Row in a corset and mini-skirt, and the spitting image of hero and model Annette “Nitoichi” Barrington, the woman known as “The Gunwitch” was first spotted by the Tattler at the recent trial of Nitoichi. Back then she was the mysterious double, but her personal fame has grown somewhat since and she is now a well known figure around King’s. Given that Nitoichi has never really courted the press, Gunwitch may even be better known than her sword-swinging sibling. But who is she, and where did she come from?

    ‘She started turning up last year,’ one King’s resident told us, ‘sometime in late August or early September. She made a real pain of herself with the Skulls and you can only think well of her for that.’

    ‘I heard the Skulls started calling her “The Gunwitch” on account of her being able to, like, bend bullets around corners and stuff like that,’ another said.

    When asked where she came from, however, there seems to be a no one who knows and is willing to speak. There are rumours, however; suggestions that she had to run from Lord Recluse, rumours that she hid among the streetwalkers of Industrial Avenue to avoid Arachnos hit squads. Gunwitch may not be as clean as her King’s reputation makes out, and there are even whispers of her involvement in a murder case where a number of people vanished from the rich Lesco Heights district.

    ‘The Gunwitch is a valued member of the King’s Row crime-fighting community and there are no current police investigations where she is an active suspect.’ That was the response from King’s Row police precinct. Some of the individual officers were rather more assertive.

    ‘She’s one of the good ones,’ Officer Frank Turner told us. ‘She came to King’s, she lives here, and she helps the people here. She isn’t one of those heroes who just uses this town as a stepping stone to the big leagues. I don’t care what she did before she came here, or even what she’s done to put food on the table since; what counts is she’s saved lives, cops and civilians. Leave her alone.’

    The Tattler is used to this kind of police attitude to Press Freedom, of course, and we will continue to seek out the truth behind the secretive, ultra-sexy girl the city has come to know as Gunwitch.
  19. That is ignoring the point, I think, which is that evil requires a choice to do something you know is wrong.

    The alien isn't, in it's own view, evil if it does not consider what it's doing to be wrong.

    From an outside view, it may be classed as evil.

    Evil is subjective.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
    I'm going to semi contest the werewolf here.
    I'd actually contest my own assertion regarding zombies and werewolves, so, fair enough.

    Zombies are created by evil, due to the view that the dead should be left to rest, so animating them is an evil act.

    Werewolves are more likely to be tragic monsters than vampires since they are the result of a curse. However, the modern view of the tragic werewolf owes more to White Wolf than classical myth.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Except that's pretty much hogwash. I've seen zombie heroes, undead heroes, werewolf heroes, all accepted by players and (mostly) by characters. Why does 'Vampire' instantly mean evil?
    While I understand you're replying to Rock, kindly view my post.

    Modern vampires may be something other than evil because that's the way modern people like to write them.

    Classically, vampires (and for that matter werewolves and zombies) are evil because they were conceived as being evil creatures in a time when evil was an absolute concept.

    Personally, I take characters as they come and a well played vampire character is a well played character. I don't happen to agree with FFM, but equally, I do find that vampire characters tend to be more likely to be stereotyped evil or terrible Emo Anne Rice tragic figures. However, there's always room for some originality, even in a very tired genre.
  22. Well, the problem is that there's no such thing as a 'traditional' vampire. What we tend to think of as the traditional vampire, the Stoker-type vampire, is a romanticised version of the myths of eastern Europe. The original creature is a thing of darkness and disease, two things the locals feared.

    Since unexplained sicknesses of cattle are among the horrors caused by vampires, one could assume they could subsist on animals, so they would choose to prey on humans, and doing so might be considered evil. However, almost by definition, vampires as originally conceived are 'evil' because that's exactly what they were supposed to be. They come from a time when 'evil' was an absolute. Our modern conception of evil being a choice, and our enjoyment of the idea of the tragic monster is what has turned them from evil monsters to the things we see in Anne Rice books, White Wolf games, and Twilight.

    Evil is a viewpoint, and generally not a symetrical one. Few poeople view themselves as evil. Moral, and more importantly, immoral and amoral are rather more useful as terms in this discussion

    As an aside, my problem with vampire characters is that they aren't vampires. What they are is gods with fangs and the personality of a depressed Emo. They're an excuse for power-play, but hardly the only one.
  23. The reason we don't bother arguing with FFM is simply that he refuses to consider opinions which aren't his own. He rationalises them out of existance, ignores them, or denies them.

    Some of us still like him dispite all this! Go figure.
  24. I think I've dropped from one TF before everyone else did, and that was because I had work in the morning and it was getting early. They knew beforehand I'd have to leave if it got too late.

    However, I generally only do TFs with friends, which does make a difference. When you know the folks on the team, there's more of an urge to stick with it, and usually more of a consensus that it's all gone horribly wrong when it has.
  25. I have a character who'll be so using the mini-pet.

    Nice reward pack.