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  1. Yes, the joke becomes rather less fun when they put a hot fix downtime slap bang in the middle of Friday evening for EU customers. Well done. My amusement lasted 24 hours.
  2. [rant]This is terrible! I'll be at work and won't be able to log in during this not downtime. How can they do this to us![/rant]

    I feel someone had to do it.
  3. Perhaps a label over their head for the duration the TF "Slow Reflexes".
    And their name should go a particularly nasty colour.
    And the mobs should jeer at them.
    And a leaderboard of reaction times!
  4. I also find it rather amusing that we EU players get told it's all just fine when we lose our entire evening, but it's fine to moan when the US gets hit.

    Gain persepctive, be calm, say "Ommmm."
  5. Paragon Times, April 9th 2011, Late editions
    A light aircraft crashed into the reactor building in Terra Volta this afternoon at approximately 2pm. The pilot and two passengers were confirmed dead and emergency services with the aid of several heroes were able to control the resulting fire. Technicians indicate that there was no threat of radiation leak and the building itself took no real damage.
  6. I prefer to wait until 10pm local and have no service to complain.

    Then probably complain again when we get some lame 'compensation.'

    And if it's actually up on time without any horrible, fundamental bugs I can be stunningly happy and surprised it's all worked out so well.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    The server to server transfer is usually pretty quick, I wonder how much load it can take though.
    Having never tried this, what do you mean by "very quick?"

    (When it's working) The Test Server copy, which is a relatively equivalent system, takes several minutes to work and they only guarantee about 30 minutes. So you go to this 'transfer point' and your character is unplayable for 30 minutes? Is that going to be acceptable?

    There are other things to be considered, mostly around SGs. When you transfer, you lose your SG. I assume that the idea is you would miraculously return to your SG when the character returns to its home server. Now, I'm sure that isn't supported currently.

    Of course, we can get around that one by not supporting it. If you use the system, you suffer the consequences, whatever loss that might entail.

    The other thing, of course, is that NCSoft currently charge money for server transfers. Aside from the technical aspects, this process would either mean the loss of a source of income for the company, or the addition of a micro-transaction system to the game, which does not currently exist.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by retched View Post
    If we invade Europe, can we haz XP then?
    Having far fewer servers, we have plenty of XP over here. Why the list merge? Simple, US invasion to grab our resources!

    Git offa ma lawn, US XP thieves!
  9. As an addendum, it would be really useful if Up meant 'I can log in.'

    How many times after a downtime have you tried to log in only to get a message saying that the server is unavailable due to testing?

    Well, maybe not often for US customers since they don't do work in peak periods, but for everyone else...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    That isn't even getting close to being a constructive post.
    Agreed, but I really wasn't sure.

    Your post addresses the least important and easiest to solve aspect of cross-server teaming. It is, essentially, irrelevent itself.

    To iterate the factors involved which would require work that I know of:

    Each server has its own database. Transferring characters from one server to another is an offline process involving collecting all the data for a character (note that that data involves mission progression, contacts available, all aspects of the game world affecting your character), marking the character deleted, and applying the data to a different server. Overcoming this for a 'temporary' transfer would need:

    *Additional hardware to coordinate transfers.
    *Additional database columns to indicate a temporary transfer.
    *Much additional programming to perform the transfers.

    There would need to be vast amounts of additional programming to allow cross-server LFT.

    Design issue: Which server is the team formed on? The leader's team? What happens when the leader changes?

    The only version of this kind of thing I know anything about is WoW's Battleground mechanism, which works for instanced battlefields and operates in groups coordinated by specialy designed hardware and software. To my knowledge, they don't bother with messing about with the names. The chances of two being the same are slim. Our equivalent would be cross-server teaming for the new Incarnate Trials.

    Even if there was much chance of name conflicts in a team, it's hardly a show-stopper and not really worth much consideration in the grand scheme of thing.

    I'm not saying this is a bad idea, or a good one. It's just not really worth the column-inches.
  11. Ravenswing

    server status

    My assumption was that this meant the server status web page, which doesn't work.

    The server selection box, which has the load level, is different and doesn't really need the colours, no.
  12. Ravenswing

    server status

    To be honest, it doesn't matter what colour they are, they're always green (except for Test) since it doesn't actually work for the EU servers.

    Maybe when the lists merge it'll be important what colour the blobs are.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Allows cross-server teaming! This is a huge plus.
    Allows up to 15 players to have the "same" name for their character.
    Doesn't immediately expose global name.
    Characters don't need to permanently transfer to other servers.
    Naming is about the smallest issue involved in cross-server teaming. This does more or less nothing to facilitate it.

    You can already have the same name on multiple servers. You're solving a problem which does not exist.

    Point three is essentially an irrelevent space filler.

    Having a server-tagged name does not solve the issue of non-permanent server transfers. It barely even touches on the issues involved in doing that.

    People will misunderstand the suggestion and rant about completely unrelated things.
    I assume I fall foul of this since I'm saying your suggestion doesn't actually solve anything. This means you will ignore my comments, which is the intended purpose of this 'con.'

    if you want cross-server teams, the investment in code development is far more significant than just tagging the name to uniquely identify all characters. In fact, that's pretty much the simplest aspect.

    ETA - It does occur that this could be an attempt at an April Fools joke. It is is, I preferred Google's one.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
    The Rikti don't like Magic very much. That's what I remember, the following is my interpretation of it: They either stopped believing in gods, and so magic dissipated, or they destroyed their gods. I'm always confused on that point.
    The Rikti have no native magical bloodlines. Considering that the Primal bloodlines go back to very distant pre-history, we may never know why the Rikti never developed these talents. It's not so much that they don't like magic as much as they can't do it and have no understanding of it.

    The developments in the RWZ, with the introduction of the Rikti Magus and Hro'Drhtz (spelling?) came about as the Rikti are trying to rediscover magic to counteract their weakness to it.
    More that the Lineage of War discovered that some of the Lost converts they were creating could do magic, which no 'original' Rikti could do. This is because the Lost 'victim' has some magical lineage and so is a potential magician. The Rikti then get into research on magic since the barrier around their world which the Omega Team created was magical. Magical converts then allow the Rikti to punch through the barrier and we have the second Rikti War. Joy.
  15. The Price They Pay
    Paragon Tattler, March 31st 2011
    Not long ago, the staff here at the Tattler were shaken by the loss of one of their own. Erica Mitchell, editor of the Hero Column, was murdered by a man who had nothing against her aside from a desire to murder people from other worlds who have wound up on our planet. Through the tireless work of the Paragon Police Department, the killer was tracked down, but he did not go quietly. Detonating a bomb which destroyed his apartment in Independence Port, he apparently killed one police officer and hurt another, before going to ground. His next sighting was in a donut shop in Galaxy City where he attacked the Gunwitch with another bomb, killing himself and severely wounding her. The Tattler managed to catch up with the Gunwitch now that she has recovered, and this is what she had to say.

    Tattler: Could you tell us what actually happened when you were injured?

    Gunwitch: Well, I was actually on my way to the King’s Row precinct to help out Detective Cooper with the case. I’m pretty friendly with the guys in the precinct and there’s a great donut shop near where I was staying. Well, there was. I was ordering donuts and this guy came in, took a few pot-shots and then blew himself up.

    Tattler: What injuries did you sustain?

    Gunwitch: Third degree burns to my shoulders, arms and legs, mostly at the back. Spinal compression, broken ribs, concussion, a few bruises and scrapes. Luckily I heal fairly quickly thanks to my cybernetics, but it took me about two weeks to clear up the burn scars and get myself back into shape for crime fighting. Thankfully, the kid in the shop was not badly hurt. He ducked behind the counter when the gunfire started, and that took most of the blast.

    Tattler: And this is almost certainly the man who killed Erica Mitchell?

    Gunwitch: All the evidence points to it. Detective Cooper did some good leg work, along with one of his colleagues, a specialist officer named Seven. The incendiary devices the killer used left little in the way of evidence, but Tiger White was able to find a weapon cache he used and we identified him from some of the technology he employed. It’s pretty clear that he was responsible for Miss Mitchell’s death and the murder of several other active heroes, all of them alien in one sense or another.

    Tattler: I guess that’s the price you pay for hero work. As I can attest, it’s a dangerous business even to be near

    Gunwitch: Oh, we’re protected some by things like the medi-port technology, but there are ways around that and this killer used them. Some of us are invulnerable walking megaliths, but a lot of us aren’t really much tougher than a normal person. There’s always someone out there who wants you dead because you’re in the way, or you know too much, or because they’re trying to make a name for themselves, or just because you’re different. I’m sorry your editor had to pay that price, even if she didn’t exactly make my life easy.

    Tattler: Thank you, Gunwitch, for your time and candid answers.
  16. Arresting Behaviour
    Paragon Tattler, March 30th 2011
    Seen walking through Founder’s Falls in the direction of the marina on Monday night were Paragon heroes Tiger White and Gunwitch. Nothing out of the ordinary there, of course, as reported in past issues of the Tattler, the two are firm friends. However, what were they doing handcuffed together? Witnesses suggest that the cuffs were far from ornamental, one has to wonder who was arresting who?
  17. The ability to perform magic appears to be related to certain bloodlines in the CoH universe. Try looking up 'Mu' on the wiki. This doesn't mean all magic users come from the Muvians, but there is the suggestion that if you can perform actual magic (as opposed to wielding a magic sword or whatever) then it goes back in your family for generations.

    The main magic using humans in the world are the Circle of Thorns and the Mu. You also have your demons and such. There's the Banished Pantheon, but they are an almost forgotten bunch who appear from nowhere and vanish again without ever really resolving what their point is.

    There's a few weirdoes with the Fae (I prefer that spelling). The Daoine Shide, Irish High Fae, are now those weird hairy beasts in Croatoa. However, the Fae also seem to be responsible for the Supernatural Events that happen from time to time. So they're a bit odd.

    Croatoa has a lot of mythological, Otherworld stuff going on. Well worth the research.

    Beyond that, we make it up.
  18. It always seems like it's the Union people who read the Roleplay forum.

    I have no idea if this will help, but you may like to try Virtueverse.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    But then why would you work so hard to get the portable crafting table?
    I don't. I have a base with a Crafting table and a Vault and I go to Atlas. Everything within a few hundred yards. I guess it's a zone to get into the base, but it's still too convenient.

    What I'd like is base Wentworths terminals.
  20. Not long after Gunwitch arrived in Paragon, we had a Rikti Invasion week. She started out really enthusiastic as the raids gave her a chance to test out her weapon systems in proper battle conditions. Great! She altered the air flow around her pistols with forced-air cooling due to some overheating issues. She was happy.

    By the ened of the week, the Rikti could just go get lost!

    By the way, she only recently got over being blown up, so I'd rather no one did it again for a while. She is a pretty good option for a target since, given time, she could regenerate almost any non-brain damage. Taking her out is likely not permanent (I don't really want to lose a character I like), but will result in nasty repurcussions.

    I was, quite frankly, alarmed at the result of getting Annette shot. I badly miscalculated the effect it would have on GG and had to bring her back in from the cold a significant amount faster than I originally planned. Quite likely she would still be missing...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    But yes I was thinking more of a gas rather than explosions.
    Well, you were after I mentioned that dirty bombs were a dumb idea, I'm sure.

    There aren't that many radioactive gasses. Radon would be the easiest to get since it's a natural hazard in the basements of some places around the world. It's also an alpha emitter, which pretty much means anyone breathing it is in for a bad time.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    And not even clever bank robbers, no creating a big distraction in Steel Canyon, so you can rob the bank over in Talos.
    Clever bank robbers would go rob a bank in Maryland where there aren't a dozen heroes queing up outside each bank for their turn to save it.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    How about this one, some one uses small dirty bombs in several locations across the city, they don't cause massive damage, but do result in several dozen perhaps a hundred people getting radiation poisoning. They do this to frame the super hero lover who dumped them, that hero being a member of the nuclear ninety and those locations being regular places they visit.

    Obviously the media would cover it in the same hysterical fox news way that it'd be covered in the real world, so is that too large scale?

    Personally I'd say that was an okay plot, a chance for the framed hero to prove their innocence while trying to avoid a manhunt. A few heroes helping him, a few hunting him and perhaps even a rogue or villain trying to manipulate the panic.
    In theory, this is fine, but it has more holes in it than a pair of fishnet tights. As usual, you aren't thinking it through.

    Dirty bombs are bombs. They are obvious. They rely on explosives to spread their payload. They do not fit the requirements of the plot because they obviously are nothing to do with the hero being framed. They are a terrorist tool and would be reported as such.

    Now, switch to using a radioactive gas, Radon for example, and you're talking. Far more subtle. Harder to detect. No immediately obvious source. Far easier to have someone link victims to locations to hero. Of course, that's a very slow burn plot, no big bang, no hysteria, no controversy, but it would actually work.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    That said all plots no matter how small could suffer from this, "What you were going to run a plot where you rob a bank in Kings Row? I don't think so!, Captain Fabulous would be able to be there as soon the first citizen panicked due to his super fabulous hearing and his speed would have him there in a nano-second, but I don't want to take part in your plot, so you'll have to cancel it because my character can't ignore it!"
    Strawman agument again. Learn to debate. I refuse to have further to do with Dante's thread getting messed up and if you had a shred of decency, so would you.