
Forum Cartel
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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Subject 77 has a base now. It's just using the entry room, but with the 20,000 Prestige you get I managed to furnish it out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Cool, I've got 100k to play with, I may be able to manage... err, more furniture!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cue Cara proudly dragging Minako, Doc, Jason and Liz down there to show his little home off.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Luckily, there's that base portal near GG, so we can all go and show off bases to each other.
  2. Just to break in again:

    So, you guys haven't seen anything about rent? Or am I just missing something you've posted?
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    $64,000 question - Is the baroque top available for heroes if you have both?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yup, that's definately the important bit, though a bit of variation in style for male clothing would always be nice. The girls have consistantly got better variation in most clothing options, I don't think CoV was any different.

    Actually, for this particular evening, I also want to know if the fishnet stockings have made it over to CoH!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't think Hiki's violates any copyright laws...

    Public decency laws maybe, but not copyright laws...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You do realise that this is a challenge and I must now create a new alt costume for Anna?

    BTW, anyone with CoV noticed any costume changes for the heroes as a result of owning both games?
  5. Ravenswing

    "Hide" power

    That's the trouble with teams... YMMV.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I never managed to play the CoV beta very much at all. (the Server up times were a total joke for anyone with a job).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I didn't because the lag was so bad it was unplayable.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Is there any information about Coalitions? Is it/could it be possible for prestige to be shared between coalition groups?

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    Nope, you can't.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I presume prestige is non-transeferable, unlike influence/infamy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Correct, it belongs to the SG. You can use Influence to 'buy' Prestige, but it's not actually worth it unless you happen to be retiring a level 50.
  7. Ravenswing

    "Hide" power

    I think teams of Stalkers could do well.

    The issue I found with teams was in making actual use of AS. There were two situations:

    The team aggros the mob you're trying to take out, and you lose lock.

    The team stands back and you either drop or near-drop the 'boss', only to find your friends can't get to you fast enough to save you from planting when everything else turns around and smacks you.

    No one was sure it was a bug, or just a consequence of the x7 multiplier on AS, but generally if you assassinate something, you can expect to aggro everything in LoS, and a few things that couldn't have seen you. Might have been 'fixed' for retail, not sure.

    Either way, AS is always going to draw a lot of aggro, and an aggro'd mob can see you right through Hide. Be careful out there, Stalkers!
  8. I've seen the Vigil's shoe box, it looks large, but with the restrictions on placement of objects, I'm not sure how much I could actually get in there.

    If it'll let me actually go look, I'll go look tonight. Otherwise, I shall be playing with my hero-clix figures.
  9. I'm still hearing nothing about rent.

    Does the base builder give you any idea of what the monthly rent will be?

    (I'm asking since I'm kind of guessing that my lowly 100k of Prestige isn't going to be enough for it to even let me start the editor.)
  10. Ravenswing

    "Hide" power

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ravenswing, are you gonna troll the stalker board and deride the build forever?

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    The only "derision" I can see in Ravens thread is the fact that he says theres going to be nerf, which you confirm.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    At the time there were three posts on the entire stalker board and Raven had a comment on all three. Each time a Stalker was portrayed in a less than favourable light. Which is the reason for this persons understandable outburst.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Um, what are you on? I just went back and looked at the first three posts in the thread and my response. Now, to me, it looked like I stated solid facts regarding the points made in the early posts, and gave additional information regarding Hide and AS.

    I guess I could have left out the bit about the nerf, but it is pertinent information regarding a defining power of the AT.

    I really suggest you go back and take another look. Then get off your high horse.

    I mean, exactly how does "Your first attack on a target while Hidden is an automatic critical" portray Stalkers in "a less than favourable light"?
  11. Ravenswing

    "Hide" power

    [ QUOTE ]
    hmmmmmmmm sounds interesting. So do Stalkers have the same secondaries as Scrappers or are their at least one or two new ones?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    More or less. Example: you can have a /regen Stalker. But instead of Quick Recovery, they get Hide, and a couple of powers are switched about.

    All Stalker secondaries include Hide as their first power. Hide and AS are the defining powers of the Stalker classes.

    [ QUOTE ]
    and what if you're solo'in? that mean you cant placate? or do they just go back to their non-aggro'd state?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can Placate when soloing, but only one target at a time. Stalkers have considerably lower HP than Scrappers, and I think slightly lower damage cap (could anyone confirm that/tell me I'm wrong?) The beta forums had various opinions upon how useful Placate was. I never got it in beta to try it out.

    My tactic pre-placate for soloing tough targets was to assassinate each of the characters surrounding a boss, running away between strikes. These are probably minions and you can 1-shot them, even before you get AS. Once all his mates are dead, you go for the boss.

    Trying to take on a boss and more than one minion is usually asking to sample the carpet with your face.
  12. Ravenswing

    "Hide" power

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ravenswing, are you gonna troll the stalker board and deride the build forever?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think Q's response about covers it, but I suppose I should respond.

    My post states exactly what I think of the Stalker AT. It will be slow to level, because it operates badly solo and in teams. It's primary use is in PvP. If that's what you consider trolling, then I suggest you look up the definition of 'opinion'.

    Also, why exactly would I deride a class which, as has been pointed out, I played in beta and will be creating one of tonight in retail?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Don't get me wrong, I don't mind you expressing your opinion, but it seems only fair on a board that will attract a lot of new players interest that you try to back some of your opinions up with facts or examples.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There are no facts, Cryptic don't publish facts. All there is is qualitative opinions expressed by those who have played the class. I have played the class and I gave my opinion of the way it playes based on my experience. If you don't like my experience, ignore it.

    However, exposing "new players" to an unending stream of positive statements about something is just as bad as them seeing negative comments.

    As for the nerf thing: this was discussed at length on the coV beta boards. Cryptic don't like the fact that Stalkers can one-shot weaker classes using AS (please see note below on AS). Various nerfs are being considered, what comes out of them could be something entirely new, but there will be a nerf of somekind, because all the other classes don't like being one-shotted by Stalkers either.

    Regarding AS, yes, I know the generic name is Assassin Strike you bunch of pedants. I was specifically referring to the specific powers, which have different names. So get over it.
  13. Was just using those as an example, Z. One of your characters is always able to fit in with just about any group... but then, you have so many of them.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Uh-huh, remind me to avoid your house for a couple of months until the Fae go away...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ask Stef about supernatural happenings and me. Any Fae in our place would go totally nuts within an hour.

    [ QUOTE ]
    As for what might happen tonigh... I'm going to go with the american concept to start with, although remember that Mina _is_ an active medium, and Ellie believes in Samhain....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm with Doc on this one... and I have two characters capable of banishing unwanted spirits if the need arises.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Uh-huh, remind me to avoid your house for a couple of months until the Fae go away...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ask Stef about supernatural happenings and me. Any Fae in our place would go totally nuts within an hour.

    [ QUOTE ]
    As for what might happen tonigh... I'm going to go with the american concept to start with, although remember that Mina _is_ an active medium, and Ellie believes in Samhain....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm with Doc on this one... and I have two characters capable of banishing unwanted spirits if the need arises.
  16. I'd tend to submit that it's either a good idea for both, or none.

    Just because there's no hierarchy to get in the way, doesn't mean that egos wouldn't clash. In beta, we already had at least two groups forming since the Doc/Hiki/Z villains were totally at odds with the style created by Reb and Wordy. My toons was a member of Doc's SG, purely because I was there at the time, but she wouldn't have fitted with either of the two groups in reality.

    The existance of existing groups means nothing here. Either we need one big group to make bases useful in any way, or we don't.
  17. I shall be taking Revive on Jason, but that's a concept thing, it has next to no practical use.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    As an authentic NORMAL PERSON, I am condifent that my extreme MUNDANITY will scare of anything nasty that might happen to pay us a visit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What, even if I bring Voyd out to play?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, I meant in RL, not in game. It's why I'm not going to bother laying salt barriers at the doors and windows.
  19. Kind of what Dark said. We do both. I have a silly Wizzard costume for Crow, who will be masquerading as Dafydd. As an authentic Welsh bloke, he far prefers the original version.

    Jason is, of course, a traditionalist and is quite likely to resort to machine gun nests and auto-turrets outside his apartment.

    As an authentic NORMAL PERSON, I am condifent that my extreme MUNDANITY will scare of anything nasty that might happen to pay us a visit.
  20. Okay, we currently have a large proportion of the Union RP community spending their time trying to get Prestige instead of roleplaying ( ), and all so they can get a small shoe box with interesting wall hangings.

    Now that CoV is officially out, I think it's time to consider creating two great big RP SGs, one in CoH, one in CoV, so we can 'make the most of' the base system.

    * Larger number of members = more active members = more funds for bigger base.

    * Too many leaders.
    * 75 member SG limit.
    * SG chat is going to become a nightmare.
    * We lose our old SG identities, and have to resort to RPing them (but then we RP despite the game mostly anyway).
    * And lastly...

    Is it going to actually benefit us?

    Even if we fit nothing functional at all, as the base grows, we end up with it costing more and more to actually put things in it. Each group is going to want at least a room, but I can't see even a max-sized RP SG actually being able to afford four or five rooms from scratch, which means someone's going to miss out.

    And then there's that happy future period when we have arguments about adding rooms or features because "you can't have it, you lot have hardly raised any Prestige recently."

    Please note: kind of neutral about whether or not we do this, I'm just pointing out that there's a lot of potential for ego clash, and there may not be much potential for actual benefit.

    So... discuss...
  21. Will be making a Stalker when the pack comes.

    One warning (IMHO): Stalkers are a PvP AT. They solo badly and don't team well. Expect slow progress.
  22. Ravenswing

    "Hide" power

    Your first attack on a target while Hidden is an automatic critical.

    You can also gain an Assassin <something> power at level 6 (I think) which is even better. It's effectively a snipe at melee range. Instead of the normal critical, you get one with a multiplier of 7.

    And, yes, Stalkers running Hide are just about impossible to see in PvP. This is why the Assassin powers are going to be nerfed soon since it's currently quite possible for a team of 8 Stalkers to wipe out another team without them getting a chance to respond.
  23. Well, I'll be creating a villain, when I have the chance, and she's a plot villain for one of my heroes, so she might get RP'd sometime, if we can work out a safe way of doing it.

    As for RPing villains in general: I can see that becoming a rather boring affair where various toons sit around trying to demonstrate how hard/wierd/sick/psychotic they are, which doesn't terribly appeal to me.
  24. Ah, you misunderstand the system.

    If I'm wrong, the world is wonderful and I may be wrong, but I get a nice present out of it (a useful RP feature).

    If you're wrong, a nice RP feature I think would be great is taken away from me, and I get even more depressed about the game.

    So I'll stick with my interpretation until proven wrong... and I'll be happy I was wrong. get it?