Something useful for RP PvP?




Q49: Can I PvP in bases without Items of Power?
A49: You can challenge another SG to an "instant raid", or be challenged by another SG, even if neither of you have Items of Power. Instant raiding functions much the same as a normal raid, except it can occur at any time, the defending SG must allow it to happen, and nothing actually changes hands or is permanently destroyed as a result of the raid.

[/ QUOTE ]
I found this in the Bases FAQ on the US forums (

It sounded like it might be a useful feature for you guys in your quest for RP friendly PvP opportunities.



Hmmm... Nice find! I think we're going to have to try that!!!

All we need is enough prestige for a couple of bases...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Hikari has been looking at this as a potential mechanism for using bases for RP, and this statement does look kind of like it might be a goer.

The things it doesn't answer is do you still need an IoP for this to happen?

I'd imagine you do, which means you're open to standard base raids.

If you don't that means that owning a base of any kind just became a pain since any old idiot with a grudge can decide to invade you at any time for the fun of it.

How come it's always me that sees the flaws?

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



You can challenge another SG to an "instant raid", or be challenged by another SG, even if neither of you have Items of Power.

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the defending SG must allow it to happen,

[/ QUOTE ]



If this works how it looks like it might work, it's going to allow us to mix heroes and villains safely in RP.. YAY!!!

All we need is enough prestige for a decent base! And I suspect the only REAL way to ever get enough is for PPing SG's to merge, something I'm sure we'd all like to avoid... But at least it looks possible for us...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Z beat me to it.

As a random idea, how do people feel about a villains SG where everyone has a random toon and this being made available as a GM toolbox.

From memory it doesn't cost anything to change decorations, everything gets sold back at cost, so for "custom" offsite missions the player running the plot gets promoted to base editor, redoes the layout to match the place they want the mission to take place, and if combat/villains are required they are played by people who aren't directly involved in the plot by taking the toons to the face/icon and getting them to look the part.

The same (very sucessful) setup that most LARP's use really, let's people who can't be involved IC be involved OC as the monster crew, and gets round the problems with using random missions (namely the disparity of power levels)

It would mean that the entire "attacking" would probably need to be in the same supergroup. Whether that's a bad or a good thing (and indeed, whether the current RP supergroups merge to try and share costs) is something that's yet to be seen.



All we need is enough prestige for a decent base! And I suspect the only REAL way to ever get enough is for PPing SG's to merge, something I'm sure we'd all like to avoid... But at least it looks possible for us...

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If you do merge the supergroups, factions and subplots could be handled by using separate global chat channels. I suppose the real problem is the 75 member limit of supergroups, but that can probably be overcome by adding any non SG alts to the channels. The alts can enter the base as long as the "allow team members to enter base" option is enabled. Of course, the heroes that actually earn prestige would still have to be in the SG.



You can challenge another SG to an "instant raid", or be challenged by another SG, even if neither of you have Items of Power.

[/ QUOTE ]

the defending SG must allow it to happen,

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

So that means that absolutely no base is ever safe from having a bunch of morons decide to invade and trash the place. It just means there won't be any lasting damage.

And you lot see this as a good thing?

here we are, 9pm on a friday, all ready to enjoy ourselves and... oops, instant base raid!

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I think you'll find it means the target SG leader will get a popup saying something like "Do you want to be raided Yes/No?"

Though who will actually get the message if the SG leader isn't online is another matter... We'll just have to see...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



How come it's always me that sees the flaws?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because you're kinda cynical?

I didn't read it like that. I took it to mean that you wouldn't need IOPs to do RP friendly base raids.

Q49: Can I PvP in bases without Items of Power?
A49: You can challenge another SG to an "instant raid", or be challenged by another SG, even if neither of you have Items of Power. Instant raiding functions much the same as a normal raid, except it can occur at any time, the defending SG must allow it to happen, and nothing actually changes hands or is permanently destroyed as a result of the raid.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think that's sorta clear



The way I read it, "the defending SG must allow it to happen" means that unless they tick an option box saying allow the type of raids, they can't get raided.

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But not if you have an Item Of Power (IOP), then you can only set the scheduled raid time.

Q44: Can I have an item of power and not PvP?
A44: No. The only control you have over PvP when your group owns an IoP is to set the scheduled raid time.

Q45: What is the scheduled raid time?
A45: You can set up a time when your SG is likely to be on; that is the only time that your base can be attacked. This is to prevent attackers from showing up at 2 am and wandering off with all your stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]



Well then, like I said then, it needs clarifying. "must allow it to happen" to me means you can't stop it.

As usual, Cryptic's clarity of English leaves much to be desired.

Dark Menace:[ QUOTE ]
I think that's sorta clear

[/ QUOTE ]

No, it isn't, and since we won't be going looking for IoPs, that particular feature is irrelevent.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



So that means that absolutely no base is ever safe from having a bunch of morons decide to invade and trash the place. It just means there won't be any lasting damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, this is not what is being said. If you don't have an IOP then base raids occur at any time but only with the defending SG's consent.

Q49: Can I PvP in bases without Items of Power?
A49: You can challenge another SG to an "instant raid", or be challenged by another SG, even if neither of you have Items of Power. Instant raiding functions much the same as a normal raid, except it can occur at any time, the defending SG must allow it to happen, and nothing actually changes hands or is permanently destroyed as a result of the raid.

[/ QUOTE ]

The FAQ that BurningFist linked above is really very good. You really should try reading it. It may set your mind at rest...



"must allow it to happen"

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough. Taken in isolation it is ambiguous, but in the context of the rest of the raid related FAQ's I think it is clearly distinct from the IOP raids; strongly suggesting that "must allow" is consensual.

For the sake of argument let's assume my interpretation is correct, and be happy about it... if I'm wrong, at least you'll have 1 less thing to worry about for a couple of days...



Ah, you misunderstand the system.

If I'm wrong, the world is wonderful and I may be wrong, but I get a nice present out of it (a useful RP feature).

If you're wrong, a nice RP feature I think would be great is taken away from me, and I get even more depressed about the game.

So I'll stick with my interpretation until proven wrong... and I'll be happy I was wrong. get it?

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Ah, you misunderstand the system.
... and I'll be happy I was wrong. get it?

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I do get it. Its not *the* system I misunderstand, but *your* system...mine works fine for me thank you . I truly hope you are wrong and you get a nice base raid related surprise...

Chin up



Chip up? is that like a level up but your chin gets more powerful?

"Hey, i chinned up!" *falls over own mandible bone*

Please bear in mind, this is a joke ¬.¬



ROFL!!! Now THAT's funny!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Can't see whats so bad with a base raid, you'll just die a few times, get a chance to role play valiant counter-attacks, it's not like you get any debt. And if it gets too much just everyone leave for some place else safe in PvE zones.

In my opinion the best thing to happen to a hero is when he fails/gets beat down big time
(Thats a loose quote from some game or movie I'm almost sure of it...)

However... I can see the aggrovation some players will feel as they don't like PvP, I used to be the same not so long ago.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.