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  1. Quin

    Harbinger OOC

    On examining my uni timetable, it's probably best I withdraw, as my participation in events could be contrained quite considerably by my workload this year.
  2. Quin

    Harbinger OOC

    Registering interest with Quinsisdos or Danmaku, my two Magic-orientated heroes.
  3. I tried to install CoH today on my desktop, however, that has also suffered a severe hardware failure. I'm typing this up on my PSP, and that won't play CoX.
  4. Sadly, my laptop has picked today to pack itself in with a nasty hardware fault, so I'm not sure if I can come now.
  5. Grats to everyone on this raid, +1 U'Kon takedown for everyone, and grats to Blitz on the Master At Arms badge!
  6. I haven't been having any trouble with the servers at all over the last few weeks.

    The only time I've been disconnected is Tiscali (insert a selection of colourful swearwords here) are a rubbish ISP and I'm so thankful i'll be rid of them next week.
  7. Sarcasm doesn't convey well over the internet.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    /Regen Scrappers are massively difficult to play. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone other than a total masochist.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What's so hard about /Regen scrapper exactly?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Arachnos is an equally valid government in comparison to the US.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Last I checked, Arachnos secured it's rule over the Rogue Isles by simply levelling two cities (What was present on the islands before St. Martial and Grandville), and of course, killing or "subduing" any resista-

    Oh wait.
  10. I suspect that this has something to do with it.
  11. Character taking part: Quinsisdos
    Level: 50
    When avaliable: Any time before 1st October, but would like some notice.
  12. When people wanted a "Go Rogue" system implemented, I don't think this is what they had in mind.
  13. Quinsisdos (The Magic MA Scrapper) - Galaxy City (formerly Steel Canyon)

    Eientei (Warshade) - Rests nearby sources of energy

    Distant Eye & Spectral Mirror (Mutants) - Rented safehouse in King's Row

    Not thought much about my other characters, although one doesn't sleep.
  14. It was assumed that the release of World of Warcraft, Age of Conan and others in that genre would totally destroy Final Fantasy XI.

    Funnily enough, it's still there after six years (Although having a strong userbase in Japan helps).

    It takes a lot going wrong to kill a MMO stone dead. Fans are fans, CO and DC will not appeal to everyone.
  15. Eientei leaned on the table with his fingers locked together, still thinking as the other jurors made their votes. Once the others had finished, he spoke up "For second degree murder and aggravated assault, I, as both human and warshade, vote Guilty. As for the first-degree murder charge, I vote Not Guilty".

    Settling into a more relaxed posture, he muttered under his breath "I just hope we're doing the right thing..."
  16. Took my MA/Regen Scrapper main from 33 to around 20k xp off 46. Looks like a 50 isn't as far off as I originally thought.