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  1. Quatermain


    Think he re-thought the sub part, but was still going to go in for a nuke powered vessel and then continue his education in that vein. Sounds like its Christmas more than once a year if you have the brains and methological mind, whether you want to do the settled down commute thing or travel around the world on a ship, or visit a bunch of places ranging from civilized Europe to North Korea, or all of the above.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
    Be careful how you twist memories. Time can do it that on its own.
    In milliseconds, for some people.
  3. Why must you get my hopes up like that, and then dash them upon the rocks?
  4. Quatermain

    Another AE Event

    Depends how drunk you get.
  5. Quatermain


    4-5 instances, maybe 6 is all I can remember people doing.

    Also, what the hell is wrong with the forums.
  6. So disapointed you haven't posted an image of that sort in response to AF asking in the purple/pvp io thread what a good time is.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
    Hey everyone,
    There is 1 hero arc and 1 villain arc for levels 20-29 being released for Issue 19.
    When is there going to be any new 30-40 "dead zone" content added.
  8. If selling for more than 2b was really against the ToS n' stuff, I think Mod12 would fall down upon the 4.5 threads selling or buying pvpIO's for >2bill on the front page of this forum alone, with great vengeance, since that seems to be his thing.
  9. A friend of mine and I would be very interested in the blades iVy has,
  10. Since the drop rate on the glad unique is the same as the other pvpIO pieces (afawk), a lot of people purchasing them since it costs 2 bill on the market and over 2bill off the market to acquire one, while various pbaoe pieces and what have you go for in the 10-20m range.

    People aren't paying those prices just because they feel like it. They are paying them because that is what it costs to beat out the other people who want a glad proc.
  11. Not sure how 555 inf (not 555k or 555mill) is more expensive than 25% of pvpIO's. Worst case, cost is effectively equal unless you are going to argue over less than 1k inf.

    Or are you running around slotting pvp IOs on your level 12?
    If so, I admire your tenacity in their acquisition.

    Even then though, you can acquire jump (which will go into sprint or vet movement powers), flight and tp stealths for less than 20m at level 15 on the market. If you wait a couple levels that price comes down.
  12. re: goats sig
    Talen Lee doesn't pvp, does he.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Stealth IOs are currently are in the 100 mil+ range you can regularly obtain PvP IOs and purples for considerably less.
    That is a bit misleading, as only certain (low) levels of run speed stealth have gone for that much.
    Level 15, 100m+
    16, 17, 18 ~33m ave
    19 33-150m
    22, 20m
    28, 5-12m with a 30/40
    29, last sale 11m
    31, alternating 20m and 5-6m
    in the 40's, a bunch of 555 sales, and a level 50 buy it now price of 22ish.

    leaping level 50s? 100k.
    Below lvl 20, should be able to obtain for 20m or less.
    Slot it in sprint or a vet run.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    The developers also consider players who do this to be abusing the system and terms of service.

    ... and just what would this do to the player struggling to just SO their avatar out at level 50?

    You know, 95%+ of the entire playerbase.
    what is this i dont even
  15. I manipulate the markets to make inf, I put out bids to buy stuff cheap, then craft or resell it higher than what I paid for the item.

    This does not mean I have a license to set the price of an item as high as I want for as long as I want.

    I buy several of the item, perhaps even all of the item available on the market, some item which has a stable price. Then I put them back on the market at a higher price.

    What happens next.
    In the short term, I can simply hope buyers show up and buy my relisted items before sellers show up and list their items for less than what mine are listed for. I have to have some inkling of what people will be willing to pay to quickly get my selling price established. This needs to give me a profit, at least after a certain number of sales.

    I might be able to make a quick buck that way, esp if I seed my own selling price.

    In the long term, the sellers will show up and list their items. These will compete with my items in the following ways.

    If they are interested in making inf quickly, they will set their asking price slightly less than the history, which is hopefully my selling price. In this case, I won't make sales, and if I buy up their items to resell or delete, it becomes harder for me to turn a profit. Sales of the item also slow down, since the price is above what was previously the stable price, the price most people were willing to pay. This causes items for sale to back up.

    If they want to try and 'stick it to the markeeters' they will list the item for 5 inf. I can just buy these items and vendor them or delete them without much affect on my bottomline.

    If they want to make more inf, they will set their price slightly above mine and hope it sells. This is ideal, it helps me out, its more likely than not going to be low volume, however.

    They may set their price the same as mine. If I do it as a one off, it helps me, it shrinks my profits if I continue to buy and resell items because of the order in which the market sells things.

    So, if the other sellers are making sales around my price, it may stick. However, arguably the price was out of wack to begin with from a supply/demand pov. Otherwise, for sale items will back up, sellers coming to the market later will see that stuff isnt moving very quickly and there is a lot for sale, and will lower the price they sell at.

    So, how do I make inf 'manipulating' the market?
    Low(ish) volume purchase of items at a low price, over the course of a few days/weeks, followed by resale at some higher price I've seen, over the course of another few days or weeks. I'm exploiting the flux of prices, but I can't control it on a stable item, not by myself on a long term basis.

    When the prices get jacked up on previously low priced, stable things like uncommon salvage for a long time, it is because instablity has been injected, such as suddenly everyone is doing AE content and not getting salvage drops, but people still need and want those items. If you asked 100k before that destablization, you could short term buy up a lot of supply and resell and get a few "gotta have it now" sales and make some money, but keeping the price up there in the face of that much supply would just keep raising the price you have to pay to make the 100k sales by buying up the incoming sales until you couldnt make a profit, and then the price would collapse.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    When we were redesigning the Hamidon Event a while back, I jokingly advocated having a chance to confuse players in the event equal to the number of HO's they had ever slotted.
    That would have been interesting with blue mito chain lightning.
  17. Quatermain

    Hello Justice

    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    *picks the crabs off of Q's back*

    Stay away from the soft underbelly.
  18. Quatermain

    Hello Justice

    That was the impression he was attempting to convey.
  19. Quatermain

    Hello Justice

    He started playing on his original account instead.
  20. Looks like they uncovered the ancestral Super Boo hunting grounds.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
    Clicking links on the Justice forum *really* confuses Youtube's "Recommendations" for me.
    Attack of the Killer You Know Whats messed mine up for a while.
  22. Quatermain

    Can't login

    Yes, there is. Minimally there is a log in server, character database and mapserver that all communicate in some shape or form, plus other things like chatserver.

    I had the issue this morning as well, I don't know if I still do but would assume so.