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  1. I think folks are making this a bit more complicated than it needs to be, rules of engagement ? really ? It's about having fun slapping each other around and running around all cwazy like.

    Either way .... the door is allways open.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Apophasis View Post
    You know what, in my experience lately, I'm inclined to go so far as to say that a lot of RPers take PvP even more seriously than the hardcore community takes Test. I guess it'll really depends on how you market/implement the specific event.
    I think it has something to do with "the script" so to speak, I am kind of an outsider when it comes to RP, I don't really do it, I would like to, but I just observe for now. That being said, understand that I am trying to be constructive with my statement, some RP'ers think that we are playing out their story and their being defeated is simply not part of the big picture. A hero is driven by conflict, why not get get some conflict going ? Lets get a bunch of folks together and have a go at it, let's get it on !

    yes Rp'ers are more serious about fun, so it has to be pure fun.
  3. I would be happy to RPvP against anyone, and no I don't have a cookie cutter FOTM build. I will have a go with anyone, any level, exemp me down to level 5 I dont care.

    On Pinnacle we used to have battle royals where every character would exemp down to 5, about 30 people, no allies, no exploits, just a bunch of lowbies chugging along with no travel powers slugging it out. It was a blast, pure fun, no trashtalk, just lolz !
  4. want to put some stink on it ? Speed boost / Am the hell out of people and drop 2 shivans each. then AM/ SB the shivs....fulcrum shift and watch the fur fly. we did that entire COP mission in less than 3 minutes stuff just melts under the shivan zerg rush.

    I have a kin and I am looking for a home.
  5. PureAmerican

    The Sky Signal

    I would like to interrupt this super serious RP stuff to declare a LOLCAT WAR !!!!!
  6. PureAmerican

    Hello again

    Originally Posted by Rawhide View Post
    I got my heavy. Come and take it from me.
    come on, Jason was allways there at the right time when we needed to have a little fun. Whether we wanted to or not. It's all good it was just pvp fun.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Purplelicious0ne View Post
    Well, the only thing I have to say is, if you don't like the prizes we offer, then don't show up for our contests. Like I said, we're happy with the prize amounts that we give out, and we have never had a complaint from any of our winners about it not being enough.

    Anyway, this thread is for us to announce when our contests will be, and who the winners are after the contests are completed. It is not a thread for you and your buddies to spam in, so I would sincerely appreciate it if you would refrain from doing so in the future. If you don't have anything other than "Give more loot" or anything along that lines, then please keep it to yourselves.

    And just to cover our bases, before you or anyone else from your group can challenge us like in other threads you have gone in an jacked, NO, we will not PvP against you. We don't PvP. Not before, not now, not ever, so don't bother. We won't accept. Ya feel me?

    Ah good times, I remember it like it was the other day..costume contests are safer I guess.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    Why, trying to figure out how to judge one now that you play on Virtue?
    No, I guess I just wanted to see if it was possible for the server to rage quit the costume contest if GGG showed up.

    Way to ruin your friends thread there jokey smurf.
  9. Quote:
    Just wanted to say something about Activity Here; this is a real pet peeve of mine and one I find most often in all MMO guilds.

    False Advertising.

    As it happens 9 out of 10 guilds I have ever joined whom say they are "Active Active Active! There is always something going on all the time!" are usually lieing or are hopeful that you will be that one person who is not them organizing events, role playing all over the place and generally getting all the silent inactive people involved again.

    SG Activity is EVERYONE's responsibility.I mean whats the point of joining a group if you aren't going to act as if you are apart of it? Talk, show up, have an idea for a story? Write it out! Want to throw a dinner party, do it! But if you want to sit in a dark corner and not talk to anyone, no matter how much you might WANT to participate if you dont then there is no real point in joining in the first place.

    I dont expect all my SG mates to forgo real life obligations or heck to even play on a regular daily/ weekly basis, but I do expect activity. I've always thought a good way to do this is to hold numerous SG events, both for the SG only, and also for coalition mates and for the whole server. Hold a handfull of these every month maybe 4 a week and I simply ask is that you show up for one. One event a month to mingle with your SG mates, do some rp, get the latest news on whats going on and to have fun.

    I understand some people are shy, and as the other thread pointed out some people have a hard time striking up conversation or putting themselves in the mix, all I ask of my SG'ers is that you show up, that you try, because if you asked to be in the SG then you wanted to spend your in game time interacting with the community, not sitting in a dark corner by yourself.

    one of my pet peaves is in my sig...seems to be a problem on Pinnacle with people being completely disconnected with the extent of their own accomplishments. Hubris is the word of the day.
  10. so who won ? any screen shots of your winner in all their glory ?
  11. hmm see I don't really RP, but what I do, if it passes for RP, my strength is: manipulating people by making them think they are manipulating me. So basically passive aggressive behavior.

    my weakness is: passive aggressive behavior.

    I guess some folks are dumb enough to think I don't have a plan.
  12. oh wait you guys are going to need these

    *hands out tinfoil hats*

    There now you're all set.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady_Cyrsei View Post
    I was totally digging that International Scout in that video, I am so boring.
  14. I would move, I wouldn't want to live next to someone who liked the same things I did, would you want to live next to you ? !
  15. after hearing RL crying about stuff like that @Kant, I used to think it was just kids who did that sort of thing.....Sadly I have seen adults acting like that first hand and it's downright humiliating to be associated with them.

    More people should just be focused on having a good time like you guys.
  16. funny thing about buddah posting kinda reminded me about how much SG's and the server activity has changed from what it originally was. Used to be you could only get I think 200 (maybe 300 ? cant remember) in a zone for a hami raid, the zone used to fill and people would get locked out. Now the zone caps at 50 and even on active severs where hami raids are common they still don't fill it. SG's were limited to 50 people so SG's were a lot more robust. You didn't have like 100 alts or nameless pl'd prestige noobs that you kick for not logging in for a week because you gave them a free 50 and otherwise have no interest in playing past that. I am not sure how the current population compares to original population, I would be interested in finding out. Seems when the SG size was smaller the overall quality was better.
  17. PureAmerican

    Hello again

    I talk to bode every so often, he lives far away from anything that resembles internet access he's doing OK though, I am sure he is enjoying the peace and quiet of the country life in Texas.
  18. depends how much stink you want to put on it. I am a huge kin fanatic, I love to pass out the SB and ID, spam FS, I don't even have time to attack. It'll be like old times.
  19. anyone needs help getting shivs or nukes hit me up @pure american
  20. I ran this trial in it's first incarnation, on pinnacle, a lot, it was awesome fun. I primariliy play support characters, I would love to get in on this.

    thermal, rad, kin..I've got it all
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eat_Me View Post
    The lolcat bible says:

    Ezekiel 25:17

    "An den Sam Jackson said: Teh walkies of the Ceiling Cat beliefer iz fightins an stuff by lotza unfair gredy aholes an George Boosh. Mani cheezburgerz 2 teh beliefer cat cuz of bein nice n stuff 2 helpin kittehs thru teh scary plaice. He gud beliefer cat and finden losted kittehs an such. Ceiling Cat gonna pwn demz who *** wit my budz. U kno mai name iz Ceiling Cat when I'z scratchin yo ize out n such."


    I love Maru, my daughter and I watch videos of cats and other animals on youtube, she saw him pop out of the box and laughed uncontrollably, she kept saying "Again ! again!" so I grabbed the flv video, cut it up in Flash CS5 and voila!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    (pokes fey with cold wet nose)

    Pulp Fiction: PUPPEH 21 19: and the path of the righteous pup will protect thee from the wicked cats....and woe is to the cat who gets in his way for the puppeh will bring the wratch of god and dammination onto thee,,,

    Teh truth iz you iz teh week puppeh. Adn I iz the tyranny ov wikkid lolcatz. But I iz try Ringo. I iz tryin' reel hard 2b teh shepherdage kthanx.
  23. PureAmerican

    Post a Character

    Villain Profile: The Evil Dr. Hetero
    Real Name: Paxton Fudge

    The Evil Dr. Hetero is the jilted lover of a hero, in a jealous rage, Paxton, now calling himself "Dr. Hetero" swore revenge. Dr.Hetero developed the most hideous weapon known to all mankind, the diabolical "straight ray". Armed with his evil straight ray, and a generous supply of self hatred, Dr. Hetero and his lab assistant known only as "Twink" seek to turn all the gay people in the world straight! Truly the most evil plot ever conceived.

    This character is an homage to a friend in game who pointed out how straight and boring my life is. Funny how we are so very different, but the guy is like a brother to me. I usually walk up to the guys standing around trying to look tough and start to dance with them, I always get awkward replies.
  24. I am down for making it a regular thing , that was crazy fun back in the day, and was decent Xp, dont know if it still is.