2018 -
I never understood the abilities of people to maintain 10+ 50s for so long anyhow. I always thought that if I made too many toons that 'mattered' it would wind up owning me, since there is a 'collector's habit' that I had to curb.
Now that the incarnate system is out, and teaming (TFs) is the only real effective way to get it, I'm glad I made the choice to not care so much about which toon needs to be slotted out or has which badge.
I only have 2 toons that are going through the incarnate cycle, and the rest are doing it to help friends or just for something to do.
Unfortunately, although the end game is a welcome relief from my point of view, but I am concerned that the way it is being rolled (doled) out is forcing everyone to be TF grind monkeys. This is not an explicit design choice by the devs, but by happenstance and culture (within this game).
The culture of wanting things now, getting all the new shinies and fear that non-current things fall off by the side of the road encourages/forces everyone to get it done now or be stuck in the slow lane because no one else will want to help you get going once it is no longer the content of the moment.
I hope that some of this changes once i20 launches, since shards can be obtained by doing non-50 activities, and enough shards can be awarded during normal play to allay these concerns. However, I think that the shard monkey grind fear will simply be replaced by thread monkey grinding once i20 launches. -
I like that Forum PvP is alive and well in this game.
You can get clone stuff for cheaper if you want.
I like using my iPad because it is instant on, and quite rugged for what it is (with a case on it). I toss it across the room onto my bed or into the car, I can stuff it in my overstuffed camera bag and basically have it go places where a laptop wouldn't be practical.
The biggest benefit to me is using it to read or surf whilst laying down (yes I am that lazy). Can't bring a desktop to bed and the laptop doesn't work so well while I'm laying on my side.
It isn't as expandable as a laptop but for the things it can do, it does it well. The biggest strength of the iPad is battery life. It can go for an entire day of hard use or a week of light use before needing to be fed. -
Quote:http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC531ZM/AYou still need a laptop mind, otherwise you're sorta out of luck the next time you want to do something like download your photos off your digital camera.
Quote:Good time. With that team makeup it would go fast, but I don't think that these teams are that focused on individual builds or team makeup.Unless those were 'shard runs', they're kinda slow.
Those are slower than I run Apex's, Tin Mages and LGTF's - why would you want to nerf those people? I'd suggest, give them a speed strategy guide.
For the record, we run our STF's in 6 minutes off the ITF times shown here 0 deaths -
I noticed the greater incoming damage but I always associated it with multiple puddles, since more come and usually are concentrated around BM, since that's where all the action is.
Quote:With a fast recharging kinetic you can keep your melee on Battle Maiden before she retreats, a kinetic spamming transfusion is able to overcome the damage rate of a single blue puddle. Also having the melee right in the middle of Battle Maiden's mob allows them to get the full benefit of Fulcrum shift.A bit hard to see the way I've resized it, but most of the team is level shifted. No plan to run it fast, we were just cooking with gas based on the buffs/debuffs and the characters brought. I don't think I've ever seen Battle Maiden retreat the first time as fast as she did on this one.
Most squishies don't have enough health to stand in the middle safely if transfusion misses once but it can be fun to splash around in the blue pool too.
Once more puddles fall it is exceedingly difficult to keep someone alive in the pools after BM returns, although being level shifted helps quite a bit. -
Welcome to the City!
One thing that I didn't see (although I skimmed the thread) is that the server dots are considered load on the server, not population.
This can mean that a specific server has a lot of hardware thrown at it but the load is light, resulting in a lower dot level even though it may be more populated than the one which has a yellow or red dot.
We do NOT know the hardware that each specific server has allocated to it. The servers are divided into West Coast and East Coast servers, so you might want to choose one depending on physical location, if you feel that network latency is going to be an issue (generally not).
Also, the last part is that the server list is always sorted from the lowest load on top and the heaviest load on the bottom, with one BIG exception. The lasts server you visited will always be listed at the top of the list.
If you want to choose the highest load server (likely the busiest) when you log in, it will usually be the one at the bottom (unless it is the one you last logged into, which will be at the top of your list).
If you want to see a lot of hub bub and activity (not all of it desirable), Virtue and Freedom regularly swap spots on the server list for highest load.
Justice usually is 3rd spot, but it tends to be a late riser (because it is also the unofficial Aussie/NZ server) so if you are east coast it probably isn't for you unless you like staying on later.
Champion, Infinity are usually 3-6th spot and I don't know that much about them.
Pinnacle, Triumph and Guardian tend to be lowest load.
If you do try out Justice, just be aware that most of the action is on JFA2010 and Justice United global chat channels, so it looks quiet on the surface. -
Cool. I'll try this out tonight.
Wonder if there is a /cursorscale command...? -
Wonder what would happen if they offered a 18, 24 and 36 month sub plan with appropriate discounts... I'd probably sign up since I'm annual.
Quote:Didn't know this was a suggestion thread too.I was actually thinking about a PvP zone coloring system. In the red zone you get higher rewards, in the yellow zone lower rewards, and in the green zone the lowest rewards. We won't have to force players into a particular zone based on skill, because I would think the players would do that automatically. The best players will hang out in the red zone where the best rewards for a kill drop. And that means the weaker players won't hang out there because they will just die. Or they will hang out there and get good enough to join them. Either way, the rewards will separate players by risk tolerance. Sure, a top player can eviscerate a low player in the green zone, but they won't get anything much for doing so. Killing a medium player in the yellow zone would generate much better rewards, but still nowhere as good as actually not sandbagging it and going after their equals in the red zone.
*On top of that* we could layer a universal rep system like you mention to ensure that over and above that, a high end player that decides to forgo rewards and attack weak PvPers in the green zone doesn't just forgo better rewards, but is actually penalized in some fashion, like with negative rep.
To make this work, the rewards in the red zone have to be really good. And to make that work, there has to be much better anti-farming code. And I have a pretty good idea how to do.
PvP ganking has been a time honoured tradition regardless of which game it was, so I'd rather see low rep players being buffed (+ handicapped) in the green zones so they are harder to kill and have more chances to get away. A pure rewards system based on rep won't stop someone from rampaging on noobs. -
Quote:+1 for the whirlpool motion.Huh. I never really occurred to me that so many folks would share this problem. Happens to me too. I have a 24" wide screen, and the little thing just disappears into the wash during battle.
I usually find it by swirling it in a circular motion until it catches my eye. I'd dig an option to make it larger.
I always thought it was just me, but I run 2560x1600.
Thought about using compatible cursors since I have the xlarge black mouse pointer theme, but then the cursor won't change shape for clicking on things. -
Quote:MMs also have an advantage because not only can you put insps on your henchmen, you can also give them to any type of pet that an MM casts, so pets like Dark Servant, Shivans and HVAS can be insped up.You can also do it via a slash command.
Activates an inspiration on a pet by name. Inspiration Name then Pet Name.
/inspexecpetname resurgence marion
That drops a Resurgence (large green) on your pet named Marion.
Useful for binds, not so much in combat. Maybe if you type 100 wpm . . .
This means that you can pass a big luck insp and a big orange insp on a shivan and watch him tank an AV while you take a nap. Of course your pets will also defend the pet in BG mode...
You can also feed an EoE to your big henchman for a hami raid if you need them to grab aggro. They might need an ID from a kin to prevent knockback or else they get pushed all the way out of the goo if they are going to absorb the alpha from hami. -
Quote:Hey folks,
As most of you probably know, I'm still a bit new around here. I'll poke around and see if I can find out if there is anyone internally who can answer some questions regarding the Mac client and issues related to it.
AFAIK, there are no current plans to upgrade the mac client to a newer version of Cider, however I could be wrong.
As a recent Mac convert (well, at least for my laptop needs) I understand your frustration and will see if I can help to at least get you some info.
- Z
Thanks for poking your head in here and giving us hope. -
Quote:Speed ITFs are the best rewards by far since you get the end reward, you are *required* to defeat lots of mobs and it's over in 20 minutes give or take.Running fast may not drop as many shards (but I don't think the difference is as extreme as people are making it out to be. Hell, last night on a 23-minute ITF, one of us got 7 shards!), but I have three of just about every component on all my active 50s. I rarely have to craft anything out of shards. And I don't do this out of planning out what each toon needs. I just run it ALL, quickly, and I end up with what I need when I need it.
Run slow if you want to go slow, but saying that there is no reason to run quickly is missing the point.
Also the mobs are mostly immune to knockback and like to melee, which means they get nice and bunched up for AoEs and fulcrum shifts. Shards and purple drops occur more often on Speed ITFs over any other speed TF.
Making it the WST will be icing on the cake. -
What I like about Current PvP in this game is that there are still people who care about PvP enough and are civil in discourse, even though PvP has been extremely flawed and had its legs chopped off at the knees.
Other than that, nothing. Kudos on asking, though. -