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  1. I still think that they should give Premiums a taste of Incarnate with a t1 Alpha and the ability to have 4 shards at a time. This would prevent them from hoarding shards while giving them the ability to craft a tier 1 Alpha and see a very small bit of what they're missing. But I understand why they feel they shouldn't even open the door to that.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    I don't remember nominating you to represent all VIPs...
    No, you seem to nominated yourself for that. I don't think that it's a complete pain in the *** for VIPs. I rather enjoy the Incarnate system & the free points (when they finally show up). But yes... the issues you mentioned should most definitely be ironed out, it's not the best system at the moment.
  3. I was a little surprised by them mentioning the character creator from another game (which is indeed more robust, though you have to unlock a heck of a lot of stuff for that to be apparent) but it was a good article over all. Here's hoping more people give CoH a try and stick around for the fun.
  4. I do when I want to PL a toon, but other than that I prefer to actually group or just solo.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    As always I find for perfect looping it is best to do X frames then repeat in reverse order. 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 etc. This makes looping perfect.
    Unfortunately that method does not work as well with the programs I have been using, they automatically apply transparency to much of the picture and rely on the first frame for the non-moving background areas. I've tried it, it just comes out looking wonky. I tried 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2, skipping the 'background' frame, and it turns out... well, maybe I'll post a version. It gets a little psychedelic with motion trails and stuff.
  6. Yes, the XP Booster works in AE. Tested it before, and used one not that long ago when I decided to clear a carnie map. (1-34 in roughly an hour, I think. Toon is already on the chopping block so I wasted not only time but also money. Hooray!)
  7. Accidentally purchased 2 invention licenses on my second account (by quantity, not double-clicking or anything like that), dunno if it will give me 2 months or I just wasted 80 points.
  8. This is from the gigantic UStream marathon from the launch of i21. Tunnel Rat is laughing & clapping at our puns. I even got a mention for one of mine about taking them for granite. Get it? HA! Sadly, I couldn't get the frames to quite right on this. I'm sure someone else could do better - if you want, I'll make one a little longer so you can crop to your liking.

    I can just see this one being used a lot.
  9. It's funny, I was frustrated that the sale didn't start today because I wanted to get the Invention License on my second account and start leveling up my Street Justice/Willpower stalker. I'm going to my sister's tomorrow for the Thanksgiving dinner, and won't be able to get it then and I don't want to have to wait until Saturday.

    Then it hit me: I am a *really* cheap *******. Seriously. $1? Just $1? I'm complaining about spending $1 on a different day? Yeesh. It's a good deal, don't get me wrong, but dang. Money's tight but it's not like I can't afford it with the free points I've gotten on that account thus far...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Suzumebachi View Post
    Thanks for doing this VK. I went to watch the recordings and the first panel gets to 27:24 in where Z decides to move the camera back, he utters the fateful words "lemme turn this..." and the video ends

    The next video is completely different people eating lunch (the endgame/incarnate panel)


    Bah, the incarnate panel is also truncated at 26:55

    Z, Have you accidentally installed some trial version of Ustream or something or is your machine cutting us off? It's a shame, it looked like there would have been some interesting information in these videos.

    **sad panda**
    There were some serious stream issues throughout the broadcasts yesterday, I think it's more an issue on Ustream's end than on Zwill & the Gang.
  11. It should also be noted the 'premium' flavor the Titan Weapons will have. They said that the meat axe is apparently oozing ichor. The demon blade has glowing (flowing?) runes on it. It sounds like they put some serious work into them to make them worth an extra couple bucks.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    It kinda is? We're paying $10 for a power set. Then, after we get the said pack, we have to pay more $ for the additional skins to the weapons?? Hopefully that isn't the case and the additional skins can be unlocked in game.

    It's too bad nobody asked about revamping the old TFs and SFs. I am hoping that happens soooooooooooooooooooooooooon
    We did ask about them, I think. Maybe that was before it started, I remember people talking about Synapse. No, not the devs.

    In regards to having to pay for costume pieces... this is nothing new. Trying to think how far back this goes, I want to say 'Martial Arts Pack'. Not positive.

    Or is the problem that they are coming out with a new pay-only costume pieces so soon after the powerset goes live? If that is the case, I suggest you look at it a little differently.

    Instead of saying, "They just released a new set and we have to pay extra to get some of the new weapon skins?!" try saying, "They are releasing a new power set and they've already got new weapons
    coming out for it!" It's much more of a plus when you look at it like that.

    On another note... anyone know the time stamp for Dr. Aeon's trollface? I can't find it.
  13. Get out.

    GET OUT!

    I have no caption for this, aside from sorry for the picture quality.

    Yes. He's beatboxing.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Baryonyx View Post
    Neither. They will ignore each other and proceed to mercilessly double-team you.
    Domination + Confuse
  15. Thanks VK. Anyone remember what time the dinosaur joke was? I'm going to have to download all of them to get the gif material for everything... but don't want to have to actually listen to that joke again :P

    Edit: Crud, looks like only an hour or so of the whole broadcasts were saved/recorded.
  16. Psychoti

    Mids Question

    To 'unlock', right-click the 'locked' text.
  17. Awesome deal on the VIP starter, I may actually make a third account for poos & snorts.

    A little disappointed that character slots aren't reduced in price, but hey..... a lot of good stuff here. I know I'll be getting the Invention License on my second account this Friday or Saturday.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    You guys do know we record each and every show, right? It's archived so you can watch it at any time.
    Which is very handy, especially when you have a goldfish memory like me. Though I'd be hard-pressed to swim through any little hoops for pieces of dried shrimp.
  19. This is the announcement I was waiting for. I am sorry that you felt my commentary before was unfair Zwillinger, but I stand by it as it wasn't made apparent that the content discussed at the non-streamed panels was going to be made available to non-attending players in a soon-ish fashion.

    Thank you for this.
  20. Fade and Soul Absorption sound pretty fun. I'll definitely give those a look-see.

    I really don't think Assassin's Strike out of hide should interruptible due to the imbalance that presents between defense- and resistance-based secondaries.
  21. Psychoti

    Farm FoTM

    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Demon map (if you had it before it was removed from the game)
    Not sure what you mean. If you mean Harvey Maylor's, it's still there.
  22. In the same boat here.

    I don't want to sound aggressive about it, but there really needs to be a better system for subscriber rewards than the randomness we've experienced thus far.
  23. Single target, like all the others. And yes, it's worth having. The rez is more skippable IMO.