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  1. Wolf-ire here, btw does anyone know how to farm EoE's lol

    Dragonians have been doing what we can to farm EoE's. I believe between the 2 on Infinity we have around 30 or so. Today @2pm EST Im going to be around the Arena in PI. KInda early, but i'm going to do it. The more teams we have the quicker we wipe monster island clean of the GM's. Thats another challenge how fast can we kill all the GIAAAANT MOOOOONSTERS! Yes theres no merits ;( theres really no big pay off Oh but you can tell your freinds at work, school, your doctor that gives you those really cool pills that give you that really cool sensation. Ok Ok Im rambling gotta stop that. Lets kill some Monsters to get more EoE's.

    Oh sorry for the long delay on the forums replies. Forgot that when I changed password it took effect here. (kids login in on my account No NO NO) So as I was eagerly wanting to post something about the subject that has been driving me nutz lately. My fingers worn bare "Why wont this freakin password take!" Then have to wait 15 minutes for rest, this went on for about 2 days all!! Ha Ha got ya to laugh! Cya Around!
  2. Wolf-ire says talk cheap!!! Wolf says SMASH Hami.

    Hey all, first off wanna say welcome back Crem!! This how it is, the old is gone! Theres a new revolution, either all the VETS join forces that still remain here on OUR server. Or let it die, I won't. There are quite a few of us that have tried to make our server better. From Hosting PvP events, to daily TF's, Best Bases. I say YaY and Gratz to those individuals for stepping up and taking their time to do these. Quit worrying about is the pop there, do we have the experience. Theres enough peeps to do it, just getting them to show is the deal. With that said the old days they would schedule the raids so freakin late, either everyone was already in bed or to drunk to even type the type of beer they was drinking on their foreheads. We are doing a Raid! WE WILL the first saturday of March @8:00pm EST. I'll be standing there by myself if i have to, and if you want to come check out how its goin while my limp dead *** is lying there underneath the big ole bubble, its only cause I'm going to try and try again til it get complete every saturday night at 8'oclock. It will be rough at first. But as time goes, the so called AE Babies will learn that there is a world outside that building. The VETS will come out to help. Infinity will (hows my kids say it) doeeet!

    (if the freakin roleplayers can do it almost everynite!! Infinity can sure as H E doublehockey sticks do it once a week !)
  3. Alright!! I listen to all of you on AEA, have team with most of you. You all have teamed with my family aswell, @Vintress, @Wolfson2, @Wolfson1, and myself @WOLF-IRE. As the founder and creator of Dragonians SG, I will do my part in gettin Infinity recgonized for its solid community. Lets make this round table, get things into action, and quit chatin/replying, now is time to make it happen. You can COUNT on me and fam, to support in any way we can. Team effort is where it is!
  4. Global: WOLF-IRE
    Gender: Male
    Age: 40
    Location: OH
    Dragonians SG Founder/Creator, Dragonians Imperial Guard of Paragon, Dark Dragonians
    Also member of the Dragonians of Virtue and Dark Dragonians of Virtue.

    Main toons are Wolf-ire, Jammer. and Comfortably Bloody
  5. Psych0281

    PVP Event!

    Just a reminder, you don't have to be a all out PvPer in order to do this event. Anyone but Everyone is Welcome to come join in the fun! Dragonians is trying to get the more events lined up, anyone have any solid ideas, let us know. AEA, Infinity Badges 2.0 channels have been the hot ones of lately. Several solid players still out there, the thing we have to remember CoX is a game. So let's have fun and do this thing.

    "Show Them No Mercy!!"
  6. I'm Game for anything Herc!! Wolf-ire and the gang will support whatever the group decides. Dragonians are also trying to find ways to get things pumping.
  7. Hello All!
    Dragonians (Originaly founded on Infinity) Has no spread to Virtue, The Dragonians was established in December of 2006. Family atmosphere, fun loving peeps, that enjoy having fun and helping each other out. You name it we dabble in it. From RP, PvP, PL, to anything the game has to offer we do it, just not in a orderly fashion. (lol)

    If you wish to join either of our 3 SG's or 2 VG's, please give us a shout on our Webpage on Guildportal, just searcg Dragonians of Infinity and you'll find it. OR contact myself here Psycho281 or game global WOLF-IRE. Hope to hear from ya soon.

    "Show Them No Mercy!" and "Joining of Opposing Forces"........WOLF-IRE
  8. Psych0281

    Infinity SGs

    Dragonians SG or Dark Dragonians are looking for new members. Bluside is currently ranked 27th on server, started in DEC06. Promotonals based upon Prestige earned, relaxed atmosphere. Simple rulz, the #1 Rulz is to have Fun! If interested contact WOLF-IRE.
  9. Psych0281

    Infinity SGs

    Snowkat Rocks!!!!
    Dragonians approves this message, we are in coalition with these fine Vixen's!!
  10. Psych0281

    Infinity SGs

    Dragonians, was formed in Dec of 2006, down to earth, straight forward peeps. The SG is made up all ages, we even have family members. The number 1 rule is be yourself and keep in mind its just a game.....HAVE FUN!!!
    If interested give Blapfire, Wolf-ire, Dragonblaster 281, Klubber, Mags, Iolite Pheonix, Blu-life a shout. Always looking for a peeps that enjoy teaming and just flat out having fun. We have also went in further into our coalitions, Nemisis 2 (Blue side) also has Nemisis (Red side) if you wish to join our VG contact one of the above or Rakkasan.
    We have a page on, we do love to PvP, and TF.
    Looking forward to hearing from you and teaming.
  11. I have recently got tired of all the binds/toggles. I did a respec, and it was the best thing that I couldve done. Now my lvl 36 WS Human/Dwarf Rocks, when you do the repsec, you dint have to wait til lvl 20 to place slots into the Dwarf slots/powers. You can start sloting right at the begining of the respec. Tho my human is weaker, the Dwarf side is fully maxed out.