PVP Event!
Being relatively new to the game..What sort of levels would i be looking at the be competitive?
Going to have to say we will make the match the lvl equal. SO if your lvl 25 going to make it that lvl of a fight. If your lvl 50 then it will be a lvl 50 fight.
Most if not all the PvPers moved to Freedom. Hope you get enough to have a good tourney though.

I'm a sexy pork-chop!!!! - Running strong since July of '04
"Thread closed; I'm leaving this thread visible for St0n3y's reply." - Mod5
Yeah I know there is free server transfer thing so they can just switch back when they want to between and usually you still get people to do a pvp event just trying to promote so fun in the server that seems almost dead as of late!
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
honestly, infinity is dead. most if not all of the PvP'ers have moved to freedom and don't plan on looking back. it is just to dead. i will mention it to some of the peeps i PvP with as some of us have left at least 1 of each faction on infinity for PvP/PvE and see if they want to but i can't gaurantee anything.
Just a reminder, you don't have to be a all out PvPer in order to do this event. Anyone but Everyone is Welcome to come join in the fun! Dragonians is trying to get the more events lined up, anyone have any solid ideas, let us know. AEA, Infinity Badges 2.0 channels have been the hot ones of lately. Several solid players still out there, the thing we have to remember CoX is a game. So let's have fun and do this thing.
"Show Them No Mercy!!"
"Show Them No Mercy!!"
Founder/Creator of Dragonians Dynasty
Retired First Seargeant (Vet)
You don't have to be a pvper to do this event, you can come on as any AT in Villians and heroes, and besides if you do transfer a character you can always transfer back till end of the month for free.
As I said LG will be there and bringing Bob He wants to test pvp on his tank (He may switch by then) but LG will still be there pity my teammates
Lord Gryphon 50 I/SS Tnk SMA/Taunt
Lots others: Dragon Legion, Dragon Legion Academy & Dragons of Doom
Infinity's Official Stand Up Guy
Pvp event is set at 4 pm central time 5 pm eastern January 17th a Sunday. Its going to be a 2 vs 2 pvp event. Dragonians Super Group are hosting this event mainly Celes Chere.
Rules are as follow: 1. Team mates are randomly picked by me Celes Chere. 2. Going to have double Elimination, so if you have 2 losts you are out, you keep going until the champions are determined. 3. Each round will be chosen by random on which team you face. 4. I will pick the person that will start the match up for each fight. 5. Everybody is invited to come to this any friends or people on the server that randomly appear. 6. Either sign up on the City of heroes forums or send me a message that you want to come, or a on game message @Anji the Destroyer, or when you come in make sure you talk with Celes Chere. to sign up for it. Come to Pocket D on Infinity server at 4pm central time or 5pm eastern time and we will get this started as soon as can the more to come the better! Look for the character Celes Chere. will be in charge of the event. I hope everybody has a fun time with its all in good fun. Prizes will be given by my choice, it will be Custome salvage sets, Influence, Recipes Sets (Purple and Red), and Custome recipes and more. I hope to see many of yall there! |
G'luck with the event and h'fun.
I will be addressing them before the event about whats going on. Good point sir
Well I'm always for a good rumble. I wouldn't mind going to see who shows up. If i can remember, i'll be there. Some rules and what not ahead of time will help ppl prepare also, if they decide to show up to this. Good luck with it.
The Highly Unlikelies
@Sabre Blade
Anything regulating temp powers or the size of insps?
Alright here's the rules the matches:
1. small Insiprations only
2. no temps
3. no veterns
4. no spawn killing wait for each other to be done buffing up then attack them, meaning if a person dies and then they come back at least give them a 30 seconds to get back in fight!
5. I will be setting up the matches each fight to 5 minutes for each team we can also make it more if need be if people think thats fair.
With the rule set up for 5 defeats, you run the chance of hitting stalemates between teams. In the past, we've done 10 minute matches because then you don't take all night to get 5 deaths if teams prove to be difficult to kill, and if there is a stalemate, you have the sudden death feature which almost always guarantees a victor. Just food for thought.
The Highly Unlikelies
@Sabre Blade
If you know your coming to the event send me a tell in game @Anji the Destroyer or message on the boards or post your (name, AT, and lvl)
like this: Celes Chere. lvl 50 Controller
The sooner we get you in the faster we get this event rolling!
is this thing even still going on?
Yep got a hour before it starts will a little over but its going to happen!
Had a great time TY
Lord Gryphon 50 I/SS Tnk SMA/Taunt
Lots others: Dragon Legion, Dragon Legion Academy & Dragons of Doom
Infinity's Official Stand Up Guy
ty was fun.
Glad that everybody that came out had fun time and thank you for coming was it was fun to run hopefully see ya around Infinity some time!
Pvp event is set at 4 pm central time 5 pm eastern January 17th a Sunday. Its going to be a 2 vs 2 pvp event. Dragonians Super Group are hosting this event mainly Celes Chere.
Rules are as follow:
1. Team mates are randomly picked by me Celes Chere.
2. Going to have double Elimination, so if you have 2 losts you are out, you keep going until the champions are determined.
3. Each round will be chosen by random on which team you face.
4. I will pick the person that will start the match up for each fight.
5. Everybody is invited to come to this any friends or people on the server that randomly appear.
6. Either sign up on the City of heroes forums or send me a message that you want to come, or a on game message @Anji the Destroyer, or when you come in make sure you talk with Celes Chere. to sign up for it.
Come to Pocket D on Infinity server at 4pm central time or 5pm eastern time and we will get this started as soon as can the more to come the better! Look for the character Celes Chere. will be in charge of the event.
I hope everybody has a fun time with its all in good fun. Prizes will be given by my choice, it will be Custome salvage sets, Influence, Recipes Sets (Purple and Red), and Custome recipes and more.
I hope to see many of yall there!