Hami Raid March 6th
What time?
"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy
Wolf-ire here, btw does anyone know how to farm EoE's lol
Dragonians have been doing what we can to farm EoE's. I believe between the 2 on Infinity we have around 30 or so. Today @2pm EST Im going to be around the Arena in PI. KInda early, but i'm going to do it. The more teams we have the quicker we wipe monster island clean of the GM's. Thats another challenge how fast can we kill all the GIAAAANT MOOOOONSTERS! Yes theres no merits ;( theres really no big pay off Oh but you can tell your freinds at work, school, your doctor that gives you those really cool pills that give you that really cool sensation. Ok Ok Im rambling gotta stop that. Lets kill some Monsters to get more EoE's.
Oh sorry for the long delay on the forums replies. Forgot that when I changed password it took effect here. (kids login in on my account No NO NO) So as I was eagerly wanting to post something about the subject that has been driving me nutz lately. My fingers worn bare "Why wont this freakin password take!" Then have to wait 15 minutes for rest, this went on for about 2 days all!! Ha Ha got ya to laugh! Cya Around!
"Show Them No Mercy!!"
Founder/Creator of Dragonians Dynasty
Retired First Seargeant (Vet)
I posted info on Crem's thread, take a look!
"Show Them No Mercy!!"
Founder/Creator of Dragonians Dynasty
Retired First Seargeant (Vet)
(Team 1) Raid Leader, 2EMPS, 1KIN, the rest tanks: Holds Hami Agro
(Team 2) 6 Scprs, 2 EMPs: Attacks Yellow Mitos
(Team 3) 6 scprs, 2 EMPs: Attacks Yellow Mitos
(Team 4) Assault Team comprised of Blasters and support
(Team 5) Assault Team Comprised of Blasters and support
(Team 6) Assault team Comprised of Blasters and support
Now that is what I have came up with from what I have seen on the Raid I participated in and the info that I have found in other forums. The only teams that I know that have to be the way it is listed is Team 1. (Tanks taunting Hami, must be buffed at all times, and they must have a secondary if they perhaps should fall) Team 1 will hold Hami Agro while other teams kill Mitos. Once all Mitos are killed, everyone verges upon Hami, all single target buffs are issued (CM, SB, ID etc.) Then right around 79% issue AM, RA to all that gathered near Hami. Once Buffs have been issued, the tanks go back out to hold Agro. Everyone pop one EoE/Breakfree before Bloom. Once bloom is out, kill Mitos again. The process repeats. After second Bloom, depending on killing speed, there might be the need of killing Mito's on third Bloom. Rip right thru the jelly at 25%. Back to the Tanks, they should have atleast 6-8 EoE's to pop during the whole process. Now if perhaps when Bloom comes and alot of people fall, everyone has to remember to get the ones that fell back up. Rezzers have to be on look out for their teams, but if any chance to rez someone thats lying there rez em.
From the gathering on the safe rock, forming teams, spawning Hami, buffing, attacking the Hami thru the cycle. Knowing the players we have on Infinity, our first raid should take no longer than one hour. If everyone works well together and listens, Ive heard the best time is 19 minutes. I'd like to beat that, lets do this puppy and have fun with it!
"Show Them No Mercy!!"
Founder/Creator of Dragonians Dynasty
Retired First Seargeant (Vet)
Nice a Hami raid on infinity! Haven't seen one of those on Infinity in about 6 months or more.
OK Friday night 8 PM est, 5 PM pst, I will be in PI EOE farming. Any and all can come join in.
Lord Gryphon 50 I/SS Tnk SMA/Taunt
Lots others: Dragon Legion, Dragon Legion Academy & Dragons of Doom
Infinity's Official Stand Up Guy
Sounds Great LG!! Hopefully we can herd up some EoE's. Just wanted to remind everyone along if EoE's make sure you have some breakfrees aswell, they help alot for the blooms and terrorize. Hope to see you all Friday nite and Saturday night. Good Hunting........Wolf-ire
"Show Them No Mercy!!"
Founder/Creator of Dragonians Dynasty
Retired First Seargeant (Vet)
Ok, Give me a shout in game or here if you are willing to be teams leaders, we need 3-4 more. Cremzen and Myself so far. Infinity need your leadership, will you answer the call? Wolf-ire
"Show Them No Mercy!!"
Founder/Creator of Dragonians Dynasty
Retired First Seargeant (Vet)
Put me down for SECOND choice for Mito Taunt Team lead.
I say second choice, because I've only ever been on two Hami Raids. It might be best if you can get someone more experienced to lead that team. But it no one else volunteers, I can lead it. (I was the Mito Taunt Team lead for the Hami Raid that Cremzen ran a few months ago.) Either way, I'll bring a tank to be on the Mito Taunt Team. (It seems like tanks are always in short supply on the few Hami Raids I've been on.)
I won't be able to participate in the EoE farming the night before, BUT, I've got an Inspiration Collector in my base that is nearly full of EoE's so I'll be able to donate more than my fair share.
Looking forward to it!
"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy
First and foremost, I feel the need to apologize to the community.
When returning to the game a few weeks ago, I started trying to get the community interested in Hami raiding again. After a couple of weeks of mixed feedback, someone asked me if I would lead a raid if they got it set up. I agreed, not knowing that he was speaking for someone else. After a couple hours, it was posted on the forums, and I was a little apprehensive because we had not worked towards setting anything up before announcing anything. I spoke to this person ingame about the team leads, and he named a number of people that I've played with and/or heard alot about, all of which are VERY active in the comminity. To say the least, I was extremely relieved that my expectations for the leads we would have were far beyond what I thought we would have. Then there was the scheduling during double xp weekend, which scared me a bit on whether we would have a decent turnout. I noticed that this person was a little too enthusiastic, posting what seemed like every hour about the raid, but looked past that. But these were not big problems and decided to try to make it anyway.
I sent him a PM earlier to get those leads lined up in their proper positions, so I could make sure they were well prepped before the raid, and noticed he was looking for leads on the forums, not having the previous people mentioned lined up after all. I threw my hands up and went to work. With all the problems mounting, I decided to postpone the raid for a bit, until I could get things set up properly. After getting home, I noticed that he has now been cross posting in other threads and pissing alot of people off. And for that, I am apologizing. I never wanted to "attempt" to reign him in, due to looking like I was trying to "steal all the glory", or that I was on some kind of power trip, but I probably should have tried.
So, now I'm officially cancelling the raid until further notice, or at least any and all involvement on my part. Hamidon raiding's future was already in jeopardy, and I don't want everything that's been said in the past few to days to make it worse. I just hope and pray what little life blood might've been left in it, isn't now gone.
I don't want to discourage anyone from attending any raids scheduled by other individuals, but I also don't want people to show up to a raid that fails (not to say that they will), and put that final nail in the coffin for Hami raiding in the future for Infinity. A few people have tried to lead raids before I did and after, and have failed due to not knowing the process, the enemy, or by not being well prepared. I can't claim that I am the only person on Infinity that can succeed, because I know better, but alot of failed raids have SEVERELY damaged the support from the community on this, and I don't want to lose the chance at bringing it back to our server.
If anyone is interested in trying to bring back the raids, or to lend support in any way, feel free to message me here, or ingame to @Cremzen.
Again, I want to apologize to anyone that has been upset or annoyed by what's happened.
Not quite a hero;Not yet a villain
This is why I went into semi retired state, all of the drama (and weekend raids). I will still help with the EOE farming and will try to make the raid, but no promises.
Lord Gryphon 50 I/SS Tnk SMA/Taunt
Lots others: Dragon Legion, Dragon Legion Academy & Dragons of Doom
Infinity's Official Stand Up Guy
Come one Come All !!!
EOE Farming Night before and a few hours before to make sure us mediocre tanks can protect our backsides.
Lets get it going !!! Sign up below and Lets see who all can show, Or you know I will bug you in channel again.
Lord Gryphon 50 I/SS Tnk SMA/Taunt
Lots others: Dragon Legion, Dragon Legion Academy & Dragons of Doom
Infinity's Official Stand Up Guy