CDN_Guardian's Guide to Human/Dark Dwarf Warshades
Here are my two builds. The first is the one I used up to lvl40, the second is how I plan on finishing off my character, currently lvl44.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Despotic
Level: 41
Archetype: Warshade
Primary: Umbral Blast
Secondary: Umbral Aura
01) --> Ebon Eye==> Acc(1)Dmg(3)Dmg(5)Dmg(19)EndRdx(37)
01) --> Absorption==> DmgRes(1)
02) --> Gravity Shield==> EndRdx(2)DmgRes(3)DmgRes(5)DmgRes(17)
04) --> Orbiting Death==> EndRdx(4)Dmg(9)Dmg(9)Dmg(11)
06) --> Shadow Blast==> Acc(6)Dmg(7)Dmg(7)Dmg(15)EndRdx(17)Rechg(19)
08) --> Shadow Bolt==> Acc(8)Dmg(11)Dmg(37)Dmg(37)
10) --> Hurdle==> Jump(10)
12) --> Sunless Mire==> Acc(12)Rechg(13)Rechg(13)Rechg(15)
14) --> Health==> Heal(14)
16) --> Shadow Cloak==> EndRdx(16)
18) --> Gravity Well==> Acc(18)EndRdx(25)Rechg(25)Dmg(29)Dmg(36)Dmg(36)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20)EndMod(21)EndMod(21)
22) --> Stygian Circle==> Rechg(22)Rechg(23)EndMod(23)EndRdx(34)EndMod(36)
24) --> Black Dwarf==> DmgRes(24)
26) --> Unchain Essence==> Rechg(26)Rechg(27)Rechg(27)
28) --> Gravity Emanation==> Acc(28)Rechg(31)DisDur(31)Rechg(40)
30) --> Inky Aspect==> Acc(30)DisDur(31)
32) --> Dark Extraction==> Rechg(32)Rechg(33)Rechg(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(34)Acc(34)
35) --> Quasar==> Rechg(35)
38) --> Eclipse==> Acc(38)Rechg(39)Rechg(39)Rechg(39)Acc(40)DmgRes(40)
01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
01) --> Brawl==>
01) --> Shadow Step==> EndRdx(1)
01) --> Dark Sustenance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
10) --> Shadow Recall==> Range(10)
24) --> Black Dwarf Strike==> Acc(24)
24) --> Black Dwarf Smite==> Acc(24)
24) --> Black Dwarf Mire==> Acc(24)Rechg(29)
24) --> Black Dwarf Drain==> Acc(24)
24) --> Black Dwarf Step==> EndRdx(24)
24) --> Black Dwarf Antagonize==> Acc(24)
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Despotic
Level: 50
Archetype: Warshade
Primary: Umbral Blast
Secondary: Umbral Aura
01) --> Ebon Eye==> Acc(1)Dmg(3)Dmg(5)Dmg(15)EndRdx(25)
01) --> Absorption==> DmgRes(1)
02) --> Shadow Bolt==> Acc(2)Dmg(3)Dmg(5)Dmg(17)
04) --> Orbiting Death==> EndRdx(4)Dmg(9)Dmg(9)Dmg(11)
06) --> Shadow Blast==> Acc(6)Dmg(7)Dmg(7)Dmg(11)EndRdx(17)Rechg(25)
08) --> Hurdle==> Jump(8)
10) --> Starless Step==> Acc(10)
12) --> Sunless Mire==> Acc(12)Rechg(13)Rechg(13)Rechg(15)
14) --> Health==> Heal(14)
16) --> Shadow Cloak==> EndRdx(16)
18) --> Gravity Well==> Acc(18)EndRdx(19)Rechg(19)Dmg(34)Dmg(36)Dmg(36)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20)EndMod(21)EndMod(21)
22) --> Stygian Circle==> Rechg(22)Rechg(23)EndMod(23)EndMod(29)EndRdx(36)Rechg(37)
24) --> Black Dwarf==> DmgRes(24)
26) --> Unchain Essence==> Rechg(26)Rechg(27)Rechg(27)Dmg(40)Dmg(43)Dmg(43)
28) --> Gravity Emanation==> Acc(28)Rechg(29)DisDur(31)Rechg(31)Rechg(45)DisDur(45)
30) --> Inky Aspect==> Acc(30)DisDur(31)
32) --> Dark Extraction==> Rechg(32)Rechg(33)Rechg(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(34)Acc(34)
35) --> Quasar==> Rechg(35)Rechg(37)Rechg(37)Dmg(42)Dmg(43)Dmg(45)
38) --> Eclipse==> Acc(38)Rechg(39)Rechg(39)Rechg(39)DmgRes(40)DmgRes(40)
41) --> Hasten==> Rechg(41)Rechg(42)Rechg(42)
44) --> Super Speed==> Run(44)
47) --> Nebulous Form==> Rechg(47)
49) --> Stygian Return==> Rechg(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Shadow Step==> EndRdx(1)
01) --> Dark Sustenance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
10) --> Shadow Recall==> Range(10)
24) --> Black Dwarf Strike==> Acc(24)Rechg(46)
24) --> Black Dwarf Smite==> Acc(24)Rechg(46)Dmg(48)Dmg(50)
24) --> Black Dwarf Mire==> Acc(24)Rechg(46)Rechg(48)Rechg(50)
24) --> Black Dwarf Drain==> Acc(24)Rechg(48)Heal(50)
24) --> Black Dwarf Step==> Range(24)
24) --> Black Dwarf Antagonize==> Acc(24)
You evil evil man. I have just convinced myself go tri-form and only lightly use the human form goodness. I was working the respec out as you posted this. Now I need to reconsider the human/dwarf combo. I see the potential in it. Well I do have TWO respecs available right now.
Evil I say and good guide.
Thanks Tek. Glad you liked it. I'm considering trying out a Tri-Form as well, I'll let you know how it goes.
Hi there,
This looks like quite the interesting build. I'm thinking of ditching my Shade's Nova form myself (she's lvl 23 right now), only because Tri-form is something I've already done to death on my PB. But let me ask, you really don't find your slotting of the base of Black Dwarf to be a bit light? My initial impulse is to take some/most/all of the slots you've got in Stygian Circle and put them into the Dwarf. I'd love to hear your thoughts on why it's not the liability I want to think it is at first impression.
Thanks, and be cool.
Later on,
Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.
I had a great time playing with you!
I slotted Stygian more than Dwarf solely due to the fact that I spend 90% of my time in Human form and I want that heal up as much as possible.
I use Dwarf solely to absorb alphas when Eclipse is recharging and to set up double Mire's. Occasionaly I'll use Dwarf to take out a mezzing enemy, but if my resistances are up due to Eclipse, I'll stay in human form with a Breakfree handy because my damage is better. I view Dwarf as my back-up form.
You evil evil man. I have just convinced myself go tri-form and only lightly use the human form goodness. I was working the respec out as you posted this. Now I need to reconsider the human/dwarf combo. I see the potential in it. Well I do have TWO respecs available right now.
Evil I say and good guide.
[/ QUOTE ]
but then you wont get the experience a dmg/acc capped blaster with capped resistance to everything... even if you take nova and devote no slots to it, its still well worth it when you can make up teh lack of slotting with double mires.. i guess its just personal preference though so bleahhh. good guide
Tri-form is my preference but decent guide.
You make a convincing argument for all your decisions though. Good show.
When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...
Thanks, glad you guys liked it!
anybody have a human/dwarf PB guide?
About Gravity Well:
It does great dmg and it holds. As I don't know which I want it for most in any situation, I slot it with at least one accuracy but then predominantly recharge, as that helps both reasons.
If you solo a lot I'd go with 2 accuracy first, as you don't want to miss the Void/Q.
I have recently got tired of all the binds/toggles. I did a respec, and it was the best thing that I couldve done. Now my lvl 36 WS Human/Dwarf Rocks, when you do the repsec, you dint have to wait til lvl 20 to place slots into the Dwarf slots/powers. You can start sloting right at the begining of the respec. Tho my human is weaker, the Dwarf side is fully maxed out.
"Show Them No Mercy!!"
Founder/Creator of Dragonians Dynasty
Retired First Seargeant (Vet)
I have recently got tired of all the binds/toggles. I did a respec, and it was the best thing that I couldve done. Now my lvl 36 WS Human/Dwarf Rocks, when you do the repsec, you dint have to wait til lvl 20 to place slots into the Dwarf slots/powers. You can start sloting right at the begining of the respec. Tho my human is weaker, the Dwarf side is fully maxed out.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yup thats what I just did, I have to vouch for it. Since I had two vet respecs..and the recently issued freespec. I figured what the heck, and was suprised that I could Slot Dwarf Form, right away. With slots, the dwarf is a very good "Scrank" hybrid. He hardly dies and can handle +2 mobs solo.
My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi
Thanks for making this great little guide... With the changes coming up in Issue 13 I'll be using a Human/Dwarf build as my secondary to my Tri-form build... I just can't wait to get into open beta to test it out!
well i am about .25 away from hitting 38 on my WS, this character is by far the funnest. Your guide definately helped my map through what i need to take and what i should drop.

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya
CDN_Guardians Guide to Human / Dark Dwarf Warshades
My Warshade has become one of my all-time favourite characters that Ive had a chance to play in the past 2+ years. I remember when Kheldians were first announced; the name alone, Warshade, drew me to the AT and Ive never been disappointed. They are definitely one of the cooler looking ATs with the bluish-purple auras that surround us as we use our powers. Our blasts have a distinct look and we have one of the best nukes in the game.
This guide will detail how Ive built my character and how I play him. This is in no way the defining build of a Warshade or even a Human/Dwarf Warshade. Warshades have an enormous variety of viable builds that are possible given the number of powers we have access to.
I can tell you with all honesty that this character is one of the most powerful Ive had the chance to play.
First some information on Warshades. They are late bloomers. This is a fact, not opinion. Our best powers are not opened up until the 20s and in some cases the late 30s. But once you have access to those powers, you will become incredibly powerful. PvP is definitely not our forte. Some people have made it work with their builds, but given our reliance on enemies to buff ourselves, and corpses to summon our pets and heal ourselves, PvP can obviously cause some problems.
Warshades inherently have the Teleport power named Shadow Step. We also receive Shadow Recall at level 10 which is identical to Recall Friend. You will be a popular fellow in the lower levels since you can recall your teammates to the missions long before they can get a travel power. Warshades cannot access the Teleport pool (duh, why would you?) or the Flight pools. Super Speed and Super Jump are available however.
Warshades also receive an inherent power called Dark Sustenance which grants damage buffs for every Scrapper & Blaster on the team, defence buffs for every Defender & Tanker on the team and mez protection for every Controller on the team.
Warshades receive a higher max resistance cap than most ATs. Our cap is 85% resistance to damage types.
This guide requires a respect at some point. I planned my Warshade up until 40 and respeced after that. If you plan on using Nova as a way of speeding up the leveling until your 20s, you might require two respecs.
Alright, lets start. This is how I made Despotic, my Human/Dwarf Warshade and how I plan on finishing his build.
Umbral Blast:
Umbral Blasts have the secondary effects of slowing enemies run, jump, fly and recharge by 20%. This is noticeable once you start stacking your attacks.
Shadow Bolt:
Your starting blast. You have a choice of this or Ebon Eye as your starting blast power. I went with both since I like the chain they form right away. Shadow Bolt is pretty much identical to Neutron Bolt in the Radiation Blast set. Low damage but very quick activation and recharge. This power will be a staple of our single target damage chain.
Ebon Eye:
Your other starting blast. Slower recharge than Shadow Bolt but hits a little harder. Plus, purple laser beams out of your eyes are damn cool. Again, this power will be a staple of your single target sequence.
Gravimetric Snare:
Single target immobilize. I didnt take this as I prefer to use my range blasts. That said, taking this instead of either starting blast is viable since it actually has a higher base damage than either with similar activation and recharge numbers to Ebon Eye. I just like to shoot stuff and Shadow Bolt costs half the endurance.
Dark Nova:
The flying blaster platform. I tried this power, but I didnt end up keeping it. It does fantastic damage but I wanted to focus on our human form since it offers some great control & buff powers later in the build. That said, if people wanted to use Nova to speed up the leveling until their 20s, it is a viable strategy.
Shadow Blast:
Our third and strongest single target blast. This one looks pretty cool as well as it leaves a purple contrail as it flies to its target. It has a normal range. I mention this since a lot of blast sets that have a third stronger, single-target attack often have a shorter range than the other two attacks.
Starless Step:
Teleport Foe, just given another name. Good for dealing with Quantum enemies and Voids.
Sunless Mire:
This power is basically Soul Drain from the Dark Melee set. It requires a hit check, but it buffs our damage and accuracy for every foe hit. It gives around an 11% damage & accuracy buff from each foe. This is a fantastic power and will become the staple buff of your Warshade throughout his career.
Dark Detonation:
Basically Explosive Blast from the Energy Blast set. I didnt want knockback on this character and I found the damage lacking. If you like AoE attack powers, this is one of the few human Warshades have access too.
Gravity Well:
Single target hold and also our most powerful single target attack. Use this in combination with Starless Step to take out those Quantums and Voids. As well, it will become a vital part of your single target attack chain.
Essence Drain:
Syphon Life from the Dark Melee set. With Stygian Circle, Ive never found a need for this power, although it can be another attack or heal without needing to rely on corpses.
Gravitic Emanation:
One of our best powers. I at first underestimated how good this power is. It is a cone knockback power that also disorients. Use this power in combination with Inky Aspect to disorient entire spawns, bosses included.
Unchain Essence:
Similar to Fallout from the Radiation Blast set, but it is used on enemy corpses rather than ally corpses. It is a very powerful attack. I have mentioned our single target attack chain for three reasons, and this power is one of them. I use Gravity Well and our three blasts to kill an enemy as fast as possible. As soon as I see their endurance bar start to evaporate signaling that they are dead, I queue this power. The explosion that follows will then hit all enemies that are near. This will disorient all enemies that are hit.
Dark Extraction:
The second reason our single target attack chain is important. This is the power that allows us to summon our pets. They are purple fluffballs that follow us and blast. They do good damage and once slotted, it is possible to have two out simultaneously. This power, similar to Unchain Essence, requires a corpse to summon from. Be careful with this power. If you happen to try and summon off of a corpse that is about to expire, the power will activate but you will not receive the pet. You will then have to wait for the power to recharge. If you are unsure, wait for the next corpse.
Our nuke. It is the best looking nuke in the game in my opinion and after you buff yourself with Sunless Mire, you will hit your enemies hard. It also has a disorient secondary effect that is very helpful in protecting you from the survivors.
Umbral Aura:
Starting power we have no choice over. Gives us a natural resistance to Energy and Negative Energy.
Gravity Shield:
Toggle shield giving resistance to Smashing & Lethal attacks. I used this shield continuously until Eclipse became available at which point it felt redundant. Some people keep it in their builds to ensure their S/L resists are capped, but this build is tight for power and enhancement slots.
Orbiting Death:
Nicknamed Orbiting Debt by players that use it before you have the ability to handle the agro it generates. It has a larger area of effect than standard damage auras with its 20 foot radius. Used in conjunction with Inky Aspect, this power will contribute significantly to your total damage output.
Penumbral Shield:
Fire, Cold and Toxic resistance. I did not feel this power was necessary and did not fit it into my build.
Shadow Cloak:
Basically Cloak of Darkness from the Dark Armor set. Gives stealth with unsuppressed speed and a slight defence buff. It also grants a perception buff, which is handy against stealthed enemies. Dont bother slotting for the defence buff, as it is minor, but this is a very helpful power to have. It also stacks with Super Speed or Nebulous Form to give complete invisibility.
Twilight Shield:
Energy & Negative Energy resistance shield. Again, I did not fit this power into my build.
Black Dwarf:
Our Tank form. It makes us turn into a mean looking, hazy, purplish, lobster looking creature. It is a very durable form with inherent mez protection and base resistances of 37.5% to everything except Psionic attacks. It also gives a HP boost. Dwarf form removes the benefit of the Fitness pool, as well as Dark Sustenance.
When choosing this power, it automatically gives access to the following powers:
Black Dwarf Strike: light, quick recharge melee attack
Black Dwarf Smite: stronger, slower recharging melee attack with a chance to knockdown enemies.
Black Dwarf Mire: identical to Sunless Mire from Umbral Blast
Black Dwarf Drain: identical to Essence Drain from Umbral Blast. This is the only heal available while in Dwarf form.
Black Dwarf Step: identical to Shadow Step, the inherent human form travel power.
Black Dwarf Antagonize: AoE Taunt power, good for pulling attention away from your squisher teammates.
Stygian Circle:
The third reason our single target attack chain is vital. This power allows us to siphon health and endurance out of any corpses nearby. With 3 recharge, 2 endurance modifications and 1 endurance discount, this power will be up roughly every 15 seconds and with two corpses will basically refill both your health and endurance. Many people would choose not to so heavily slot this power, but I rely on this as my only heal. I want it up as fast as possible. The health recovery is strong enough on its own not to require additional enhancements.
Nebulous Form:
Basically Phase Shift from the Concealment Power Pool but with the additional bonus of granting an enhanced jump. It does take over a second to activate, so if you plan on using it as an escape power, be aware of the situation. The power lasts 60 seconds. You can stack this with Super Speed or Shadow Cloak for complete invisibility in PvE. This is a great power to use in conjunction with Super Speed to get through tough zones. I took this power later in my build.
Inky Aspect:
Another power I underestimated when I first designed my Warshade. It is a PBAoE (Player based area of effect) aura that disorients all minions within range. Used in conjunction with Gravimetric Emanation, entire spawns, bosses included, can be disoriented. I use this power with Orbiting Death to disorient and whittle away groups of enemies while I set myself up for Sunless Mire and Eclipse.
Stygian Return:
Self rez power, similar to Soul Transfer from the Scrapper Dark Armor set. Requires an enemy nearby to fuel your rez. I have not tried this power yet and plan on grabbing it at lvl49.
One of the best damn powers in the game, period. For every enemy it hits, we receive 11.25% resistance against everything for 90 seconds. Thats right, with 2 resistance SOs and basically 5 enemies, you will have capped 85% resistances against all damage types. This is the power that causes Warshades to bloom so late in the game. This power is not available until lvl38 which means lvl40 is the quickest it can be six slotted and this power is worth those slots. You will make Tanks look bad after you use this power.
Power Pools:
I chose Hasten and Super Speed to complement my build. Hasten helps with some of the longer recharging powers like Dark Extraction, Unchain Essence & Eclipse which you want up as much as possible. Super Speed is purely optional. I got tired of Teleporting around and took Super Speed to alleviate this as well as granting me invisibility when stacked with Shadow Cloak.
As I remain in human form for most of my play, I went the Sprint, Health, Stamina route. Many players find Stamina redundant with Stygian Circle, but I find if I blast continuously, Staminas recovery is needed.
These are the only Power Pools I felt helped round out my Warshade.
Notes on Tactics:
Warshades really shine on a team. The bigger the mobs, the more powerful our buffs. Having a Tank to hold agro really allows us to open up with our attacks.
However, Ive found my Warshade is more than capable solo. Invincible can be difficult, as the mobs are smaller and a purple boss, with nobody to buff myself off of, can be quite difficult. Ive found Unyielding to be the most fun.
My usual tactic is to Teleport into a group with Inky Aspect, Orbiting Death and Shadow Cloak running, click Eclipse, followed by Sunless Mire and hit a Boss or Lieutenant with my attacks until they drop. Unchain Essence will take care of most of the mob. Extract Essence to get my little buddy, and wipe up any survivors. Use Stygian circle after Unchain Essence to recover and move on to the next mob.
I often use Dwarf to herd or gather groups for Eclipse & Mire and when I am waiting for Eclipse to recharge.
Dwarf Mire + Sunless Mire + Quasar is also one of my favourite tactics.
Notes on Binds and Tray Set-Ups:
Managing all the powers a Warshade has access to can be cumbersome. I found the following binds invaluable:
/bind g goto_tray 3$$powexec_toggleon Black Dwarf
/bind h goto_tray 1$$powexec_toggleoff Black Dwarf
This allows you to change to Dwarf form with g and return to human form with h.
/bind j team $target Incoming Teleport$$powexec_name Shadow Recall
This allows you to teleport your teammate with j and alerts them a teleport is incoming
/bind shift+lbutton powexec_name Shadow Step
This allows you to teleport by holding down shift and left clicking. This will make traveling using Teleport much easier.
To organize my powers, I have my human blasts and my Extract powers on Tray 1. Tray 2 houses Stygian Circle, Sunless Mire and Eclipse, as well as the toggles I run in human form. Tray 3 houses my Dwarf powers. When I change into Dwarf form, Tray 3 switches into Tray 1 position and switches out when I revert to human form. See the above binds.
My toggles, Orbiting Death, Inky Aspect and Shadow Cloak I have bound to X, C, and V respectively with the /bind x powexec_name Orbiting Death command.
Notes on Enhancement Buying:
Hopefully you have some influence saved up on your 50, because fully slotting your Warshade with SOs can be a very expensive process. Given the greater number of powers we have access to, our inherent powers, and additional powers granted by forms, you are looking at slotting many more powers that you had to with the other ATs. If you dont have a lot of excess influence, be patient using DOs for as long as needed. There is nothing more frustrating than having a basically empty slot because your SO turned red when you leveled and you cannot afford to buy another enhancement. I dont really have any specific advice on this, but I wanted to mention it, since I found myself in this exact position a couple times. I was too used to the cost of slotting up my lvl50 Defender, and the extra slots can really add up.
I hope this guide will help any aspiring Human/Dwarf Warshades! Good luck!