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  1. Yay, no more hideous Hasten!
  2. Primantiss

    Ok, I give up!

    One would think Time *would* have a Rez is the ironic part.. Turning back the clock to a time before your ally died seems like a natural choice, and makes more sense than some of the other rezzes in the game.

    But as said above, not having a Rez doesn't bother me.. I normally don't like Rezzes on my support sets because I feel forced to take them lol.
  3. Primantiss

    Where to start?

    I would recommend Virtue if you like larger servers.

    It's one of the biggest servers, and the people are quite friendly in my experience.

    Plus it is the unofficial home of "RP" if that's your sort of thing.

    Also, if it makes you feel better, 5 Million isn't really anything to worry about these days. You can make that back no problem.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
    Probably the Dowd from Star Trek.

    He killed an entire species just by thinking of it.
    Heh yup, I remember that episode. I always wondered what it would be like to see him square off with Q.

    ooh..and inb4 this turns into another Superman vs Goku thread..
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound
    (Radial is the one with +Special)

    Right, good catch xD

    Like you said, you might as well give it a shot and see how it goes. Fortunately we aren't hard locked into our choices in this game.

    I personally think you'll enjoy it. It comes with so much utility and damage boosts that cant be made up elsewhere. Whereas there's plentiful other ways to boost your Defense those few last points.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    [*]in English, unless it being in another language suits the character. I will be the sole arbiter of whether a non-English language name "suits the character," but generally, if it has a direct translation in English, I want it in English, primarily because of the next item on this list. If it's a word in another language that doesn't exist in English (or has been appropriated as-is from that language), that might be okay.

    [*]obviously meaningful in some way to the character's powers, theme or costume without having to be explained. I say again, without having to be explained.
    This is the primary reason why I don't go the popular "Just try the same name in a different language" routine...

    Sure, I will know that my character is named "Flash Bang" in ancient Greek, but odds are everyone else thinks I just typed in random gobbledygook. To me that thought is kinda disheartening.. I understand why some people wouldn't care, but it's just not my cup of tea.

    Anyway, sorry to go off the track a bit. I wish you luck in your endeavor. I am terrible at coming up with creative names so I won't waste your time with my nonsense ;P

    .. Oh wait, I already have *gasp* !
  7. Do you Incarnate out your toons? If so, Radial Core Clarion comes with a Power Boost effect as well. Allowing you to have that juicy capped defense and perma Soul Drain / Soul Consumption.

    If not.. Well, I found my Time toons to be plenty sturdy enough with 30~ defense if I was aggressively debuffing with Time's Juncture. Since you have so much E/N Defense I'm guessing you also have a hefty Ranged Defense which helps for those pesky snipers and whatnot.

    As for the team.. well.. With all the IO's and Incarnate powers flying around in the late game these days I don't find myself worrying about the extra few points of defense PBU would give them. I know that's terribly un-Defendery of me, but its the cold truth for many teams I've been on.

    It is possible to Soft-Cap without PBU btw, though it comes with substantial end drain, and a few pricey IOs.
  8. Primantiss

    Targeting Change

    Funny, this one change would bring the Emp Defender from one of the worst Defender soloers to a top contender.

    Mez protection

    Fort:, possibly Power Boosted, yielding nearly soft-capped Defense, as well as healthy Damage and To-Hit buffs.

    AB: yielding great Regen/Recovery bonuses, and a hefty 100% Recharge Buff. Would be Perma out of the box with SOs when used on yourself.

    And lets not forget the great heals for when **** hits the fan.

    Pair it with Sonic for Res debuffing goodness and you'd be set.. Too bad it'll never happen.

    Reminds me of why an Emp Duo is so effective.
  9. If I remember right, it wasn't so much a change to how it procced, but to how the power worked.

    It used to scale up with the size of the spawn you used it on. So if you used it on a group of 10 mobs, it spawned 10 gas clouds (maybe not 10, but more than 1), I believe it also had no target cap.

    This caused a TON of proc rolls to occur, so you were guaranteed to get a hefty amount to go off.

    There were times where I'd use it on a full 8-man spawn and it nearly killed them all, a single AoE blast finished them off.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Even if you only play on one server, that's either 36 or 48 characters possibly getting the extra trays.

    If you only have a max of 36 slots per server, that comes out to 44.44444444444 points per character.

    If you have the max of 48 slots per server that comes out to 33.333333333 points per character.

    That's for one additional tray.

    You may not have all of the slots in use or even purchased, but if you buy the enhancement increase now and use or purchase slots later those character get the extra trays then.

    Still quite reasonable when you look at it that way.

    I like to look at it through a "time saved" viewpoint.

    I respec/reroll a lot, I strip a lot of toons, having 2 extra trays has probably saved me hours of boring work. That time saved is time spent having fun, which to me is well worth the investment in the long run.

    Reminds me of those pricey power-saving Washer-Dryers that cost more than your regular ones but save you a couple bucks in the long run.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    I can't really figure out what the OP wants in point 2, and I can't tell if I'm too drunk or just reading it wrong. In reality it's probably a combination of the two, but I'm honestly baffled.
    I believe the OP means changing the physical level of an IO. So a person could take their level 34 Luck of the Gambler IO and change it to 25, or 50, or whatever.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    Hmmmmm. /ponder

    I might have to give Dark Mastery a try... I'd miss being perma-softcapped... but with the -ToHit from Time's Juncture I'd still be equivalent to softcapped vs anything within debuff range... and damage output really is his main weakness he currently has ~52% +Damage when solo, perma soul drain would push him up to ~170%... that sounds very nice. (Plus, Dark Consumption would help manage his endurance better).
    Yup, was a tough choice for me as well, but once I tried it out I never looked back.
  13. Yup, its incredibly annoying. Though Trappers should be able to lock down the harder targets with their Immob Grenade if they bothered slotting/taking/using it.

    My trapper spends more time picking off the various LT's that run off after her initial AoE barrage than she does with the rest of the spawn.. It's ludicrous at times as they run FAR, and take forever to come back, sometimes when I'm onto the next spawn or two ><
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post

    So is blaster blizzard going to be the same as defender blizzard?
    I have a gut feeling that the devs will finally fix this little oversight when they normalize and adjust all the nukes. So Defenders/Corruptors will get a weaker version of Blizzard instead of the Blaster version..

    At this point Ice Storm being fixed wouldn't surprise me either.. (And RoF on Corruptors)

    I hope I'm wrong.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    It is a very solid corruptor/defender set as long as the whirlpool gets the same damage as the blaster version does.
    sadly, it seems the Devs have learned their lesson and are now applying proper AT mods to Rain Powers. We saw it in Defender's Rain of Fire, and currently on test Whirlpool does proper damage for a Defender. I didn't check Corruptor, but I imagine it has the proper damage mods for them as well.

    Whirlpool numbers currently on Test, for those interested;

    (damage over 15 seconds)

    Defender- 75
    Corruptor - 87
    Blaster - 131
  16. Might want to go with Soul mastery if your set on using a Power Boost type effect.

    Soul Drain + Hail of Bullets is very, very juicy. With all your recharge it should have an uptime of about 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. which lines up nearly perfectly with Hail of Bullets.

    I personally go with Dark Mastery on my Time Fenders for Perma Soul Drain (its got a lower recharge than Soul Mastery), but you have to sacrifice Power Boost for that. So weigh what's more important you.

    Perma Soul Drain + Assault + Defender solo Bonus = huge damage bonus, all the time, its like playing a Kin with the mitigation of Time.. It's rather glorious.
  17. I really only use it to finish off targets after I know I've stacked up a nice juicy dose of -Resists on them.

    I believe it actually hurts your DPS to work it into your chain, as the animation time limits the amount of -Res stacks you can achieve on a single target. I fill my gaps with Howl, as mentioned above.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Stan and Lou - OMG, I loved those.

    My personal favorite is the one when they're in a warehouse guarding a crate (they don't know what's in it), discussing the "woo woo woo" noise, then one of them 'clicks' on it and it stops making noise, and all of a sudden they no longer know which crate is the one they're supposed to be guarding.

    Dug through their videos until I found this one (okay, it was easy to find; its called "warehouse").

    It was quite funny indeed, I'll have to watch more of these.
  19. Primantiss


    Originally Posted by Tatok View Post
    I also heard somewhere that multi-slotting enhancements are really only good for 3 slots, (Ex. Slotting an offensive power with 3 damage enhancements is supposedly okay, but 4 is a serious no-no). Not entirely sure why...

    This is called "ED", or "Enhancement Diversification" You can only slot 3 SO's of the same Enhancement Type (Damage, Accuracy, Resistance, etc) before you hit some stiff diminshing returns. You can slot more, but each one does less and less for you. For example, the 3rd SO yields somewhere in the high 20%s value, while the 4th would yield a mere 5% or so.

    Originally Posted by Tatok View Post
    What I wanted to ask about is how many enhancement slots do you end up with in the end? Will you have enough to slot all of your powers with 6 slots each? If not, then how many will you be lacking for that? But if so, will you have any left over for power pool powers?

    You end up with 67 Slots by the time you're level 50. No, this is not enough to slot every power with 6 slots. This is why its useful to plan your build.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    So it does... what the heck power was I thinking of then?
    Perhaps you were thinking of Force Bubble? The final power in Force Fields. It does some hefty Repel.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Sonic Blast's Shockwave is a nice spot for the proc. It's only slightly less damage than Howl and with the proc it becomes a decent second cone aoe with some control via knockdown that lines up perfectly with Howl. No worries about things being knocked out of range.
    Indeed, I plan on trying this when I get my Sonic Defender high enough to use the IO I found.. Or when the devs finally fix the level bug (that is a bug right?? The fact that the IO is level locked to the toon which found it)

    Not only does it turn it into a decent second AoE cone that lines up perfectly, but should also turn it into a very nice mitigation tool. It has a low recharge rate (8s), cut that down by half and you have a 4 second, decent sized cone that you can spam to keep baddies off their feet.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chromium_Man View Post

    Of my 20-some odd 50's I only have two Support toons. After 8 years of CoH maybe it's time I actually learned to play a supporting role.

    and for the love of Pete, don't go "all support" and totally screw over your offense, that's just plain silly.

    I'd much rather have a /Rad Corruptor on my team who debuffs, blasts, but neglects to heal than an Emp Defender who merely "Rocks Da' Aura. " and only has their Tier1 blast.

    It sounds to me like you're playing just fine as a Rad, your debuffing, blasting and helping the team out. Doing some patch healing is always a good idea, but I would weigh it the least important part of playing a /Rad Corruptor.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
    That was as amusing as I was expecting it to be.
    It gave me a good laugh while making the video too, because its just so stupidly overpowered.

    There I was, no build at all worth mentioning, and this one power due to a single IO let me shrug off entire 8-Man spawns.

    Anchor debuffs were used mainly for pulling purposes, but I don't think they made a survivability difference at all unless I decided to try and pull 2 groups like in the later portion. (I did that primarily to test the target cap, which seemed to be higher than 16, might be because of how the pulsing works)
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArchGemini View Post
    I am now going to wait to see what the Devs do before I use the IO on him. That was ridiculous. Bonfire -> Fire Imps (close range) -> Fulcrum Shift. GG.

    Pretty much, toss in Flashfire to trigger Containment, and you should be doing extremely good damage with very little risk to you. A fire/Kin with enough recharge should easily keep it double stacked to boot.

    I did notice a very brief moment after the first one expired, that the mobs ignored KB, but it was about 1-2 seconds long and didn't pose much a problem.

    If a person slotted for range, they should be able to toss this at mobs with no fear at all of being retaliated against. The KB takes place instantly, and the mobs don't even have time to open up with their Alpha, oh and it's auto-hit.. Once they are all flopping around your golden to pick them off at your leisure, so long as you remember to re-stack the Bonfire. If you want to play it uber safe, just hug a corner or stay far away while recasting Bonfire and letting your imps do the dirty work.

    In the past the devs have looked down upon such easy tricks to gain rewards at virtually no risk to the participant. The old Hover-blasting of Warwolves springs to mind. Now they not only have Ranged attacks, but are brutally resistant to slows/immobs.
  25. Alright, sorry about the delay. I had the video ready to go last night but Youtube wasn't playing nice and was refusing to upload anything;

    Link =

    If any Devs have a problem with the music please let me know via a PM and I'll squelch it ASAP.