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Quote:2 immediate problems with using Subsurf;My first render attempt:
I've noticed these issues with Subsurface Modelling and it may that while the obj was exported in the pose it was taken in, all the object groups are still separated.
1) The models rip with all tris, gotta get rid of the tris and clean up the edgeflow, or Subsurf looks like crap. This is because Subsurf uses Edge loops, if it cant make clean edge loops it doesn't work so well.
2) The polys aren't 'melded' together. Each one is separate, easy fix for this in blender is select all the vertices, and click the "remove doubles" option in the mesh toolbar. At least this was the case for me.
Here's a little experiment I did last night really quick, tried to up the poly quality of the Incarnate Boots, because they are ever so smexy;
(Thumbnail, click for full version.. dunno why, but my image embeds aren't working)
Now I did a sloppy job, and it took the whole of 10 minutes, but its possible.
Also, ripping it in the T-Pose is your best bet if you want to pose it yourself, makes setting up a skeleton and rigging it so much easier. It's possible to do it without it, but you cant rely on great stuff like mirroring the weight paints. -
I have a couple names/reoccurring themes for said name that I try to keep true. Though I seldom try to make them look exactly like their CoH version. (Mainly because, well, its not possible xD)
Might stick up some pics when I have the time. -
Very nice painting jobs. Must take one hell of a steady hand to be sure.
Quote:On this note, is there any plan for CoH players to keep with any particular server? It'd be fun to know.
Are they releasing new servers with the FF14 relaunch?
I sort of want to try the game again, but last I looked into it most everyone had level 50 in all jobs, and level 50 in all crafting professions.. Kind of killed the fun for me. -
Quote:This is on my horizon as well.Well i had considered trying this one anyhow because its predecessor is what got me into online gaming, but phantasy star online 2.http://www.pso2.com/us/
Did that man ever play a Klingon?
He would have made a wicked Klingon..
Either way, RIP Michael, I always enjoyed your acting. -
Works like a champ Arcana.
By the way people, it works great in the costume editor, which means you can go into AE, edit an enemy faction, and use it to rip models of whatever it has available.
Those are unmodified imports out of the game, I didn't un bury them or anything. You have a huge GUI up on the corner and the character meshes down there on its lonesome. -
No more so than when some run-down local restaurant claims they have "World Famous Burgers!"
Would likely be a hell of a lot of work, but I would love to see certain caps like Aggro Limit, Target caps, and ED lifted during the last few weeks.
Also sell all Recipes at the merit vendor for 1inf lolz
Let people just go totally balls-to-the-walls with their toons while they still have the opportunity. -
The game is quite old now, but Diablo II had both the Necro and the Druid..
Necro could summon dozens of skeletons/revived corpses, and the Druid could summon 5-6 or so Pets, exact numbers depending on what you summoned..
Guild Wars 1 Also had a Necro that summoned stuff, but I don't recall much about it, thinkg GW2 has one as well, but best let someone else fill in the info there xD
Other than those 3.. well, most Pet classes cap out at 1, maybe 2 pets these days; sadly.
Edit - ^ Right, forgot about AoC necros.
Necro seems to be a key summoning class lol. -
Everything was way, way off centered, and virtually impossible to see unless you zoomed in exactly on it. I had to track em down using the Outliner and told Blender to "Center objects on Cursor". "Cursor" is kind of a mobile pivot point for Blender.
Not sure if 3DSmax/Maya has any like-options, but they should. -
By the way, I used the char select screen, a lot less clutter I had to shift through to find the body parts.
Well, there's my toon's pieces.
The bad news is, I have to align them all properly.
The good news is, she is T-posed!
Also, UV mapping doesnt seem to work, even if you enable it in the OGLE options ini.. :C Oooh well.
But now is lunch time, I'll work on her more when I return. -
Well I found various pieces of my toon, but they are not connected and are scattered all across the high heavens lmao.
Quote:That's what I'm getting as well.edit: So I got it working in that it exported an .obj, but I tried it from the character select and it just got all the planes from the UI and gave me a bunch of tris way off on the side that I assume was my character judging by the polycount. Trying from in-game now.
Oddly enough, it rips my cape, and some random head pieces lol
Also, no UV maps from the looks of things
the buncha tris are likely auras, using alpha transparency for the various effects, similar to how leaves are on the trees. -
Very interesting. seems to be grabbing background geometry alright, but my toon is just a series of flat planes, which I'm guessing might arise from the Auras, might have to try with them off.
That ***** thing looks like it might be some sort of hair specular map, or something of the like. I didn't get it, but got something like it that is quite obviously hair. -
Quote:Pretty much how I rolled.. I'd be playing CoH, see a new game coming out that caught my interest. I'd let my second account's sub expire and try the new game. More often than not I was sick of it by the end of the free time period, so I'd be back in CoH again.. Rinse repeat.Or there's people like me, who constantly try other games and just keep coming back to CoH because it's that good, even eight years later.
Hell, especially eight years later. Think about it. How much cool stuff have we gotten even since the game went f2p. How much more cool stuff was on the beta server just waiting to be released when it was suitably bug-free. All of it, gone because of some Korean boss more focused on money than on people. -
Quote:I think this is largely because COH is the perfect "Part time" or "inbetweener" MMO. As it doesn't require an absurd amount of time commitment to get anything done.Some Star Trek Online players as well. I guess alot more people played CoH then I realized.
Seems a fair amount of people play it on again/off again whenever they are burnt out on their primary MMOs, or when they don't have the time to commit to them, then migrate back when they can. -
This is pretty much how I feel, but maybe a bit further..
Like NCSoft randomly ran over my lovable old dog in the street and didn't even have the courtesy to stop and apologize. Laughing as they drive off at top speed to the bank. -
Now that surprises me.. I guess CoH has a lot of "sleepers" meddling in other games. -
Ooh, the photographers did a wonderful job getting their good side.
^ Oh man, those are so hilarious, and sadly quite true xD