26 -
I've seen many professional illustrations in books that did not look as good as this. Really nice job.
Seems obvious to me: Halloween costume. Use that last slot as your switcheroo costume for stuff you don't intend to keep permanently.
I wish I had more costume slots than I knew what to do with! -
It's the character that is important, not the outfit. A contrasting belt will help show off her butt!
Change the belt color to one of the yellow/gold colors you're using. Maybe the shoulder pads too. Blue is dominating the color balance a little too much.
Actually it's more like this:
Bren: Let's go 8D
[/ QUOTE ]
Hehe. If you do a free art contest you gotta make it a "Fill in the dialog" contest! -
Wow, I love it. Awesome facial and body expression.
Let me do the speech bubbles for you!
Girl: U wan teem?
Guy: Uh, no thanks. I'm waiting for my SG mates to log on.
[ Girl has invited you to team ] -
My only complaint is that she should have been a Corruptor.
Been waiting to see how it turned out. Looks hot! (ha ha?)
I don't know why you poopoo on the black clothing, I think it looks really good, especially considering how hard it is to do black in a black outline pic. -
The costume pieces are well done and the colors are nice as well.
The problem I see is that there isn't much variation in the colors that you picked. The Evil and Holy outfits are the big offenders as they are basically the same two colors used over and over. Even though the colors look good together it gets a little monotonous, you know... too much of a good thing. Unless this is really what you're going for (which may fit the Evil outfit well) I would suggest adding a spot of color somewhere else on the costume.
One easy suggestion is to make the hair and skin a different color than the outfit. In real life it's very rare to see someone wearing an outfit that exactly matches their skin and/or hair color so when it occurs it seems a little strange to the brain. Separate the character from the costume with color to make the character look more alive.
Regular - Change the hair color to something that breaks the color "theme" you've got going on. Changing the color of the belt and bandoleer may be helpful as well (maybe a red color if you want to stick to the theme.)
Evil - Black and white, very cliche but can also be effective. Changing the aura color may be enough to give him a real eerie look. On this costume anything that isn't black or white is going to be a focus point so the aura will really stick out if you change the color.
Full-Burst - A quickie fix here is to change the chest detail color. (Maybe dip into the reds.) Looks pretty good though so I can't suggest a lot.
Holy - The red and white looks pretty striking but it's like tartan camouflage. Where does one body part start and end? Again, go for a different skin and hair color to pull the character away from the costume a little; colors that will break the theme. Depending on your desired effect consider changing up the colors on some of the more secondary features, like the little baggy thing that's on the front of kilts, the upper arm area, and the upper leg area. You can keep red and white but maybe darken the colors a bit to make them more distinct... or pick a different color entirely (gold maybe?)
Anyway, like anything else you read on the internet feel free to ignore all that. =) -
Boy, am I ever open to it!PM on its way...
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow dude, you just hit the jackpot. lol <fanboy glee> -
Well don't give up, I'd say; but that's only if you're looking for opinions. Get some help/advice from people who know how to do it. Lots of good resources prowling these forums.
I'm not impressed very easily, but that piece does the trick. XD Very awesome!
Critique: It's begging for some effects! -
Even more cute!~
[/ QUOTE ]
Hope you don't mind the WIP stuff, I figure it's worth a bump at least right? I finished the ink... I'm going to have to learn the tablet because it takes quite a while and doesn't look as good.
Inked -
I tried to do some ink with the tablet but I just couldn't jive with it so I'm doing it with a pen, but I'm lazy so it's going to take a while.
In the meantime Karou did a quick ink + color for me here
I'll have to think of some sort of bribe to get her to really spend a lot of time coloring up the final. -
Freehand is the natural start for drawing and I can tell that you do it fairly well already. However, to move up to the next level I think you'll want to start learning some of the tricks and techniques like guidelines. I know it seems like if you can perfect freehand drawing that you wouldn't need to worry about guidelines at all, but it really does help.
I am going to assume that when you sculpt you create the basic shapes first, then fill in the details. Drawing is the same way, you build the general shapes then fill in the details (well that's one technique anyway.) That's why a lot of sketches have excess lines all over the place. -
Do you use guidelines or just draw freehand?
Should I keep an eye out at the MFRC *military family resource center* for art courses so I can at least learn some basics?
[/ QUOTE ]
Sure, art classes are never going to hurt you.. well, beyond all those snooty attitudes and creativity-limiting rules! Ahem, sorry there. Anyway, classes are a great idea when you're starting out (and beyond.)
You can also try to hook up with a private tutor. I've had tremendously positive experiences doing this. Just hanging out with a good artist is pretty inspiring and the personal attention and guidance will be a bigger help than a classroom group.
Humans learn primarily from experience, that's why it's important (and I know this advice is already all over the forum) to practice ALL the time. Every time you draw is an opportunity to learn. Make sure to save all your stuff (I'm a massive hypocrite here) ESPECIALLY if you suck. It doesn't take long to be able to look back and see big improvements, which is a confidence boost. You'll start to think, "Hey I can really do this if I keep working at it." -
I don't know what EOW ink is but I think I like it.
Looks like you have the chibi idea right to me. Pretty much anything with the head too big can fit the category, heh.
Please tell me that you make a living from your artwork. It would seem such a shame to hear otherwise.
Hehe, so is Tar Patch that nightmare where you run as fast as you can but it still feels like you're barely moving?
How about a bare-skinned amazon-ish warrior with a topknot?? -
Ok, I'll bite. I am a computer programmer, not an artist, but when I see all the awesome art that you guys do of each others' characters I get downright jealous. I figure the first step to getting my character famous is to get some publicity, so here goes!
I kinda broke the rules I think, my object isn't all that cute, but she loves it all the same.
Reference pic
Initial sketch
I suck at inking so I was too afraid to pull out the pen. I will have to see if I can get my girlfriend's (shameless plug for her) help doing it on the tablet.
I hope you get more responses, Turbo. =)