Lil Zzzzz idea




So I have this idea for a collection of pieces, and figure I would share it in case anyone else wants to take a shot at it or try it with their characters.

Pretty much having a character in this formula:
Chibi or Kid style version of <Character Name> sleeping soundly holding a stuffed animal version of <Their Love Interest, something adorable, or Dragonberry>

[/ QUOTE ]

Ones that come to mind for me on my characters:
Turbo-Ski hugging Nether-Touch plushie
Sarix Morrison hugging Project Reaver plushie
Red Kite hugging a red kite (the bird of prey) plushie or a Red Bull tube pillow (since she loves energy drinks and bars)



Also if you know any artists whose style you think would be perfect for this idea, then please do link.



Welp, I really like Yaoumei's style of chibi, infact I already had the idea of getting one from her with the same idea you are presenting, it's been an idea that ive been wanting to do for a while, and now that ive seen Yaoumei's chibi's, its got the green light.



I'd want Crimson Jimson.



Ok, I'll bite. I am a computer programmer, not an artist, but when I see all the awesome art that you guys do of each others' characters I get downright jealous. I figure the first step to getting my character famous is to get some publicity, so here goes!

I kinda broke the rules I think, my object isn't all that cute, but she loves it all the same.

Reference pic
Initial sketch

I suck at inking so I was too afraid to pull out the pen. I will have to see if I can get my girlfriend's (shameless plug for her) help doing it on the tablet.

I hope you get more responses, Turbo. =)



Very Adorable! yeah the object could be anything appropriate to the character.



(Phizuol's girlfriend)

I suck compared to him. And I'm the one who's supposed to be the artist.



Oh hush, you.



I'd want Crimson Jimson.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks the vote of confidence Dw.



Unburying this so I remember at least to commission someone to do this idea!!! I just haven't had time to get around to it with being sick most of last week with an infection and playing catch-up on all my schoolwork this week.



I am not really much of an artist (I can't even remember the last time I drew something before a couple weeks ago), but I decided to give this a try myself. I'm not sure if I got the whole "chibi" idea quite right but to me when I read "chibi" I read "little" so I hope they are close to what you meant.

Stygian Spark and reference
Earth Pig (my husband's character)
Harlequin's Hex and reference
Last Laughs (my husband's character) and reference
Hijinx (mine) and Rejinx (my husband's) and Hijinx reference and Rejinx reference



Looks like you have the chibi idea right to me. Pretty much anything with the head too big can fit the category, heh.



I tried to do some ink with the tablet but I just couldn't jive with it so I'm doing it with a pen, but I'm lazy so it's going to take a while.

In the meantime Karou did a quick ink + color for me here

I'll have to think of some sort of bribe to get her to really spend a lot of time coloring up the final.



I tried to do some ink with the tablet but I just couldn't jive with it so I'm doing it with a pen, but I'm lazy so it's going to take a while.

In the meantime Karou did a quick ink + color for me here

I'll have to think of some sort of bribe to get her to really spend a lot of time coloring up the final.

[/ QUOTE ]
Even more cute!~



Even more cute!~

[/ QUOTE ]


Hope you don't mind the WIP stuff, I figure it's worth a bump at least right? I finished the ink... I'm going to have to learn the tablet because it takes quite a while and doesn't look as good.
