Looking for help from all you costume designers




((Part two, since I put this in the wrong forum before. >_&gt)

My main, Hero Automaton, is all of 1.8 bubbles away from level 40; which leaves me in a conundrum. I have /no idea/ what her final costume should be.

So I'm asking you for help, with a few simple rules: No Vanguard Pieces, and Nothing Obviously Robotic

Here's a reference picture (and a smaller one for those of you with lower resolution monitors) of Hero Automaton's current costumes (Hero, Formal, Casual, and Praetorean). I'm looking for something to fill her fifth slot.

So, any ideas?



Seems obvious to me: Halloween costume. Use that last slot as your switcheroo costume for stuff you don't intend to keep permanently.

I wish I had more costume slots than I knew what to do with!



a bikini



Seems obvious to me: Halloween costume. Use that last slot as your switcheroo costume for stuff you don't intend to keep permanently.

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Agreed! I use the fifth slot for Halloween/Christmas/etc costumes.



Seems obvious to me: Halloween costume. Use that last slot as your switcheroo costume for stuff you don't intend to keep permanently.

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Agreed! I use the fifth slot for Halloween/Christmas/etc costumes.

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That's what I use my 5th for. I also try to keep a 4-view JPEG image of each costume I make.



a bikini

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Thanks for playing, though.



Poptarts, does she have a story or description or anything that I can use to draw ideas from?



a full body tech suit would seem to fit your concept well...why are you against the idea?



In my opinion, it makes the connection to Nemesis too obvious ("But Poptarts, she's in a Supergroup called the 'Nemesis Army' for crying out loud!" >_< ). I did sorta consider a "female Fake Nemesis" costume for a bit... but you can probably see why I decided to discard that one.

I'm not completely against the idea... I'm just looking more for something classy classy and heroic, that says: "Hey, you can trust me!"



In my opinion, it makes the connection to Nemesis too obvious ("But Poptarts, she's in a Supergroup called the 'Nemesis Army' for crying out loud!" >_< ). I did sorta consider a "female Fake Nemesis" costume for a bit... but you can probably see why I decided to discard that one.

I'm not completely against the idea... I'm just looking more for something classy classy and heroic, that says: "Hey, you can trust me!"

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Hey I like that costume!



Ok, from the description I am gathering that she is trying to become less "nemesis." So for this costume I had the idea that she enhanced her gauntlets and made them less "obtrusive" and smaller.

Hero Automaton Smaller Gauntlets

Now for this costume I combined my above thought with your original hero costume, she still was able to create smaller gauntlets and boots, but kept the whole hero in tights feel. I did this in character creator so I don't have the capes, but I would suggest the cape that I have on her just the full sive version with 2 gold "V" clasps.

Hero Automaton Hero in Tights



The pattern on the pants in the first pic are pretty distracting, but the second outfit is made of win. I'd put my vote in for the above Hero Automaton in Tights.

http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Now for this costume I combined my above thought with your original hero costume, she still was able to create smaller gauntlets and boots, but kept the whole hero in tights feel. I did this in character creator so I don't have the capes, but I would suggest the cape that I have on her just the full sive version with 2 gold "V" clasps.

Hero Automaton Hero in Tights

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I'm really liking that one. It's got a good feel to it, definitely a solid costume. Many hearts.



No problem, glad I could be of assistance.