1773 -
Sorry to see you leave Tia. We will always have Eric and purple! Oh and a big bag of tasty cakes! Good Luck in China!!! -
Quote:opps freudian slipum...gotta say it....reading his hard..???
Also Gratz to WARE.gov and GG's to all
I have been out of the loop since the end of the 1st week of Nov. with military retirement and moving and things, still don't have cable or internet access at our new place. Comcast has to run a line to our new house. I am doing this from the hotel that work has me staying in and lets just say the access is slow at best......and with the holidays I just don't see Comcast getting done until after the new year. -
Here are ones you missed from FAP i'll PM Z with this as well, thanks Kat.
@Starr Struck
@Kurgain, @Kurgain-
@Wahoo , @Wahoo1
@Ghetto Bug
@Kalibash & @Kalibash2
@Detroit Hustle
@Van Wilder
@H E A T E R, @Scarlet's Kiss
@-Mini -
Quote:OMG you didn't tell me you where expecting!! How do you tell me your going to the summit but not that your having a baby!!!...who is a full two months early on the birth date. Born last night at 320am at 3lbs 9oz, MiniTurg is breathing room air and doing otherwise well. Wife had a blitzkrieg labor (which we thought was just gas) but is up and about and eating nicely.
I'll update when things quiet down.
...send diapers. :-)
Congratz but you still get the grrr face, i'm so going to harass you on G-Chat now! -
They are usually one of the ones they have given out at con's, pax, meet and greets etc. Like the Rikti mentalist, Victoria, Ghouls etc.
I would prefer a costume code if I had a choice.
I never did get my Jerc forum titlestupid Ocho leaving before he gave it to me. But I am not a huge fan of the forum titles, plus like I already have one.
If it came down to what Lib said FAP should get something like "Ware gave us 2nd place" :P -
Thanks Kat for running the league. GG's everyone.
Cute idea
If I am not running around preparing for my flight i'll pop over and have a screeny taken and make a nice donation
Quote:Yay I can be nictus*rolls eyes*
It's not like there were a lot of female options for the video for this video. I mean there's Romulus (He's a guy), a 5th Column commander (There aren't any female models for the 5th Column!). I needed a Cimeroran General (Once again no female models of the Praefectus) I originally did have the Legionnaire be one of the female models, but it doesn't render properly until it gets a lot closer to the camera.
And then there's the Nictus. thats... um... well that can use a female voice Philly. Get recording!Now where is my name tag!
Quote:^^ This one. The accounts themselves are flaged to allow certain dev abilities.No I believe that the tools can be used only on dev enabled accounts but that the effects can be applied to another character, this is how a dev/mod/gm might re-award lost xp/slots/IOs to a player that has experienced a legitimate bug.
Dev cheating would involve logging onto a dev account and modifying a personal character on a personal account using the dev account.
Not that any of our devs/mod/gm would do such a thing
They can not grant their personal accounts (or anyone's account) crafted io's from their dev ones where they can create them at will. They can not auto lvl a toon for themselves though again it is possible to do that on their dev account etc.etc. -
Quote:Fairly sure posting in a public place isn't "trash talking them behind their backs", I also let her directly know that I thought it was a douchbag move. Since it caused a huge fight with a mutual friend damaging that relationship on top of that going to say it should be pretty evident it meant a lot. Also since I separated myself from anything she is in would think that was clue #2 that it meant a lot. Idk if it was some bs revenge move for something that had happened in the PvP league just prior where she cheated and was penalized because my team called it out or if it just amused her but I also don't care neither makes it ok in my eyes. No I won't ask for it back I shouldn't have to since it wasn't a mistake nor where we on good terms when she did it so it wasn't to "hold it" for me.Did you try asking for your name back? Maybe this person doesn't know how much it means to you. It doesn't hurt to try - rather than trash them behind their backs assuming they wouldn't give it back to you with a simple please?
Just saying.
Anyway it's not the point of this thread I was simply saying I understood where Dark Energon was coming from I didn't want to rehash this BS again. -
This thread gives me a headache and I haven't even read the majority of it....
Or you know they could like just remove Heal Decay and Travel Suppresion in the zones. I know that's crazy talk.
Quote:There was nothing wrong with the original post or question.Why do you think Paragon Studios has finally decided to sell these codes themselves.
At any rate it's cool The_Masque actually wants to trade these instead of wanting to know what the "market" for them is.
That was probably something that should not have been asked about in the first place...
Market value is a commonly used word for in game things. You read way to much into his original post, that is all.
If someone where to have asked the market value for a 3% def proc PvP io would you tell them to check e-bay? -
Quote:I have a Philly Girl on Justice, Freedom, Champion and Victory they are all my PvP toons. I also have a good reputation on each server and on the forums. So the person who took my name on exalted is known as a griefer it was very upsetting to know that this type of person took my name. It was also disturbing to know that anyone would knowingly take someone's main name period, even more so to do it out of spite. So yes it basically makes me not want to play there. You might think it's silly but it meant something to meIt seems like I heard of this before on the forums but didnt think it was that big of a deal...
- people move around servers and use the same names of their main toons?
- if that name is used by someone else, it taints the playing experince?
Im honestly intrigued by this, no snark intended.
It would never occur to me to do such a thing but then again for the most part I am a care bear. So since I work fulltime I didn't think to ask someone to save my name since again the idea of being an douchy name take'r didn't occur to me.
Quote:Couple of things about this Philly. You are agreeing with someone who says they hate exalted (exiled) because of the "name-campers". I wouldn't paint the whole server in that light. Yeah there were people who logged in as soon as it went live and took some more active forumite's names and tried to sell them. That was a very crappy thing to do, but that has nothing to do with the actual server itself.
As far as saying it was a pvper who took your name, idk, that kind of disapoints me because you are really casting an unfair light on pvpers in general. It would have been sufficent to say "a player".
(The comment isn't directed at you philly, but more just a general statement):
This tread really isn't about selling "someone's" name though, because
annihilius is just offering up names that he had gotten. So I don't think people who are comparing him to the people who tried to sell names of known players are really comparing apples to apples.
Also your right what the OP is doing is different and I have no issue with it and GL to him with the sale of the names. -
So I am having some phone/internet issues. It took an hour to update last night. Not sure if peeps where there to practice or not but I apologize for not being there. My speed currently when I actually have a connection is 0.12 mps so it makes me cry. Not sure when the phone company will be out to fix the issue :/
Quote:I agree with you on this one, one of the other PvP'rs took my main's name so I just have zero interest in ever playing there. Just the asshatness of that tainted the server for me. It happened to two of my other friends but they got their names back.And THIS is the reason i hate Exiled server. People name camping, taking names they know 'belong' to others and selling them.
I got asked if i wanted to buy the name to my best toon, a name of a toon they knew i had, i just told him to gfys.
So, to all name campers and people trying to make a profit with this type of 'game play'.. Here is a BIG <BLEEP>ING MIDDLE FINGER! -