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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    18) Etc., etc., etc.

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    That's my favorite. Use that one.
  2. <ul type="square">[*]Supergroup Name: Asawa Team[*]Website (if any): None[*]Leader or Recruiting Officers: Kyoto or Sumo[*]Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific) ingame email to @peterbilt or to Kyoto of A-Team, or Forum PM.[*]Guild Description: We are a Japanese based SG with a Japanese Manga power style. Membership is just me and my friend Sumo plus several alts. We try to play Sunday nights on a very casual basis. Base is being built pending salvage drops.[/list]
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Yay! Hopefully the lag will be much better

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    as in more lag? or less?
  4. Fourth post after a Red Name. Whoooo!!!
  5. More hints:

    1) Team often. There is an XP bonus that teams get above soloing.

    2) Complete story arcs. These give big bonuses.

    3) Do Task Forces for the same reason as #2.

    4) Set your difficulty level as high as you can QUICKLY complete a mission without dying.

    5) Sidekick with higher level characters. They do most of the work and you get the difficulty bonus.

    Larger but newer group full of friendly players with access to a large coalition of other groups. I am new to them but have played with many of them and have not yet not had fun.

    If you want a helpful group look us up.

    (Not really a good promotion for a villain group but ... what the heck.)
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    how many of the extra missions are available after you thwart the bank heist???

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    Go to and he has all the Safeguard maps available for printing. It looks like there are 5 different missions after the bank on each.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't know if I had a veryyyy long streak of bad luck, but I noticed that there is no more Malta Police band mission on live in Peregrine Island.

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    I haven't tried it on the hero side but on the villain side, if you leave a zone and reenter, you get a different list of newspaper missions. (Handy for stalkers who want to avoid the kidnap missions.)
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Main drawback for me so far is that our 50s can't access the lower-level Safeguards without getting a lower-level character to help them out. I think it'd be nice to be able to go into a lower-level zone and do Police Band missions there to qualify for earlier Safeguards. We do get the police contacts in every Zone, whether we can use them or not -- might as well make them useful for something.

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    I agree. I'm not that high a level on the hero side but I have already outleveld the Atlas Park mission and couldn't find anyone who wanted to do the police band missions last night. Maybe, somehow, allow everyone access to the maps regardless of level through the end of the year?
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Hamster demands a butt/waist option added:
    Bunny Tail.

    To go with, of course, bunny ears.

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    How else can we make Playboy bunnies. (What would they be anyway? Corruptors, Dominators? Yea, Dominators!)