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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Did you finish?

    Actually great team I joined. I will say that this WST gives a good chance to meet players that have been around or new and I never teamed with.
  2. A level 10 generic acc IO recipe? These can be bought from the crafting stations, at a relatively cheap price. Plus, why get a level 10 recipe when you can slot 15's at level 12, which takes very little time to get to.

    If this is for generic recipes in general, in my experience with 2 crafters is that the market price is close to what the vendors will buy the recipes for (very generally speaking here). Not worth taking up a market slot if no one is buying a generic recipe.
  3. PennyPA

    More Slots

    Originally Posted by JoshexDirad View Post
    1: yes incarnate stuff is out, and it's very awesome and no doubt going to get better, however it doesn't help people when exemplar-ed to 44 or lower, and doesn't make us feel at ease about those couple extra slots we'd like to have at the end of the day.
    Have you played exemp'd down? It is ridiculously easy, especially since we get some of the powers above the exemped level. I have yet to hear some one say they wish they had extra slots exemped down.

    2:getting the extra slots with A-merits is actually a great Idea, it comes down to the same thing as Purple recipes, how badly do you want those purple recipes or 6 extra slots? 30 A-merits worth? maybe 60?

    it all comes down to how bad you want it. and it would give people more to work for after 50. or did you expect to be handed the extra slots and not have to work for them?
    Interesting point I admit. But then people will focus on A merits and forcing a type of content that some may not want. I can farm paper missions all day for purples, but never earn a single merit. That would change this because in my point of view, it is like an unslotted incarnate on an Apex or Tin Mage TF, you would see players doing stuff you couldn't because they have 6 extra slots. And back to the incarnates, we are pretty darn powerful now, let alone after all the incarnate slots. Comes back to "why?" again.

    4: yes it is possible to make a good build as is, but what about a better build? i just finished building a WP and elec tank and wished I could have had at least 1 or 2 more slots. had sets and everything.
    Hence the challenge for builds.

    5:it wont devalue the experience or make the game 'too easy' there will still be some element of challenge even for the best tankers. after all it's hard to boost a power over 100% enhancement value.
    I don't share that opinion after seeing some of the stuff that is possible.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sukothai View Post
    Then why don't they get rid of the vault, inspiration collector, salvage racks and enhancement tables, if we have plenty of storage available?
    How is that answering why we need more storage for recipes?

    Salvage racks in bases were reduced and thus limiting storage.

    We have a vault in case some one is not in an SG or doesn't trust the base.

    You can put things on market slots or mule toons via email or just store in email.

    Inspirations? They are quite plentiful as is.

    What is so important about recipe storage?
  5. What Forbin Project said.

    If you can craft to an IO, why not then craft it? Plenty of IO storage available.

    Temp powers or costume item? Not needed to play and can be bought by the bucket loads on the market if not from a store (like jet packs).

    Respec? If it is that important, keep it or store on market slot or email. Or make a mule toon and transfer to them.

    We have tons of storage. Why do we need more?
  6. Well, off the top of my head:

    Deflector - just how would they solo? All toons can solo, no matter AT or powerset combo.

    Destroyer - mobs get in range pretty quick, especially in large groups. Conversely, apart from the AOE protection, if ranged def is so high, what would prevent just getting a jet pack and hovering over mobs all day long blasting them? What would happen in caves or other tight areas. Seems like a frustrating AT to play.

    Executor - Just how would this toon hold up to Carnies, or Malta, or any other mob with a status effect? They would be held/defeated no matter their damage output.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    Why was that asked for? Specifically the TF exemption. I'm trying to imagine why the player of 2005 would want that feature, and I can't imagine why they would.
    Maybe because of stuff like this. If I am reading right, that is almost nine hours.
  8. PennyPA

    More Slots

    My question is why?

    People are already soloing S/TFs, including master runs. Incarnate stuff is not done yet, and look how powerful we are getting with just Alpha. I was even on an LRSF last night with no brute or tank (just scrapper, def, 2 corr, dom, contr, blaster, fort).

    Choosing slots provides a challenge still on deciding builds. You want 6, others will eventually want more. And one time would be bad in a game that changes over time.


    Couple of other points.

    First, will all players get this as easily? A merits or whatever may come easy to some but others take time. Plus what if it is something like A merits and players don't want run tip missions or have time to collect merits to convert?

    And second is the content. Add more slots, things get easier since we can slot powers better or add more set bonuses, etc. The mobs will get easy and run the risk of becoming boring or upgraded to keep us challenged. I would not want to be fighting upgraded mobs on a toon without the extra slots.
  9. Ugh....

    Stormy, two words: force multiplier

    Defenders are not all equal. My cold def does things that my emp can't do, and is different from my D3, which is even more different from my kin, and so forth. Are they the best soloers? Compared to my widow or MM's, by far no. Compared to my ice tank? Heck yeah. Defenders are awesome as-is, even before their recent change.

    Their balance solo is what they do for teams: they make others greater. Hopefully you will learn that some day.
  10. A maybe for the STF tonight, more definite for Friday. If not on, when you start, RL has me busy.
  11. probably have screenshots to blackmail me. I mean, really, saying I hope SHamster should bring a stormie wasn't that bad!!!

    Anyhow, will be up for other TFs next Tuesday or more this week. Sadly I need another LRSF or two or three if I want my red toons to boost up. After my last two runs for the LRSF, however, I am wondering if that is almost easier than the STF. Craaaaaaazy I know.
  12. The timing of this suggestion...makes me wonder...

    Anyhow, any red toon I have made always runs the patron arcs, so I don't have an issue with them - actually like them, except that mole machine one mission. I could see the devs wanting their content played, especially if a badger wants more badges.

    But with GR, and if these weekly strike things become the "norm", well, I can see a point to allow for either badge to work.

  13. Still in with the emp for LRSF. Any thing else if you run something different. Hmm, widow...
  14. Well I am two out of three on SHamster's list - nobody's perfect!
  15. PennyPA

    The Tally

    Didn't get much time.

    Grand whopping total:
    Scrapper from 6 to 12
    Stalker from 20 to 23

    Actually had more fun with Murphland and Iggylove running +1/+8 RWZ missions with my MM and get them some levels.
  16. I am not sure this will lead to any thing useful. Off the top of my head, these so called least used powers are very situational. Players have found a use but the content in the game doesn't give enough opportunity to use them. They still work just fine as is.

    Also I think of things like granite in stone vs. the other powers in that set. Would they need to changed or granite?

    What about snipes? I have dropped for me, but they still can be used.

    And sure many other cases can be made.

    I am sure the cottage rule will be brought up too.
  17. /signed too.

    I wonder how hard it would be to have a pop-up text on a player's name in the search window like for an enhancement or power, etc.? If you hover for a second or two, it would same Teamed, LFT, Team Leader, etc.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    Yep... At a high-rise condominium. I was DOORMAN! Protector of Privacy and Carrier of Luggage!
    And thus Doorclaw was born...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Yes actually they should. All they have to do is add a "quiet room" like the AE buildings have. Then the players that want can choose to do their transactions there and the ignorant louts can go suck eggs in the regular section of the market.
    I was talking about caving in to power suppression in the current WW/BM markets. I read the idea on a quiet room for the market in the suggestion forums and agree that would be a good comprimise.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    They should do it at every market in every zone in the game.
    No, they shouldn't cave in to people that want to transfer their problems onto others.
  21. PennyPA

    Linked Accounts

    Originally Posted by Traska View Post
    But isn't it a thank you to the player? That's my point, overall. Also, I think you'd see more second account holders. It's actually the main reason I don't have a second. If I could go back in time and set my second up retroactively, I would.
    You are not clear here. You had an account open, you were given a "thank you". One account, one set of vet rewards for keeping it open. Two accounts, two sets of vet rewards, etc.

    A game should be judged by its content, not its vet rewards. If the content is bad, no amount of vet rewards will keep some one playing.
  22. PennyPA

    Linked Accounts

    /unsigned too. IME, vet rewards are a thank you by the devs for your loyalty keeping the account active. You kept an account open for 6 years- grats! you get the benefits. You kept an account open for 1 month, you don't get the same benefit.

    You aren't cheated in any way here. You were given the rewards for what you did - keeping an account open. Want more? Keep more accounts open that period of time.

    Plus all this linking and dropping sounds like a CS nightmare to manage and overly complicated.