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  1. Paris_NA

    Fan Videos

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    Big thanks FatherXmas!!

    Paris, I'm trying to look at the higher quality. Dang thing gets about a quarter of the way through buffering then just stops dead.

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    Odd, I'll never understand how the internet works. Anyway here is another link to the videos through a different website. Not all the videos listed there still exist; Tiny Gravel, Kato, and Lorenzo Giovanni have dissapeared.
  2. Paris_NA

    Fan Videos

    Here is a like to some videos that I have made and posted to youtube.
    Here is a link to some of them at a higher quality.
  3. Paris_NA

    Really long hair

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    If another superhero game comes out with loincloths and long hair...I'm there.

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    Please dear god, leave already. None of the rediculous things that you want are ever going to happen. Heck, they wont ever happen in any game in the next 10+ years. Looks like it is time for you to take up programing.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Hi, my name is Larry.

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    This is my brother Darrell and this is my other brother Darrell.

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    (do you think our age is showing?)

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    Yes, yes it does.
  5. Hi, this is my brother Darrell and this is my other brother Darrell.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, so I was all giddy like a scholl girl when I read about the weapon customization today. I thought WOW! the devs really amazed me this time. Maybe they don't suck...maybe I'm too hard on them.

    Then I saw this. A complete listing of all the "customizable" weapons with pictures. Are you serious?

    Instead of making everyone think this was the greatest issue ever, just to be let down hard....they coulda stated that we would get the same old lame weapons with silly skins on them. Same stupid super soaker just camoflauge, same katana sword....just black or red. Same recycled crap. Nothing has changed. Same old devs.

    Tell me I am wrong. PLEASE I want to be wrong! Tell me these are just playeer made crap and this isn't what we are getting........please

    EDIT* Ok I was wrong. These are player made mods....hope this isn't what we get though. I am expecting different kinds of weapons, not just different colored skins. I really wish the devs would clear up what exactly they mean my "customizable"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You are wrong and looking at an old mod site isn't going to change that fact. Weapons mentioned include, tommy gun and sniper rifle for AR. Shovel, Wrench, main gouche, rapier, and others for some of the melee sets.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    You calling me out Janlee???

    Yeah I believe this is bad for in game. Yeah I think such things most be earned.

    However a market place for that exist its called e-bay they don't need to advertise it in game.

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    Actually, e-bay no longer accepts those kind of sales and there are none currently up there. It is now against their terms-of-use.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I love CoX

    I love Cookies

    I love.........ok....TY Devs

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    but love CoX more.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    The slow plodding pace of the new unnamed MMO came as a horrific shock where suddenly I'm walking for 10 minutes to do a 2 minute quest.

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    I just need to take a second to say ... what the F. Words cannot do justice to my amazement that developers are still using this ... rotting donkey carcass smeared with rancid vomit ... of a gaming idiom.

    Great posts Euler.

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    The only problem with that snippet is that he must have been walking from one end of a zone to the other end. I've timed it before. I can run from a certain Bridge between talk folks and halflings to the main Tall Folk town and do so in under 10 minutes. That's one of the longest paths in the unnamed MMO and he's grossly exaggerating how slow it is.

    Then again, he also didn't mention that you have fast travel (basically travel that is faster than using the Pocket D teleporter) available between major cities and a somewhat slower mount travel from town to town.

    I also suppose he failed to mention that other forms of teleportation ARE available, just not at the level restricted section the unnamed MMO is at right now until it goes Live.

    You see, he failed to mention these other salient points in his diatribe on how unnamed MMO = horrific and CoH/V = gotta be a cheerleader.

    The bad part is... no one will listen to the facts I've posted and will only remember the untrue negatives the OP stated.

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    Actually, that special travel is only available if you have already been to where you are going and lots of running to vaguely described places that don't show up on your map. I have also ran around that world quite a bit, try the run to Rivendale some time.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Blacksmith: Hello, Some Guy. Why, yes, I do have a quest for you. I lost a shipment of special ore. See, it's special for some obscure reason that I don't think you care about.

    Me: OK, gotcha. You lost a shipment of ore. I suppose thieves stole it and you want me to go kill them and get your ore back?

    Blacksmith: Thieves? Oh, no! The caravan tipped over into the river and frogs ate my ore. You should go out by the river and start killing giant frogs. Some of them should have my ore.

    Me: Say what now?!?

    Blacksmith: I'm missing about 20 pieces of ore. Well, come on. Chop, chop! Those frogs won't kill themselves.

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    Please make Sam an NPC and make some portion of this his quest. Trolls can be frogs and thieves! It'll be great!

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    No joke! That was an actual mission. The blacksmith had lost a shipment of ore and frogs had eaten it, so I was supposed to kill frogs until I got 20 drops of ore.

    Yeah, sure, the dialogue was all mine, but the mission is as-is

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    Had that mission as well. Asked around if it was bugged and was told are you sure you are in the right swamp? For me that game was fun for a couple weeks and then the sameness was unbearable. "We don't want to actually show you where your missions are so you can enjoy looking at the country side" got really, really old.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    First mission- Destroy Cables (Not exactly sure what the real name of the mish is, but it is the objective anyway)

    Enter the mission through a submarine near Statesman, to enter what the Villains call “The Fab”, and destroy the cables they are producing for Lord Recluses giant web! In this mission, it is probably easier to split up the damage dealers and send them to the web cables to destroy them fast. (I think it is around 40 cables that need to be destroyed). After destroying the cables, you will be sent to a cut scene of Arbiter Sands talking about coffee, and all that garbage about his schedule.. Blah blah blah… Run up to where you entered the mission and you will see a huge mob of Arachnos soldiers waiting for you by a Flier. Buff up the team (Or if you’re the non-buffing team send the tank in first), then send the tanker in. Follow up with AoE’s/Cones to get rid of the extra mobs around Arbiter Sands (lvl 49 AV, he summons extra drones like he is a Mastermind or something). Then focus on the AV, to take him out fast. Exit mission before the ambushes get to you.

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    Forgot to mention the series of ambushes that spawn after to you finish the cables and the fact that there are more cables lying around than you need to destroy.
    A tip to complete this mission faster- Leave 2 cables up top and when you get down to 2 left everyone head up top destroy them and take out the AV.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    To my understanding and knowledge, a lvl 50 could create, slot, and use any IO in the game, provided they had a legal spot to put it. So a lvl 50 could visit the university, create a lvl 10 IO and then use it if they wanted. This is of course all subject to change between now and I9's live date but I see little reason why it would.

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    If you have 3 level 50 DMG SOs on your level 50 Hero or Villain, and You add 1 IO for DMG and something else ... You get a whole 1% difference.. for the DMG it got from like 95% to 96% ....

    So I REALLY wouldnt suggest putting Lower than your level IOs in. Unless You have already got all the set pieces... so you can get those extra bonuses..

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    Or you could REPLACE one of your damage SOs instead. No idea why you would want to put lower level IOs in as a general rule.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    How will the people who don't have CoV be able to get into Grandville?

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    First of all, on your computer the only difference between CoV and CoH is the skin of the log on screen. All the maps for both 'games' are on your hard drive.
    Second, they wont be going to the 'real' Grandville. The will be going to an instanced version. There are a few CoV missions, not counting the mayhem missions, where Villains visit the City of Heroes. All of them are instanced.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I am looking for general information on this SF. I have not seen one guide or any site that has any news about this SF. All I have heard is that it is hard and be prepared to fail a few times. I am looking at doing this later this week, on Virtue.
    If anyone has done it or has some sort of guide as to what types of missons, length, team makeup, etc... that would be great.

    Lady P

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    Well there is Paragon Wiki, my guide, How to fail the LRSF, Lord Recluse Strike Force Guide 1.0, and others in the Players' Guides forum.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Did you know...

    There used to be some nearly impossible to find mission doors due to a navigation bug? One such door was underneath a basketball court in the SW corner of Brickstown (/loc of 367.2 -30.6 2280.1, if you'd like to check it out). The bug was that for some reason, perhaps because it was located below some minimum terrain threshhold, it produced no beacon to follow in your navigation window, and by guesstimating using your map, it lead you to an empty basketball court. Only by noticing the narrow, fenced-in ramp adjacent to the court could you find the mission. Occasionally, you could find several toons just meandering about this basketball court unable to find their mission . I'm pretty sure this was fixed (or that door is no longer used, perhaps), although I can't recall the specifics of how or when.

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    I believe they have fixed the bug and made it so you see that the mission is below the ground a significant amount. There are actually 2 locations in Bricks. The one you noted and one on the north side near the middle.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    I still say if they're going to make us a damage-only AT, give us Tanker/Brute secondaries.

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    Yeah, someone here wants God mode.

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    Lets see: Energy Punch, Bone Smasher, Stun, Total Focus, Frozen Fists, Ice Sword, Ice Patch, Freezing Touch, Frozen Aura, Fire Sword, Combustion, Fire Breath/Breath of Fire, Fire Sword Circle, Lightning Field, Charged Brawl, Havok Punch, Thunder Strike...

    Do I need to continue with the list of Tanker/Brute powers that are already Blaster powers or have you gotten the point that your "Bwahahah, someone wants godmode" assertion is asinine?

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    You and I both know what AuroraGirl was asking for. She wants the defensive sets, not the melee attacks.

    Please don't bother trying to insult my intelligence.

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    No need to try apparently. Tanker secondaries? Blaster secondaries are dripping with them. Which part of "... a damage-only AT" did you get "I want defensive sets!" from?

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    Do any of you know what you are talking about. First of all Tanker secondaries are attacks and Brute secondaries are...da da da defense. Why people would want more melee range attacks for the ranged damage dealing AT I have no idea. Why someone thinks the devs have smoked enough crack to give players a High damage dealing Primary and High defense secondary is beyond me.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Or even better, is it possible to make a (Dam, Acc, Rech, or EndRed)/-Knockback enhancement to keep from forcing any change on anyone, and giving people who don't like the knockback the ability to remove it?

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    I 2nd that as I have long wished there was a -Knockback enhancement.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    Hey States, any talk of PvE base raids?

    Like if you do so many SG missions from the SG computer (yeah, that's not in either) against a specific NPC group, they get upset and attack your base?

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    LOVE this idea.

    Imagine this - you've been running PB missions from the SG computer all day, when you get the next tip. Only this one is in a different color ...
    "Hey <SG NAME>, we're hearing some nasty rumors about <VILLAIN_GROUP>. Seem's they are happy with you for taking down so many of their people. I'd suggest you dig into this and find out the truth!"

    WARNING - Taking this mission will lead towards a raid on your base by (VILLIAN_GROUP). This raid will happen shortly after you finish this mission, and will be sized according to the number of heroes in your base.

    If you take that mission, you'll get the usual "Kill All in map XYZ" mission. You'll then get the clue that the group is already heading to attack your base! 10 minutes after mission complete, the raid begins.

    Mob groups will begin to spawn in your base, and try to destroy the base by placing bombs. If they place X bombs, you lose. The groups will spawn in waves, with each group working towards a different room to place their bomb.

    This mission could be done only once per week, per SG, to prevent farming. There are obvious balance issues, but the core concept seems pretty cool.

    -- War

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    Heck they could throw in SG missions like the ones from brokers/police band. I think that would be pretty cool.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    So why not lower the cost of base plots? If not the Secure ones (which allow as many IoPs as you like), then how about just the Hidden ones, which is what an non-IoP SG base will have anyways. Since rent is going to be plot-size based, lowered costs for Hidden base plots can be reflected in the updated rent values (nothing too insane, I'd imagine, since Hidden plots only allow for one IoP). This will allow the semi-active SGs, as well as the slower SGs in the long run, to be able to expand their base size, and maybe even take a shot at the Citadel of Pain (more players doing something that takes a lot of resources to make!), and since they can only have one IoP in their Hidden base... well, it should be balanced. <_<

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    Or even better create a new plot type that doesn't allow any IoPs, call it Public and reduce the cost by 3/4s or 1/2. This will really allow the non-PvP oriented SGs to do their thing without impinging on the PvP balances. Of course it will show that a vast majority of the playerbase don't care about PvP...
  20. Recently upgraded our base, you can see the pictures here.
  21. I remember....

    Practically jumping out of my chair the first time a Vampire changed into a Werewolf in front of me.
    Sneaking over to Talos and trying to fight mobs +8 to me.
    Gaining 2 levels doing the Positron TF.
    4 or 5 teams hunting Hydra in the Perez Park Lake.
    Thinking the Kraken was a Urban Myth.
    Seeing dozens of people in the Abandoned Sewer Network to farm Hatched Kraken in the (still) broken Sewer Trial.
    Getting a whole team griefed by TP friend.
    one-shotting things with snipe.
    Spending 20 minutes climbing to the top of buildings in KR looking for CoT.
    Getting killed by a Tsoo Sorcerer INSIDE the hospital after his friends had just killed me.
    People literally waiting days for Lusca to spawn.
    Construction projects lasting for months to create the Arenas and then Universities.
    I remember beating the respec trial just before they brought down the servers to nerf it.
    The invasion and the Council vs 5th Column
    The 1st time fighting a Zeus Titan and he emptied his missiles on my team. It was so cool I had to say it in chat. Felt kinda silly when I noticed the rest of my team was dead.
    When my Ill-Rad suddenly became FOTM even though I had been playing him from the start of CoH.
    I remember the 3 day Hami raid on Freedom and was there for a good portion of it.
    CoT portal missions...Nothing topped them for excitement and XP.
    The first time me and SG saw Rikti. They were just standing around in Steel so we walked up to them even though they were purple. Of course we died.
    The first time I saw DE chasing after someone in Steel.
    Learning how to use the momentum from TP...then it was gone.
    I remember a Scrapper herding masses of Wolves into a kill zone for our team to wipe out and always losing a member or 2 to Fulcrum Shift.
    Hollows? We don't need no stinken Hollows.

    The Atlas Park music still sends a shiver down my spine.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I guess I had it pretty good. One of my regular teammates used to GM D&D games so he would always make up a reason or an objective for us to be sweeping the streets.

    Ex: sweeping the upper level freeway in skyway city he'd say "Okay boys, we have a diplomatic motorcade coming through this area in 10 minutes, we need to keep it as clear as we can!" then 10 minutes later he'd pick a car and have us follow it, clearing out any baddies we encountered as it went along.

    Or he'd come up with a story about the CoT kidnapping people from a king's row building project and bringing them to Perez to use in rituals. We'd then hunt down the CoT spawns with the people in a green cloud.

    I miss that guy heh.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow, that actually sounds really cool.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    You know, I actually do feel like an old man by now. I've seen and done so many things that the new players haven't even heard of, let alone done. Hydra in Perez Park is a good example, yes. A time before respec, costume alterations, capes, back when Elude was a toggle and Blaster nukes left you end drained AND disoriented

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    I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Burning Tanks on fire off the shoulder of Brickstown. I watched Smoke Grenades glitter in the dark near the Crey's Folly gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nice use of one of the great quotes from Blade Runner.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    is it their fault though? I think not. The SF's design doesn't favor Stalkers since they're just pure damage. But ya know what? I've had three successful RSF runs and we had one stalker in two of the three time. Masterminds and Doms can't get a invite? that's a load of [censored], same thing for other Brute types.

    I find your "fact" not only flawed, but stupid.

    My first successful RSF team consisted of...

    3 Brutes - 2 Stone, 1 Fire
    2 Masterminds - 1 Dark, 1 Bubbles
    2 Corruptors - none were /Rad or /Kin from what I remember
    1 Dominator - believe she was Ice

    the other stone brute, the dominator and one of the corruptors were people that completed the SF successfuly and knew what to do about pulling.

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    If that was indeed true then we would see everyone being invited to do the RSF instead of just Stone Brutes and Corruptors with the occassional pity slot for a friend. It stretches the imagination beyond all reasonable belief that the team you list above could do it currently.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love how when people say they have done it without an optimal team they are immediately discounted. I also have completed it with non-optimal teams. I.E. no Kins or Rads, heck of the 7 times I have complteded it only once was with a Stone Brute and only once had a full brute & corruptor team. Heck a couple times we failed, we had Kins, Rads, and Stone.