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  1. Thank You for your help. I really like Master Minds, but I've also wanted to try out a corruptor. I was thinking Sonic / Pain. Sonic has a small res debuff in it and may be of help as well as the +regen you stated above. This could work out. Thank You Again UberGuy.
  2. I have played extensive blue side builds and just started red side. I've never run the new hami raid either side, but I'm really focusing on red side at the moment and only have experience with master minds at this point. I'm looking for an AT that can help out redside but would still play easy to the learning curve needed for Hami. I don't want to be a burdon to the raid as I'm learning how to do it. If you can help me with an AT and power set, I'd appreciate it.
  3. Pans_Folley

    Here's to 2010

    I'm just looking forward to keeping my account active in 2010. I got an email saying that my account was inactive due to nonpayment. I should really pay more attention to CC information and update that once in a while.

    Seriously, I look forward to running with all ya'all in 2010. The static teams kick back up next week and we have people ready to roll. New Hami raids and TF's are being whispered about, which I look forward to. Plus as posted above, "Going Rogue" is something I'm personally eager to try out. Go Demon MM!!!!

    Thank You All for all the support and great teaming and play time! You've all been just awsome! I look forward to more in 2010!
  4. I wanted to give it a go again. I havn't done a Hami since the new one came online. The last one I ran with, we lost because of griffing. At that time, monsters could be dragged into the fight causing major problems for the teams just as the mez and attack phase of Hami took place. I know that those issues were addressed with the new release, but I've still never returned. Mostly because of the time on Sundays. I would like to get into it again if you are going to keep these up during the week. The holidays are my only problem with attending right now, but the new year will bring order back to what is right now, chaos.

    I'm sorry it didn't go well for you all. I only hope it can be done again soon and vindicated.
  5. Pans_Folley

    Bored at work

    I'm having to wait until our stores close today. I'm trying to talk the owner to let them close now, but 10:30am pst is too early for him. He was thinking that maybe around 4pm pst or so. That means I don't get out until about 8pm pst. I have to close the books once the day is done and download the databases and crude so it always takes me longer at monthend to leave.

    I love those magic eyes. I purchased the first one that ever came out back about 20 years ago. I had everyone looking at it. Some could get it others couldn't. I had one friend, who at that time, I did not know she had a glass eye. I kept trying to tell her to relax her eyes and look into the picture. She popped out the glass insert and held it up closer to the picture, "Is that what you mean?" I was so freaked out. We laugh about it still to this day.

    Thanks for the good memories. I need them today.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Murlon View Post
    Well It looks like one more week till we get back into the swing of things. I hope you all are enjoying your Holiday, however you celebrate it. I'm looking forward to Jan 6th and getting back to the Dark Side.

    Have a Happy New Year one and all.
    I'm looking forward to it as well. I echo Murlon's wishes of a Happy New Year to All !
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    It really depends on your secondary, but +defence is great if you tankermind, and +recharge helps get your buffs/debuffs/heals up faster.

    There isn't much else I can think of that is of much use.
    My secondary right now are Thermal and Pain. Thermal is the one I'm starting to slot. When I started looking at it, I started scratching my head thinking the same thing. I figured +recharge would be good and defense would be helpful, but beyond that, everything else was hit or miss. I will slot procs. I've been reading up on those, so I seem to have a handle of what would work and what won't, but that over all bonus one just stumped me. Over All, Master Minds are a simple monster to tame and seem to require very little outside their power slotting. (Simply speaking of course)
  8. I am going to start dropping in some recipe sets and as I'm working with it, what bonuses should I keep in mind for the master mind as a general rule? Since I'm going to do the poor mans version and match items from different sets to get my powers slotted, if I'm going to slot heavy with one set that offers + Regen would I take that over something that would offer + Accuracy or + Recharge? I know that the bonus will only work for me in most cases and not the minions, so I'm stumped as to what I may need.

    Thanks for your thoughts.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energy_Blaze View Post
    For those of you interested I have created a channel named 'Control of Virtue'. Any interested may join at any time. Our normal hours will be saturday's at 6 PM EST on virtue. For those interested I will also be using my SG to house those interested. It has many teleporters and allows for quicker access to zones. This is optional of course. All levels are welcome so just join the channel when you get the chance.

    Sounds interesting, but the time is going to be too early. Are you going to be running for a few hours. I'm on the west coast (pst) and anything after 6pm pst would be cool if you're still running.

    Oh, with Virtue down right now, are you going to be running when it goes back up (if)?
  10. I've had this happen with Necro, Ninja, Thug and Merc too. I've had them do this on elevators and lifts within the same mission even. I've watched them as they come off the elevator and start running down the hall only to aggro the group at the end of it and then dissapear, having the group at the end of the hallway come after me. I've been on an open street map and watch them run to something I don't see and refuse to work for me. The pets are no where to be found, pounding buttons, going back down elevators and zoning out and back in and still nothing. I found the trick of dismiss and resummon before zoning each level keeps them in control much easier. I send a bug report every so often just to keep them aware it's still going on.
  11. I just stumbled across this. Fantastic! It sure does help out alot!

    I'm now using it on all my MM builds.
  12. Something is going on with the servers. Protector is down all the way and logging in to champion is giving me a login server error. I hope to get on in time.

    I'm Trying....

    Crud, Champion fell now. AUGH!!!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garrott View Post
    If you have your pet window open wouldn't it show if the buff went onto them?
    I've never seen creepers show up in the pet window. There is no indication that you even have creepers running after you leave the origional patch area unless you hit a new mob group and up pop the vines. It has no timer showing, no bar available. I can only tell when it runs out by the change of color on their name when the vines are showing.

    I can target the vines and cast O2 Boost on them. (found out by accident) They can also receive AM (animation shows at least) but if new vines pop up, they are not showing the buff. The pet itself is not buffable, the vines maybe, but only the ones up and running at the time of the buff. (Again, only because the animation shows it received the buff.)
  14. Pans_Folley


    Originally Posted by Kayla Rae View Post
    I was just wondering if this is a good farming set, and if not, what is it exactly good for? My friend has this build and he wanted to know if it was good for anything. lol.

    I love my Plant / Storm troller. He is awsome for Solo play and can run rather easy at difficult settings. That said, it is going to be a little slow going at times only because the damage is spread around and the mobs can take a little time to bring down. I've run a few AE missions for farming purposes and picking up tickets is fast and easy.

    Expect a little down time for endurance. Even with Stamina and recovery bonuses from sets, I can still have some issues with extra large groups. I use hasten so once in a while that -end kick can hurt a little.

    Sometime, the mob group you're fighting may be a factor. I love fighting CoT, Councle, Family, and Carnival. I do not like Malta and Knives. Some go down faster than others. The varity of damage offered by Storm can cover a range of damage and depending on your Epic, you can cover every aspect. Smashing and Lethal are the primary damage from Plant with some toxic from creepers. S/L is resisted more at higher levels making take down times a bit longer. Storm had wonderful debuffs to defense and resist that are priceless.

    Use seeds! Even if you're farming for exp. Seeds are going to make things faster and easier for you. Some farmers have told me they hate it when seeds (confuse in general) is used because they don't get the max they expect. I love it! You'll never see me without seeds, creeper and rain.

    In short, it's a good build for farming. It plays differently than say Fire/Kin but still gets the job done. If your AV or Monster focused, meh, I've not had luck solo. If I can change my AV to an Elite Boss, then I've had better luck, not great, but better. In teams, it plays awsome. Rooting mobs after tank has aggro then Lightning Storm, Creepers, and Tornado can go to town without knockback worries. I've run on teams for AV and Monster Farming and we just mopped the floor with them. Creeper can grab aggro and help the tank a great deal in a pinch. Fly Trap is still stupid, but seems to pull through in a pinch if you keep an eye on it and try to move in areas to guide him through a fight. (I don't think this was a short as I wanted it, oh my.) Just don't under estimate the power of this build. It is a great build and I have lots of fun with it.
  15. I laughed so hard I wet myself.....

    Great Post!

    (where are my depends??)
  16. Are we still on for tonight? I do plan on being there. My MM is level 20 as promised and he's ready to do some serious bad guy time. See ya all tonight at 7pm pst.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AngieB View Post
    Well looks like this was a HORRIBLE time of year to start a static team. Tonight was not a good night because Winter Event started. Next week and the week after I'll be in FL. Then it's the new year and all is done! So we will try and get things rolling next year. Thanks for everyone that hung out so far.
    Still sounds like you all had the better time. We had way too much booze flowing last night and had a fight between one office worker's husband and a guy in the shop. How I missed being with you all last night. Now I'm off to fix the damage from last night. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannaka, Happy Kwanza, Merry Sostice, and A Special "What Ever Else I Forgot" to all. And A Happy New Years! Looking forward to teaming up again in 2010.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AngieB View Post
    In 2 hrs we will be having a Posi Run on our Static Team tenatively named Better Late Than Never. If you are attending, meet at Posi at 7 CST or 8 EST.
    And I really wanted to run this too....

    Have Fun Tonight All ! I have to start putting things together for the company party in about 2-1/2 hours. I'd so much rather be running Posi with you guys and gals tonight.

    I have to pretend I am happy being with all these people that I work with. If I drink, it's going to be even harder to keep my mouth shut, so I can't even get a good buzz going tonight. I hate company parties.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pans_Folley View Post
    I'm working on a Thug / TA Project. I was just thinking on ways to have Oil Slick lit on fire. I know Thugs has Arsonist. Ninja has Oni. What other set can I pick that would cause Oil Slick to ignite? I know if I'm teamed with someone fire, it would be alright, but if I'm running solo, am I limited to Ninja and Thug?
    Aw... I was reading more into Oil Slick. I see if I go Magic Origin I can use my apprentice Charm to ignite oil slick. So it doesn't really matter what I team up with TA at this point. I'll just make sure I pick Magic when making ?/TA. Cool !
  20. I'm working on a Thug / TA Project. I was just thinking on ways to have Oil Slick lit on fire. I know Thugs has Arsonist. Ninja has Oni. What other set can I pick that would cause Oil Slick to ignite? I know if I'm teamed with someone fire, it would be alright, but if I'm running solo, am I limited to Ninja and Thug?
  21. Pans_Folley

    The Mastermind

    I'm totally happy with the way my Masterminds play. I totally embrace the true idea of the mastermind. He sits back and uses his pawns to do all his dirty work. When I'm playing, I'm working on hitting the mobs through my minions. They do all the work while I'm buffing / debuffing or healing or something else. I'm working and plotting out the strategy of winning the fight. I’m keeping track of where my minions are and who is running off doing what so I can call them back to me before they are causing more trouble or calling them all back to regroup and heal up and what not.

    I'm happy with the teir 9 final training power. I'd hate to lose it to something useless to me as a buff with a crash. Like stated above, use insp. to get the same effect without the crash and you keep the powered minions too.
  22. Pans_Folley

    Carrion Creepers

    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    Weatherby Good has a Mini-guide on Creepers. Be sure to look further down the thread for the update, as there were significant bug corrections to Creepers with I-14.

    Thanks Local! That was an informational read. I have my CC 6-slotted with I/Os and was looking at sets. I'm glad I read that before I made the investments.

    I like having my CC up as much as possible. I have recharge in 3 slots plus use Hasten. I have +recharge all from a couple of sets now and working on a couple of more. Sometimes CC seems slow to follow, but I think it's more the chance to hit that may have a "miss" and not trigger the vines or patch. I know it's there with me and has a real good follow rate. I've seen it trigger effects before I've reached mobs at times. Most times, I'm leaning more on CC than I am on Seeds and I'm a big fan of Seeds.
  23. Real Life and other interests are very important. I took a year off CoX to get things together and take a good look at myself. Champion was very welcoming to me when I came back. Work, Home, Family and everything else can push you in many directions and things change all the time. I wish you the best and hope all your dreams are realized. Just remember that there is always a slot on our PUG with your name on it.

    Take Good Care Of Yourself!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
    Yeah, I was late again. Came home after my in-class finals were done, and as I said in the Saturday team thread- there have been two deaths in the family just in the last week, but I also have two papers to finish before next Monday. I'm trying to get working on one of them right now and it isn't going so well without coffee.

    If you see me online, I've got a couple higher lvl villains if you want a team to finish catching up (lvl 32 MM, two lvl 50 Corrs). I don't mind having an excuse to bring them out.
    I'm so sorry for your loss.

    I'm doing good, I made another level before heading off to work. However, I'm never one to turn down a helping hand when it comes to exp. Thank You for the offer. If you want, I'll write a note to your instructor excusing you from being late on your paper if I cause you to delay its completion.