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quick question is this still on for Saturday the 28th at 2pm?
Thanks for the information Bru. I was aware that untlimately its sg's fault for giving permissions I just find it annoying.
Just wish you could set different levels for taking enhancements, salvage & inspirations but from what I have read this would be a huge piece of work. -
As a brute fan I do not slot for damage on my attacks I slot for accuracy, end reduction and recharge (for slow recharging powers) in that order. Fury on a brute will take care of your damage. Endurence is an issue at early levels so I find it more important to actually hit them than hit them hard as each miss sucks endurence.
While I took a few days break from the game someone took 1500+ items of salvage from my sg. The 2 culprits are listed and I wont get into flaming them on the forums.
But is this something other sg's are experiencing too?
I have had alts in this sg for 16 months and been one of the leaders for 15 months (i would admit i am not a good sg leader though) and this is the second time in 2 months someone has emptied our salvage. -
I am fine for the 27th I believe - will confirm nearer the time. Only got 2 shields on my ice/cold corr now - needed stamina so respec'd.
I cant get that one to work either (crashes each time I try to load it at work - will try again at home) - the other one is more basic but I know it works for me lol
Im good most weekends and have a choice of alts if where short of anything specific:
brute ss/inv
brute dark/fire
corr ice/ice
stalker eng/regen
mm bots/ff
mm thugs/dark
My 2 prefered alts would be:
Corr ice/cold & Brute dark/fire as neither has done this previously! -
I have an ice/cold corr with the 3 shields. Just as a reminder lvl range is 15 - 20 with anyone over 20 malfactored to 20.
Hey all just reactivated my account Frozen Anegel will be back out to play. Cya all soon!
Is that torin in the flesh we see.....
I can vouch that the DHP are an active and friendly bunch. There are regular events at all levels and help is always available (and eventually you get used to Torin - lol). -
I would personally recommed Fire/dark.
Fire has good damage while dark has a heal, slow, debuff and stealth power and finally Fluffy your pet!
Rain of fire on tar patched enemies is quick death for a mob. -
Thanks all the defender guide helps me.
Enjoying the alt so far solo and on small teams he has good damage and with shields helps the team a lot. -
Are there any guides out there for a sonic/sonic corrupter? I have searched the boards but it seems sonic is unloved in the primary and secondary although it does look to be a solid team alt with its -res and team buffs.
Are their any PVP builds listed anywhere for a bots/ff mm. I am currently lvl 50 and other than badge hunting and infamy farming want to try some more PVP action (prior to bodyguard I lost badly in PVP). Thanks for any advice in andvance.
Got a necro/poison mm and although at lvl 13 I find the same with pets not always even attacking the correct target and being good at generating lots of agro when they decide to stretch their legs and chase something! The best option I find is Max's in always targeting something when out of bodyguard - not perfect but the best option so far.
pity i had to miss the even last night but i will see if i can get lvled up in the meantime to join later.
I will give this a go - as much for meeting some new players as for the uber team experience.
This alt with be a team alt and therefore i will loom to the cold powers with enough energy attacks to add a little damage.
I have just started an energy/cold corruptor and noticed a lack of guides for this build. Is this an oversite or is this build 'gimped'?
So far have ice shield, infrigerate and power blast. Are there any must have / dont take powers in these sets? -
I rolled a fire/dark and am finding it great fun. Pull to corner with darkest night tar patch, rain of fire and fire ball and a dead mob.
Played other corrupters (dark/dark & AR/Traps) and never has this much fun as a low lvl. Only question is - does this build continue to improve or does it go down hill? Currently lvl 10. -
I use the same method as NightFly and have never had any issues - however are you solo or in a team as Mayhems scale hard on your difficulty and team size?
Seeds seeds seeds enough said.....
It really is a defining power -
It is a shame this game is losing such a good member of the community. Good luck in the future and come back soon
I cant promise a large sg turn out but have Brutus69 just waiting for a crack at the heroes - was there last time we had the large turn out and it was lag heaven as we beat the heroes.