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  1. That why you see lvl 15 Glad armor + 3% def on sale in WW.
  2. LOL 94 views and not one reply!! LOL

    I'd go plant/psi/ice
  3. What is the best/most popular farm during doulbe xp weekends
  4. Dont know y you want blaster farm nothing beats SS/fire brute +8/54 against fire mobs
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frost_Heroine View Post
    can ss/fa handle knives at +4 x8 with all that def debuff?
    To me it seems if soft capped /fa cant handle the debuff cascade then something like SS/inv/mu brute should have high S&L def resistence and good debuff resistance
  6. Seems like the classic SS/fire/mu brute soft capped to S&L would work fine. But still ixp from DA missions still too slow
  7. I want to roll an AT that is best(fast) at killing AV's. What does this solo job fastest?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    I don't think so, it's no fun making out with someone who's wearing a porcelain mask.
    You havent seen my wife...
  9. PL_Beggar

    Farm FoTM

    With the nerf to ambush farms what are people using as farm mish these days?
  10. I want to solo TF's like ITF LGTF ect. What are some examples of toons that can do this?
  11. PL_Beggar

    Pvp io farm

    another way to rephrase question:

    8 man team kills one player in WB. Does each person on team have same chance for IO as if he defeated somebody solo 1 vs 1? Or does chance for io get divided by 1/8?
  12. PL_Beggar

    Pvp io farm

    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    You are saying two killers vs one killer on 4 targets?

  13. PL_Beggar

    Pvp io farm

    If you had a PVP io afk farm: one killer vs 4 ressers; and went to two vs four would the total pvp drop rate double or stay the same?

    Any one?
  14. WHERE ca I find the most farms in Warburg which server i CANT FIND ANYMORE FARMS TO GANK
  15. are there farmers on ur high pop server in warburg? My low pop server its dead. WB is a ghost town. I'd like to move a toon to high pop if I can gank some farms
  16. are there farmers on ur high pop server in warburg? My low pop server its dead. WB is a ghost town. I'd like to move a toon to high pop if I can gank some farms
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mercury_Down View Post
    I have never had my farm disrupted except by this method and then only twice.
    Here come the farm busters to Justice server
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mercury_Down View Post
    Hi all!

    I am doubtful I'll get a dev response but I am curious to know if AFK PVP IO farming is against the rules (not just frowned upon.)

    The reason I ask is GM's have been going into PVP Zones and teleporting the AFK farmers around to disrupt the practice. They are representatives of NC Soft so I can only come to the conclusion AFK IO farming is against the rules.

    If it is not, why are GMs messing with players? If it is, then how come I have not been contacted by CS? It'd be nice to get a definitive answer on the matter from the developers.
    Moot point
    Afk farms all but extinct on servers many more farm busters than farmers.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
    I recently discovered, or was told, a AE mish that I find fun to solo. I think it's 271212 off the top of my head and was made by Cyvert as a high level scrapper test. It rocks. Each black and white Leut triggers an ambush. Bad craziness.

    Tickets are a side effect, but because of this I discovered what you guys have been talking about all along. Previously I would get burned over and over on merits, and thus changed to just buying LotG7.5s instead.

    BTW, try that. It's very fun. Oddly enough, I suggested it with a medium low level team and we wiped horribly.

    I run it +0/x8.
    Ill try it
  20. What is best AT and strategy to defeat a kat/sr scrapper in pvp
  21. 2+/8x with bosses What is best toon to farm um Ill hAVE lots of buffs so nearly always at def cap and damage cap
  22. PL_Beggar

    i/o prices

    Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
    You don't know me being snide, kid.

    Hey, here's a fantastic idea! Why don't you look at the stickies at the top of this whole forum page and learn anything about anything before you come in here whining that things are too expensive and therefore, cannot be purchased at all. Is that unreasonable?
    Heres a even more fantastic idea dont reply to my posts from now on Talen_Lep
  23. PL_Beggar

    i/o prices

    Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
    No, you just need to pay 25mil or more.

    You can't make 25mil or more?

    Well, I guess nobody can. I guess the market is just fuelled by witches.

    I'm sorry I thought this was COH not WOW were snide remarks are the norm....