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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Unfortunately the devs have said that while they could make this work for new characters, they don't have this information stored for existing characters.
    Dang, i wanted to know when i made my 1st Char back on Pinn over 4 years ago. Wish i wrote it down
  2. I would not mind seeing the powers listed under or next to the name.
    If possible a date to show when you made a char too.
  3. Do you mean Power as in Power Set (Fire Blast, etc) or power pool(Super Speed, etc) or a Single Power(Burst form KinMelee, etc)?

    Set: illusions
    Pool: Speed
    Single Power: Unknown for now.
  4. Nice, i plan to do something like this soon with ether My Main Badger or my Back up Badger, both of them are MasterMinds.
  5. You forgot to add some type of link.

    Never watched the movie, don't plan on watching the TV Show.
  6. HELLO!!! Poison has no Self Heal, it's mostly SINGLE TARGET(with half the effect in a 8foot radius), not AoE like any other. Poison is FINE!

    Poison is meant to be 'weak' without its debuffs. Sneak up on one you win. It sneaks up on you, you die. Simple!

    Plus it NEEDS to hit for it to work. Not auto hit like the Toggles in Rad. It can't face other MMs that easily without some back up.

    The "AoE" part was a Buff since NO ONE* played a Poison before.

    *I had mine before the Buff and i saw a few others, Nerco/Poison, Mercs/Poison, Bots/Poison, but it was far and few between poisons.
  7. My Spines/Nrg Stalker has yet to copy over, tried last night around 8ish EST.
  8. The Heal enhans work on they healing power that pet has.
    Nerco: All Pets have [Life Drain] at some point.
    Bots: T2s have [Repair]
    Demons: T2 Ember [Abyssal Mending] [Abyssal Reconstruction]

    Only way to buff there Hit Points is power wise. Can't recall all atm but here's 2 to show.

    Cold Domination: Frostwork
    Incarnate Destiny: Rebirth Core

    Seeing as MMs have yet to get Cold Dom for a set looks like Rebirth is your only way.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
    Now I could go for parrots or organ grinding monkeys! That would be seriously cool, but are there REALLY any male toons out there who want kitties?
    A Parrot and a Dragon for me, let someone have there kitty, as long as i get my Mini-Dragon or Parrot i don't care.
  10. I 2nd this, i want a Fire and Ice swords for my Dual Blader. adding more is always a good idea.
  11. Not yet, nor any Street Justice ether. They might be working on them and what groups for them to go to.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    a "take only one of these" choice like the Crab venom grenades would be nice too.
    I like this better. Hib is a great [PANIC] button. Yet to use/test the Ice Bastion due to fact i only have (2)Nrg Aura Stalkers and a Nin Stalker.

    I like the Take one or other idea for many things really.

    While we are on the topic of Ice Armor Tanks, can we get a "Alt" Shield that looks like Hoarfrost. The Blocky Ice is hard to use for some outfits of mine.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post

    Thank you! now i can read up.
  14. Maybe Prometheus didn't care who got the power and just wanted them to go away?

    Anyone have the download page link to the comics, never got around to reading them yet. I can't seem to find it (might due to fact im just waking up).
  15. Bad Idea: Running TPN will a Team full of AoE.

    Good Idea: Buffing Team mates.
  16. OmniNogard

    Staff Mastery?

    Staff mastery? you mean Staff Fighting? around or shortly after i22 and that beta (i22) is starting early(mid-jan at the soonish) next year.
  17. OmniNogard

    C'mon Newb!

    SD=Self Destruction its a 'Nuke' like power. Aiming for the Blaster Nuke got the Self Kill Nuke.
  18. OmniNogard

    Copying Macros

    I do not know how since i rarely use Macros.

    But when making new ones later on open a Notepad(or any other word programmer). Copy it into the pad to simply Copy and Paste. Just a small idea for future macros.
  19. Seems the Copy Tool is being spotty again. Tried to copy my Merc/Pain for a respec, not there after 30ish minutes
  20. I 'never' really HAD a problem being mez'd on my way to 50 with both my Demon/Poison and Bots/Dark.

    If you 'ask' me Mez's are the least of the MMs worrys. Just stay in Bodyguard mode. The ONLY 'bad' Mez is a LONG Mez, to the point where your pets are dying and you're still stun/held.

    There is a few set bonus and Global "Procs" that give Res to Mez to cut down how long you're mez'd.

    Res IO: Impervious Skin: MezRes 7.5% Stackable up to 5 if you have the Res powers to slot it in.

    ToHit IO: Adjusted Targeting: 6 Slot for more 7.5% (unsure on that part, if stackable with the Skin or not).

    There are more set bonus that cover a single mez (Confuse or Stun or Held, etc)
  21. If i recall that's been fixed, i had a Demon/Time when the open beta for the set happen and noticed one pet always attacked faster then the other. On live my Demon/Time is not having 'faster' pets.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    if you dont want to wait for this bug to be fixed you CAN always unlock the slot through trials and/or converting threads to xp
    Don't forget the Unlock you can buy for the Alpha for 5(10?) Astrals.
  23. Try sending in a Petition to get it.

    Reminds me of the odd Tailor bug. Where you could not unlock your 5th slot even if you did all 4 missions AND Salvage. Still missing the 5th slot on one of my 50s.

    Keep forgetting to file in a Petition to try and get it my 5th slot.
  24. Wow in just 24ish hours that guy went from a Job to a "Evil Man" on the Internet.

    Attacking his "wife and kid" is out of line, if there real. I would feel sorry for his kid, growing up with a man like him would get you bullied in school.
  25. Yes the Succubus (CoT) has, Hellish Bolts Ranged (Cone), Moderate Damage(Negative Energy), Knockback

    Demon Summoning however dose not. It covers Slows and -Res.