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  1. Anyone got a link of the Recipe Icons?

    Like Absolute Amazement, and Blessing of the Zephyr, etc. etc.

    I couldn't find any on the paragonwiki
  2. Obsidian_Light

    Trial Education

    I actually miss running Mothership Raids every Tuesday, like I used to, a year or two ago. Stopped doing it when RWZ became 'all levels' and I found my beloved raids filled with level 1's thinking it was another farming tactic.

    On the other hand, I'd be more than happy to educate anyone on the good times that is Mothership Raids. (Though, by now, they're kinda a no brainer......at least in my mind >.>)
  3. Just came home, logged in to work on my base some more, and ALL of the servers are grey.

    Anyone know what's going on?
  4. Here's my two cents.

    So far, I've gathered that Farmers are bad, and don't know anything about the game, except how to farm.

    All Farmers need to banned, be knocked back down to level 1 (or whatever 'desirable' level the thread trolls think most appropriate.)

    This is an utter load of poohbear's honey.

    I've been here for 4 years. I've TF'd, I've farmed, I've RP'd, I've played at least 90% of the content multiple times, I badge hunt, I participate, and sometimes organize events, I base build...

    Wait...I said a key word didn't I?

    Yeah, that's right, I FARM. I will farm for 3-5 hours in day. I have toons I've spent billions of influence/infamy/information on to be able to stand up to the farms that are both CONTENT (omg, there's actually farms in the content) and AE.

    The Dev's have outright said they WILL NOT do anything to help the current market conditions, because that is a mini-game in itself. So, why the flapjacks would I spend 2million inf on a rare piece of salvage, when I can buy it with AE Tickets for 560(?). That's a waste of influence, in my opinion, but to spend 15 minutes getting over 1k of Tickets to get at least 3 rare salvage pieces, or roll some recipes that I might luck out on and NOT have to spend MILLIONS of influence for. Oh yeah, I'm exploiting the game, by working around the marketeers.

    No, this is not a bash on anyone who plays the market. I respect you guys for something I've yet to get a grasp on. Keep up the good work.

    Let's talk about clutter. SG/VG bases take up FAR more room than a MA arc ever will. In fact, there's a little bar at the bottom of your AE window, when you make an arc, that tells you how much room you have left to spend on the arc. Bases don't get such a 'notification', so when we get up to 1k in decoration items making a totally tricked out base, it's entirely possible to CRASH YOURSELF out of the game.

    So shut up about 'clutter'. Get some search-fu, and FIND the arcs that aren't farms. Or...I don't know..try the first few pages of the AE list, because they aren't farms. Or, there's a section on the boards where people POST their arc numbers, and beg people to play them.

    We have been given the tools to select what level we want our enemies at from -0 all the way to +4, and how much of said enemy should be on the map, from 1 standard hero, to 8. Do you want AV's, and Bosses? You can choose that too. It's quite infinite how you can play this game.

    So what, I choose to farm, when I'm not FARMING iTrials for Emp merits, and Incarnate Salvage to get up to Tier 4 in all my incarnate powers. I choose to build my base as large as I can handle it, until my system crashes me out, and I realize 'holy cheeseballs, I need to make some changes'. I choose to be a villain, or a hero, a rogue, or a vigilante. I choose if I want merits, or a Hami-O from the STF, and LRSF.

    Are you getting the picture?


    This is how I choose to play the game I pay for.

    Will this 'no revive' thing stop me from farming the noodles off this game? No it won't. Will it slow me down? By maybe a few minutes. Have I, personally, hit MARTy yet? No I haven't. I will rejoice when I do though, because I've been trying like mad since I found out about it.
  5. If you're big on solo'ing, from what I remember, Protector is pretty solo friendly. Albeit a quiet place to be (sometimes you're lucky to find 4 50's online at peak hours), but if that's not an issue for you, then go for it.
  6. Fallen Angel -was the name I had, and when I released the toon holding the name to recreate the toon, I found that the name was taken in a matter of 2 minutes.

    I would like to get it back. It took me 20 minutes to pull that name on day 1, with all the lag Exalted was experiencing.

    /getglobalname says 'Fallen Angel' is being held by a trial account, on Exalted, which I thought trials were done away with a couple weeks ago, so that make no sense to me.

    In any event, if I get it, sweet, if not, -shrug- it's not the end of the world.
  7. The hands have been there for as long as I can remember. I've got them on several toons.

    However, the tattooed hands are the only thing females get.

    Wishlist: Tattoos for other parts of the female body (torso, back, upper arms, etc).
  8. I believe I was playing with a level 24 or 25 in team lead, while I was only level 22. So that could have been the issue (The pets/Mastermind 'rule').
  9. Yes, I have reported it, just making others aware, at this point.

    I decided it was time to call it quits for the night, and deciding to take the lazy way back to Talos, I popped my oro portal, said my goodnights, and dropped team.

    My oro portal disappeared!

    I am high enough level to have it, obviously, and I know someone 'borrowed' my portal, but that shouldn't have shut me out of it. Just to make sure the fact that someone went in before me wasn't shutting it down, I had a friend run through, and it stayed open.

    So, be aware, it's possible your Oro Portal will disappear if you drop your team after popping Oro.
  10. Yes, I have reported it, just making others aware, at this point.

    I decided it was time to call it quits for the night, and deciding to take the lazy way back to Talos, I popped my oro portal, said my goodnights, and dropped team.

    My oro portal disappeared!

    I am high enough level to have it, obviously, and I know someone 'borrowed' my portal, but that shouldn't have shut me out of it. Just to make sure the fact that someone went in before me wasn't shutting it down, I had a friend run through, and it stayed open.

    So, be aware, it's possible your Oro Portal will disappear if you drop your team after popping Oro.

    Edit: I just realized I put this into the wrong thread. Apologies. I really am that tired that I forgot to read
  11. Obsidian_Light

    Exalted Intros

    Mornin' Exalted!

    I'm Cat, but in game people call me 'Obs'. I've been playing the game for a little over 4 years on my own account, but played at launch via my friend's account. So, I've been around a while.

    My first home was Protector, and then I moved to Freedom, and eventually trickled over to Virtue for sh*ts and giggles. Yes, I do roleplay a bit, but generally speaking I'm not a rp'er when in CoH.

    I'm one of those aggressive players, the kind of person that wants to do trials and task forces as quickly as possible, one because it keeps me on my toes with paying attention to what's going on, and two, because I really do have that many toons to do something on in a day's time.

    I also base build.

    My toon list has at least 1 of everything (Save for HEAT's and VEAT's only cause I could never get into them), but I tend to lean towards controllers and blasters over everything else.

    I kinda feel like I just filled out a dating site's application thingy. It was kinda fun.

    If you're ever interested in running something, hit me up, my siggy is my global. See you all in game!
  12. Obsidian_Light

    Mid's i21?

    Any word on when i21 updated mid's will become available?

    I'm sure it's been asked before, and I really do apologize for you guys repeating yourselves.

  13. How the balls did you manage such an impressive list with Exalted running slow as poo those first few hours? Seriously, I managed to get my friend 6 of the 8 he really wanted, and the one of mine that I really wanted, but that's an IMPRESSIVE list. Kudos to you sir.
  14. I managed to get the one I wanted, everything after that was bonus.

    Obsidian Light (This had to be done)

    Obsidian Time

    Ghost of Time

    Obsidian Aequitas

    Texas Weather
  15. Obsidian_Light


    C'mon y'all, there's only one orange juice on the market...

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    * Get some Vets with twisted senses of humor together to organize a Snipe Hunting Zone Event. Spread out over Atlas Park and start talking in Broadcast about the event. Say the Snipe is loose in Atlas Park... it's not a strong creature and can be defeated by just six hits regardless of the power or level of the character hitting it. The trick is that it teleports the instant it takes a hit and can reappear anywhere in Atlas. So... the naughty Vets spread out and begin yelling things like "First hit! I got first hit on it!", "I see it... at my location and headed East FAST!", "It's on top of the Atlas Statue! Hurry!" and so on. Sprinkled liberally with "The one who delivers the last blow gets a badge, reward merits and enough xp to raise a first level character to 10th!" comments. See how many Newbs you can get to "play".
    Twisted sense of humor....Check.

    You let me know when the Snipe Hunt takes place. I am SO there.
  17. Sister Psyche 5 - 1 = 4
    Synapse 17 + 1 = 18

    Statesman: Dead
    Citadel: Dead
    Numina: Dead
    Positron: Dead
    Manticore: Dead
    B.A.B.: Dead
  18. Mrs. Obsidian Marvel (Ill/Emp Controller) hit 50 over the 2XP Weekend event. Her purpose in life is to be the counterpart for @Omen5's Stone/Fire tank, Mr. Obsidian Marvel, who also hit 50, and pwn the STF.

    Go go level pacting.
  19. I wouldn't mind doing this.

    @Obsidian Light

    Character is dependant on which side of the world I'll be on (red, blue?)

    I've got all the booster packs

    And I'll be in game most of the day (or at least online for the duration I may step away for dinner). Send me a tell in game @Obsidian Light
  20. Stupid fiancé making last minute plans on me, and causing me to miss it....

    One day Keyes...You and I will meet again..and I will conquer you.

    Glad it went well though
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorTractor View Post
    I've never had any of these problems Red side on Freedom.
    You ever been to Cap? LOL. Cap is Redside's Atlas Park.