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  1. I hope the chainsaw is animated or it would be kinda pointless. Chain spinning and the occasional puff of smoke from the exhaust.
  2. Still not sure why you're charging 20$ for increased enhancement storage.
  3. Noyjitat


    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Hey, there is nothing wrong with using OpenGL - sure it isn't updated as often as Direct X but you can make a game look pretty good with it.
    And it runs terrible and it's unoptimized too. The game would run better and be less system demanding if it was direct x.
  4. Can't believe I missed this! I still need this on glorious

    Congrats folks.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I believe that's the Elemental Order chest piece, found under Robes if you've unlocked it.
    Whats is the costume piece the girl is wearing on the left then? It isn't the same piece as what the guys wearing. It looks more like some sort of tights but it isn't the old spray on body paint texture.
  6. Sorry about last night. I visited some family and ended up going fishing with them and leaving my car elsewhere. So I was unable to get home until a decent hour. It was an unexpected surprise.
  7. If another power supply is available to you try that. Seems a dying powersupply is often related to the hard crash issue. Cant hurt to try.
  8. They have been hating on sr and defense sets since going rogue launchemkd. Just about all of the new enemies (victoria bots, battle orbs, etc) have a crazy self buff or pbaoe buff that makes the characters relying on defense suffer.

    They need to give us pve elusivity.
  9. I was present for this. Good work all.
  10. Noyjitat

    Level Shifts

    Your league, your rules. Were fighting level 57 avs and 1 level 59 at the end of it. Its not intended for unshifted people to join and it often fails hardcore as a result when some do join. If they get mad just politely tell them to deal with it.

    I actually received a hate tell recently for not letting someone join the msr for being well past the cut off time. For those that don't already know; I started enforcing a rule that if you are more than 5 mins late you don't join the msr league. Recently a few of the big time late offenders didn't like it and made a fuss about it in LB. I'm sorry but if you can't be on time for an event that is scheduled with start and formation times posted and updated here on the forums and in 2 global channels (usually posted weeks in advance) then I don't know what to tell you. The rest of us are there on time killing pylons that yield zero merits, xp or inf and usually by 5 mins almost half of them are already dead. I expect everyone to be on time and there to help with the entire event, not just for the vgmerit/shard farm.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    This was my experience as well during beta. On a 16 man league Black Swan was a major roadblock, but once we were able to make it past her Tyrant fell quite quickly.

    This, of course, was before they made the last minute changes to his encounter. Still, it sounds as though on a 16 man league Black Swan is harder to bring down than Tyrant. There is something incredibly bad with that design...
    Not as bad as the fact that for the longest time most trash mobs were more dangerous than the boss encounter. They still can be on this trial if you let too many battle orbs remain unchecked.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
    Pebble is going to shoot those two for showing of the Retro Pack?
    With a nerf gun.
  13. Wouldn't mind a textures update, maybe even add a small park or two. But a complete overhaul? No thanks. Just update the buildings appearance, geometry and textures but keep the same layout we have now. Raining and weather would be a welcomed addition. It really should of been ingame at day one.
  14. I hope radiation melee is also in the works for those of us that value synergy. Got some sets out there that currently lack this.

    For example:
    Sonic blast on a blaster but no sonic manipulation
    Energy assault on a dominator but no energy control set
  15. That rex guy, always being too considerate of others. I have 3 accounts to help with spawning. Maybe login chillandria, krystal, and frostpatch for the fun.
  16. If you guys dont have anything new ready to put on the market all these weeks then why not bring back a seasonal costume set like the winter or Halloween or maybe even the special vanguard or roman pack?

    I found myself just recently wanting to purchase these sets for my other 2 accounts.
  17. As of 5/25/2012
    MSRS by @noyjitat fridays at 9:30pm est. When fridays are not possible I may move it to saturday when possible. Quit some of the inactive global channels you are likely in and ./chan_join vanguard operations I'll keep raid times posted there and I usually remember to keep it updated more often than this thread.
  18. update 5/25/2012
    MSRS by @noyjitat fridays at 9:30pm est. When fridays are not possible I may move it to saturday when possible. Quit some of the inactive global channels you are likely in and ./chan_join vanguard operations I'll keep raid times posted there and I usually remember to keep it updated more often than this thread.
  19. The prices you have on the consumables and alignment changes with this sale are really what you should think about keeping in place. Much more reasonable. I can see some of the non vip people being happy with the archetype prices as well.
  20. Another let down dang, guess I'll hold onto my money... Lol its kinda funny that I'm actually complaining about not giving you my money.

    Retro sci-fi please. Can't wait!
  21. Noyjitat


    We achieved a record of 11:17 just recently on the itf. Good to see others are also still working on this record.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Titania_Blue View Post
    Wow.... Another animal vanity thingy. I can't wait to get home and play "City of Animals" (aka Zoo Tycoon).

    Sim Safari.

    Animal lovers and furries must really like the updates like this and I'm happy for them. But really, you need to spread items like this out more than you do or maybe even start offering a power and a costume set each week instead of one or the other. I'm really looking forward to retro sci-fi pack but I keep getting let down seeing vanity pet this, travel power that every week.