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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    I'm hoping I21 and onwards see's a total house-clean of all the old contacts Blueside.

    Because all of them, bar Hollows->Faultline->Talos these days, are TERRIBLE. The missions are terrible. The contacts are terrible, two dimensional and badly written, the run-about is terrible, the plot is non-existent.

    This junk is even years old and, by frag, does it show!
    I like faultline... And Isn't faultline content newer like the croatoa stuff since it was a revamped zone?
  2. I'll just quote myself from the beta forums:

    Incarnate story arcs. Get behind this idea and it works for everyone. It scales in difficulty according to your team size. So if you are one player or you have 8 players on the team it still remains difficult. By default its set to +4 enemy difficulty and +1 player but as your invite people or raise the difficulty as you so choose it eventually is up to +8 players.

    So we have a solo option or a 1 team option. A story arc with incarnate level enemies. It could be something as simple as an introduction story arc to an incarnate trial.

    Perhaps a resistance fighter in Imperial City giving you intel about the Baf and some rumors about escaping mindwashed. The story arc has a few missions where you would infiltrate the baf and eventually uncover mother mayhems plan. And then they could add other story arcs related to the baf so you'd have even more options than repeating the same one for the emp merit everyday.

    Then we just need a couple for the lambda and keyes.

    It would work for everyone and if for some reason you can't solo it then bring a friend along and it will scale up in difficulty to challenge both of you or all 8 of you if you bring a full team. Essentially a mini incarnate task force.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ROGUEdenied View Post
    Grow up people and learn to play the new game content without crying about how YOU want things done. Or get a job with NCsoft and change it from the inside.
    Games tend to be more successful and profitable if things are done the way the customer wants them. Ignoring complaints and feedback is not the way to go. Time and time again has proven this to be the reason why older mmos eventually become ghost towns.

    Me personally, I dont have issues grinding to some extent. My only real complaint about trials is all the 1 - 2 shot kill nonsense they keep adding. They need to come up with other ways to make these difficult.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    Dealing with the pulse is easy: just follow the crowd and hope you've got a healer who's rocking the aura.
    Doesn't work very well when you have already been hit by something else that basically one shots you.

    They should either get rid of the pulse entirely or half the damage and make it fire more often.
  5. I hope those new female costume pieces are available to players this time and not npc exclusive again.
  6. I guess I'm wondering if they have also updated the futuristic atlas park in the villain missions, lrsf and recluses victory. They will need the new version there too.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
    I cannot see why someone would want to purchase an 84-month Vet badge, although I *can* see wanting to purchase Vet rewards like the "City Traveler" badge, as well as the +5 Salvage, +5 Recipe, and +5 Auction House slots.

    That goes for the reward which lets you get your major travel power without having to get the first two tiers, and the "Fog of War" remover.

    I think that the rewards themselves should be available through Paragon Points, but the 3-month badges (all the way up to 84-months+) have to be earned. I hope that the badges will continue to be issued to us in 3-month increments. I luvz my shinies!
    As a badge collector I would want to buy vet badges to get caught up.

    If anything though I'd like to see a way to buy anniversary badges since there never was another way added to earn those that you missed.
  8. I wish they could be more creative and make these hard without making a bunch of omg 1 or 2 shot death attacks. You get hit by anything else after a reactor pulse or by this and you're screwed. Usually a never missing victoria eye beam followed by a pulse = dead.
  9. If phase shift in that pool is like other phase powers than it hardly matters doing anything to its recharge since other phase powers can only be used once every 2 mins anyway due to the "no phase" debuff.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
    To quote part of Ghost Falcon's post:

    "Points * Dollar Equivalent * Item
    400........$5.00......................Complete Magic Costume Set (from the Magic Pack)"

    So you can buy all of the costume pieces from the Magic Pack for $5, which means the costume change emotes and the Mystic Fortune power may/will probably make up the other $4.99 of the usual $9.99 value. Maybe other costume sets will be more or less, but as a bundle $5 for all of the costume pieces from a given pack sounds pretty darned good to me!
    That's a little bland where it says magic costume set. We have a witch set and the arcane trim part of the set and something else in the magic pack. This makes me think its only the arcane or witch set that you get. So if the entire magic pack isn't still 10$ that's a deal breaker for me. I still wanna be able to buy entire booster sets for 10$ because I end up using nearly every piece.
  11. If I can't buy an entire booster pack for 10$ still this isn't a good deal. You need to divide the price up so that it still costs 10$ if you decide to buy the entire set. Atleast do it for those of us that remain subscribed. Give us a discount so we are still paying the original price.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Thanks for posting.

    I'm gonna jump way out on a limb and suggest that the 7/26 is a typo and is supposed to be 6/26
    Thanks my friend, I'll fix that.
  13. Lies everyone knows you lost all of your inf in hamidon goo.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post

    First Ward’s Level range
    First Ward is a zone in Praetoria, continuing many of the storylines of that world. It takes place from levels 20 to 26.
    Extremely disappointed.... I was really looking forward to finally having a new zone that was level 50-54 only. Yes praetorias storyline needs more zones but we also need some there for level 50s. We currently don't have enough level 50 zones and most of them are 45 - 50 anyway excluding part of the shadow shard and northern rwz.
  15. Boosters have always been 10$ and should never cost more than that to purchase ALL of the pieces in a single booster. If that's going to change then I really don't want this new system.

    Past few boosters have been 60+ costume pieces and a power for 10$ I expect to get the same amount of costume pieces for the same price. Which means they need to take existing boosters and split them up so that if you wanted all 60+ pieces for that booster you have to spend that many points equaling up to 10$

    Obviously I don't expect to get a free boosters worth of points or even half of a free boosters worth of point. But I do expect the cost to be exactly the same as its always been for boosters. 10$ no more, no less.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    So what strike team was assigned to revamp the base building system?
    Lol whut?

    All in all I was hoping for ancillary / patron color customization and more proliferation but at this point it looks like one of those not happening because we can't or won't devote code time.
  17. Hello folks just posting up a schedule of raids.

    This week
    leader @noyjitat probably playing as glorious girl.
    Sunday 6/19 (tonight) 9pm est
    Friday 6/24 9pm est
    Sunday 6/26 9pm est

    Raids will form in whichever rikti warzone has the smallest population of players. Early league formation begins at 8pm est. We will start the action at 9pm unless the zone fills up early. (unless its full due to an existing league doing a trial. At which point we will wait until they leave so others can join)

    *note* although I am only scheduling these at the usual friday and sunday times that does not mean I will not run more Let the spontaneous shipraids begin!

    See you soon.
  18. Other than purples and pvp ios, I'm one that always buys level 34 - 37 io sets so I still have my bonuses when I exemplar in mid-level content. And Since level 34 - 37 will still put you at red numbers in most of the enhancement value you aren't missing out much on enhancement value by not having 50s.

    Exemplaring without sets isn't bad but it seems like a waste of inf when you can just buy mid level sets.
  19. With how much they have nerfed defense in the last 3 issues and buffed enemy accuracy and to hit Id really like to see more damage resistance bonuses. Defense isn't nearly as powerful as it use to be. It only truly shines when the more dangerous things actually miss you. You gotta have more than just defense to really feel powerful. Its kinda pointless on things like Ice, energy, sr and shield.

    You can get some damage resistance from PvP sets but not enough to write about.
  20. I'm not sure that I'd ever do free to play but I would like to see lifetime subscription offers and way more booster packs. For them to break even they would still need people to buy booster packs eventually.

    Free to play is great for us but unless they get millions of players all buying booster packs each month or some sort of micro transaction they won't turn much of a profit and development on the game is eventually reduced and the game is shut down.
  21. So I started my 3rd account thanks to the very cheap Going Rogue Complete Collection on Steam at only 15$.

    But now being a collector of costume packs and prestige items I gotta have all those temp powers and badges such as the VIP badge and pocketd teleporter. So we head over to and we'll find things such as the:

    Good versus evil edition - Brand new at less than 10$ which also includes the sinister and justice costume packs, pocket D gold badge and teleporter power. Currently 14 new some as low as 4$

    City of Villains collectors edtion - Brand new which includes the arachnos cape and the non veteran reward arachnos chest symbol. Heroclix, a map and art book 1 month of the game and other goodies. Some as low as 4$ many below 10 - 15$. And thats still a sweet deal considering the game is normally 15$ a month at one month recurring. Details here:

    It's never been a better time to start up another account, buy missing prestige packs or to invite a friend to coh or gift the game to them. I've already bought a friend the going rogue thing.

    Archtect Edition- There are a few architect editions 4 - 9$ or less that are also brand new. Those include a month and booster pack code I believe. Details here:

    I just thought Id share this with everyone. Save some money and bring more friends and family to the game.

    I'll search around later for other deals. I think some of these are also pretty cheap brand new on ebay as well.
  22. Well last night was certainly fun. A full league showed up for the event and it was certainly fun even with the power lag Also the first raid I've hosted on my birthday so far.

    Raids for this week:
    Friday May 27th at 9pm est and Sunday May 29th at 9pm est. As always we'll meet at Point Du Hoc vanguard base and Glorious will begin forming the league early. Watch LB / LFA chat for which rwz we'll be forming up at and when early formation begins.

    Whichever rwz has the lowest population during early formation time is the one we'll use for the raid.