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  1. [ QUOTE ]

    I get a small amount of pleasure from knocking children off their pedestals that they've built for themselves.

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    Just thought I'd quote this to anyone making the argument that there aren't those who petition solely to derive a sense of satisfaction from doing so. People who do things such as this are scum.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    I bet you get a big snarky smirk on your face every time you report some kid who made a Wolverine ripoff character, hoping they'll ragequit the game because you have some over-inflated ego and false sense of importance, as if your 15 dollars a month is somehow more valuable than theirs'. It isn't. I wouldn't "QQ" about a character I made a month after the game came out (before any lawsuits) being genericed and resulting in a much better, original character. I just can't stand pretentious forumites who report people for no reason other than because they want to feel good about themselves by making others miserable.

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    Well, i can tell you I don't get a buzz from reporting someone.

    I always check vet badges first, if its a new player I send them a tell and explain the whole marvel lawsuit bit.

    If it's a vet I just send the petition, they should know better.

    But by all means, keep on thinking that we get together to gloat about how we crushed some 14 year old in Wisconsin's dream about being Wolverine. As for the $15 buck thing, I report to protect the game and keep it open. I for one would hate the game to be brought down due to the likes of you.

    May i remind you that you don't have any right to use Marvels stuff without their permission? People knowingly creating copyright toons are in the wrong, not the people helping the game stay open. I do feel stink for the kids who don't know better, but as long as someone educates them on what they did wrong, i dont have a problem with it.

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    Due to the likes of me? How so? I have no characters that violate any copyrights. I did have one, in 2004, made when I was 15 years old and 3 days new to the game before any lawsuits were filed. He was around and un-genericed for over 4 years before he was finally genericed. I didn't really care because I rarely played the character, and the generic was a long time coming, and justified. I just don't feel the same way you do. I see no justice in reporting people for making a rip off character. I see no "protection of the game" occurring either. That's a very weak excuse, frankly, as this game has already gotten through such a lawsuit as you claim to fear and that was 5 years ago, and, again, it occurred after I made what I considered a harmless homage to a Marvel character.

    By all means, though, if you truly think you're being a real life super-hero by ratting out someone's homage to a copyright character, keep up the good fight! I salute you!

    If you folks feel good about reporting kids' characters, more power to you. I don't, and I shouldn't be expected to. And yes, there is a pretentious attitude, that whole, "if you aren't reporting people, SHAME on you" attitude that seems to have permeated this thread. I'm not going to report people unless I am personally upset over what someone did. I don't make copyright characters in City of Heroes, I don't report people who do. I don't smoke marijuana in real life, I don't report people who do.
  3. I bet you get a big snarky smirk on your face every time you report some kid who made a Wolverine ripoff character, hoping they'll ragequit the game because you have some over-inflated ego and false sense of importance, as if your 15 dollars a month is somehow more valuable than theirs'. It isn't. I wouldn't "QQ" about a character I made a month after the game came out (before any lawsuits) being genericed and resulting in a much better, original character. I just can't stand pretentious forumites who report people for no reason other than because they want to feel good about themselves by making others miserable.
  4. I don't petition people because I'm not a [censored].

    And yeah, before someone points out the irony of someone with my name posting in a thread like this, I know. That's the point. This character (at least, under this name) does not exist anymore, but I still use it as my global handle and forum name in spite of it.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    He knew more I think than they usual AE baby, but was still had been only playing a week. Got his first 50 in that time.

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    He's lucky he ran into you instead of the local chapter of Purity Watch, a spin-off of the Kontent Kops.

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    What, are you trying to pretend self-righteous anti-PL morality police don't exist?

    I see some in this very thread.

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    Oh, they do, and they want every damn AE farmer perma-banned for spamming their Atlas Park broadcast.
  6. I've never seen nor been part of a base raid in my 5 years playing this game.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    Why would anyone give SUPER Reflexes to Robin or Batman? They don't have any super powers, they're agile but they can't bullet-time dodge stuff. Gee, what kind of defense set would a natural themed character with no superpowers have... Maybe... Willpower?

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    You must not remember the time before Willpower when Super Reflexes was the go-to for Natural themes.

    And Robin's a former acrobat and even more of a mobile martial artist than Batman, I think SR fits very well. Maybe Willpower does too though, Teen Titans Robin was pretty damn hot blooded.

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    Before WP I would have given Batman Invuln due to the body armor and Robin, yeah I'd go with Super Reflexes.
  8. Why would anyone give SUPER Reflexes to Robin or Batman? They don't have any super powers, they're agile but they can't bullet-time dodge stuff. Gee, what kind of defense set would a natural themed character with no superpowers have... Maybe... Willpower?
  9. Yeah, happened to me as well. I have 3 or 4 50 Heroes and 3 50 Villains, (including a Peacebringer and Widow, both 50) so when it showed them both grayed out I was like "uhh.."
  10. Who honestly cares if people make Freak farms in MA. It's not like you can't get them outside of the MA. There is no "exploitation" involved.
  11. Any epic recommendations for a TA/Arch? Being able to survive better or do more damage would be nice.
  12. I don't see in the detailed info where it improves debuff power. Does it? If so, is it worth it for a TA Defender?
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    So here's how I think things are going to go.The intial email that was sent out was early by mistake. The devs have already announced issue 15 and of course the recent release of 14. I think best case is between Feb.-April 2010. There is usally at least 4 months between issues, and that means Oct-Dec for 15, and a few more months after that for Going rogue. Any one have any other guesses?

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    They have stated that the open beta for I15 will be quite soon. This means I15 itself will probably go live in June. Seeing as it's pretty much just new task forces, graphics, and some bug fixes, I don't see why the beta would take more than 2 weeks, but you never know..
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    His Unstoppable is out of control. He will always cast it at 25%, I don't think his has a recharge.

    I can get him to 25%, he will then pop Unstop. I can't beat through the resists and regen, and he gets back to 50-60%. I get him back to 25% and the cycle continues.

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    It's probably the same as Honoree's in the LGTF.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I've applied, but I doubt that I'll get it, considering half the people that use these forums are qualified for that position.

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    Or think they are.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Wow, someone earlier said it took them a week to get a rejection letter from Paragon Studios? It took me less than 8 hours.

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    More like 2 weeks, and this was before Paragon Studios existed, so I guess it was from NCSoft.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    I don't qualify for any of these... how can you get into the game industry if they're always looking for game industry experience????

    I'd LOVE to be a QA tester for this game.

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    The "experience required" flag is put onto job postings to limit the number of applicants who flat out would not qualify. It is not, however, a "hard" requirement -- if someone is sufficiently gifted and does very well on the various tests/interviews they can still be hired. It's happened before, it will happen again....but it is rare.

    Work on Mods to popular games in your free time. This isn't "real" game development experience, in that it isn't usually a paid position, but it can teach you a lot about the why's and wherefore's of game development. This is more true if you work as part of a team, rather than solo mods.

    Write Pen and Paper game designs. Whether adventures, game systems or settings, designing these can and does help you hone your skills and can be used as a sort of "portfolio" of design work in some cases.

    Lastly, and best if you can get it, work as an intern at a game company. There is no better way to get past the "no experience" boundary than this.

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    I've done most of that, (and by most, I mean I've designed pen/paper systems and, while I don't mod popular games, I do manage a very small online game with a staff/development team of about 15 people who do 2D graphics, leveling and programming), I applied to be a Powers Designer to work with you ( nudge nudge) and still got a polite letter of declination a few weeks later, though it did stress how lucky they were to get such qualified applicants .

    On a side note, I'd love to have a job working as an unpaid intern for Paragon Studios or any other game developer really, but I live in rural Michigan so... that's a bit of an obstacle. I've got a friend who graduated from a game design school, 4 years, can't find a job in the industry and he's working at a movie theatre right now, so I imagine the market is flooded. Or maybe it's just because he doesn't want to move out of Canada where he now lives.
  18. You will be able to switch sides completely, not just in the Praetorian world. They explicitly said "you can switch sides". They wouldn't make an entire expansion if the only new content was a co-op zone.
  19. They need to just make DOs and SOs available via random drops from level 1. One thing that's always bothered me about CoH is how difficult the early game is compared to how easy the late game is (with the exception of Task Forces and other certain missions).
  20. Stretching, Water-based sets, Electric Control. No more freaking fantasy based weapon sets. Pistols would be acceptable, but if we get another sword variant powerset I am just going to freak out.
  21. The 1500 ticket limit is kind of silly. I understand it, but it just encourages ticket farmers to run really short missions, and people who have long story arcs using big maps might be the ones paying for it. Yes, I realize farmers aren't the ones playing story arcs, but some casual players might like to play story arcs AND get tickets while doing it, and because of this limit, they might opt for arcs with shorter missions.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Digital Storm Computers is a much better option than Cyberpower. You get quality parts that are tested to make sure everything works before it is shipped and you get a 3 year warranty.

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    Cyberpower does two rounds of QA and you get a 3 year warranty. I can't say you're wrong, nor can I say I'm right, but I just wanted to make you aware of that.

    And, looking at Digital Storm's prices, I can see why they might have superior customer service. I value... value though, I don't really need customer service personally, and Cyberpower has a 3 year warranty as well, so that's good enough for me. The computer I got from Cyberpower just a week ago has a 3 GHz quad core for roughly the same price as their Core 2 duo, has 4 times the memory, twice the storage capacity, liquid cooling, a monitor, speakers, keyboard and mouse... So, maybe the parts are made in China (most of them are), and maybe they'll break down or die within a few years, but I've got a 3 year warranty, and I'm getting a more powerful PC for less money, so I think I'll take my chances.
  23. To anyone who thinks there will be or wants a new "Spy" archetype... please, elaborate, what would this archetype actually DO?
  24. They have some good deals on gaming computers, better than equivalently priced Dells
  25. Just what we need... demon summoning... as if City of Heroes wasn't already Fantasy-oriented. Oh, and another weapon-based set, how fun. When was the last time we got new superpowered powers? Oh right, Issue 5 with Sonic/Sonic back in 2005. There are still some actual SUPER POWER powers that could be/should be made. Electric control? Water?

    Not to mention, Heroside Brutes, Corruptors? Why would anyone play a Tanker or Defender again?

    Furthermore, villain zones are already dead. I think it's safe to say that being able to play the damage-hound villain archetypes on blueside means that redside is going to be more dead than ever. I don't know, it sounds awesome in theory, but I foresee problems.