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  1. I´d love to see an organic armor style TW, even if it´s just a re-skinned Demon axe... or maybe for DP

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    And here I thought a retroactive weapon was something that you could shoot today and it would kill its target yesterday.
    Then why would you shoot it today, when your target was killed a day ago?
  2. I like the helm of Tartarus. sure, it´s a bit big but that´s what head-sliders are for
    Can´t wait to give it to my main, Kid Recluse.
  3. I'd love to, but unfortunately I'm stuck on Heligoland till end of october...
  4. Nos482

    Good news.

    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    (you know that big one with dwarves etc)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
    You know, if they were going to include a cat with a scorpion tail... couldn't they have just gone the extra little bit? Make the face human like, and call it a Manticore pet!
    Now that´s something I would´ve bought... along with a Sphynx pet.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Clown melee!
    Do. Want. Sooooooo. Bad.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    But many, many more people will accept whatever trial is being run, because what they really want is more reward tables, and possibly iXP.
    Also "Master of" Badges
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    because for budgetary reasons, they couldn't afford to pay the folks that write the stuff anymore.
    Yes, that's a stretch.
    More like having to let the guy go who used google translate on the content... or simply deleted stuff he didn´t want to work on altogether.
    saviour of the universe...
  10. Today I´ll believe nothing
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    I assume the vast majority of characters on Vigilance have French names, not English ones, and that most characters on Zukunft are named in German.
    I wouldn´t bet on it if I were you...
  12. Let´s see, Statesman, Sister Psyche, Malaise... probably just coincidence that all three dead characters were Jack`s.

    Yeah, totally out of spite. At least don´t do it so fracking obvious. I mean, all three in ONE story arc?

    I really don´t mind killing States, would´ve just wished to do it myself. Psyche was clearly a Stuffed Into The Fridge thingy for Manticore.
    But Malaise...WTF?! You can´t just go and kill the Vindicator´s Token Evil Teammate, that´s just bad writing.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
    I see that all of the gauges and buttons on the chest detail can be color-changed except for one. What does the red button do?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Even with this great success, we haven’t seen rapid growth within our French and German player base. This lack of growth...laber...sülz
    Hmm, have you guys ever heard the word ADVERTISING?
    No rapid growth? Could be, because it´s only by word-of-mouth here, that ppl get to know about CoH.

    Dear Devs, to best summarize my feelings for you right now...->click<-
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
    I'd be seriously surprised if the Lone Ranger remake was anything but Zapp Brannigan and Kiff from Futurama in the wild west.
    If Lone Ranger gets anything like this, I will love it
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
    Tim Burton Presents: Johnny Depp in White Make-Up, Part 7 (or whatever they're at). Co-starring Helena Bonham Carter. Music by Danny Elfman.
    Oh you will just LOVE the new Lone Ranger movie

    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Just think, if they killed Gilligan they could have left the island...
    Just eat Gilligan

    That said, I´ve never heard of this soap opera before today. And hey, Burton & Depp... I´ll watch and probably like the movie no matter what the original was. maybe watch it afterwards
  17. Nos482

    Servers are up

    What the title says; the servers are up again
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

    What's wrong with you, Africa?
    Well, be happy they´re from Africa. I they were australian, the rats would most likely be poisonous too.

    And was that three feet long (with or w/o tail) or tall?
    Three feet tall rats would be awesome and I´d definetly get myself a pair
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    No new images to share. Not sure they're off of dev shards and in an environment we use to stage images yet. We'll have some more to share soon.
  20. Appearently your vid has music from UMG, so it won´t play in germany
    Frak GEMA(german contentmafia)
  21. Nos482


    Originally Posted by IceStorm View Post
    If only this updated didnt take so longgggggggg
    And tomorow we get a Live Server Publish... Yay, more updates for you

    Welcome back.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    Oh get stuffed with your irritating and massively unwelcome bigotry. Seriously.
    Thank you, much nicer than what I had in mind.
  23. A few days ago I wanted to get me the Keeper of Secrets Badge.
    Bought the recipe, crafted the summoning ritual, got me a group, clicked on the summoning site... and appearently mapserved whole Talos

    Also there´s a rather nasty memory leak, something about a parked taxi that´s gone missing from the pigg files.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    the other one contains the rest of the log-in screen.
    So that´s where Statesman´s crotch is.
    Captain Castration To The Rescue!!!